Dysnomia Geographic Location in Zenith | World Anvil
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Heathen moon Aka Tomb Moon it’s a entire moon full of scum and villainy literally the worst of the worst. its a large quarantined moon from the rest of the already seedy dwarf planet. This "no man's land" is filled with countless bodies, some of the most ruthless and dangerous enemies in the area, and lots of abandoned hardware and gear left behind by the authorities who couldn't maintain control. It wasn’t always this way, it was just another addition to Eris but during a Vestige Tech discovery the moon went into a frenzy to acquire it, but whoever was the winner never left, those who escaped the moon told tells off what happened and, gangs, companies, mercs, military all made there way to the moon to acquire whatever this Heirloom was. Off course conflict ensued, and again the same proceeded happened, who ever “won” didn’t leave the moon but those who survived, usually independant mercs, told tells of what was there and of what they did and didn’t see. Beyond the Heirloom itself the moon has garnered a treasure trove of corporation tech, military resources, loose weaponry and other affects claimed from the corpses of those looking for the heirloom of legend. Which in turn attracts the next fresh batch of would be tomb raiders.
Alternative Name(s)
Heathen moon or Tomb Moon
Planetoid / Moon

Cover image: by Euderion Thomas Raube


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