Elemental Decay Spore Carrier Species in Zenith | World Anvil
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Elemental Decay Spore Carrier

Tier 3 Tier 3 Creatures are those who only trained professionals should attempt to fight. Elemental Decay Spore Carrier (try saying that 5 times fast) are a mystery, thought to be a fungus turned sapient was disprove as it seems the fungal side is a byproduct of the mutation and not the source and the original creature is gone. Never the less this creature is known to cause great harm to Contracted and mancers, as it's name sake it causes rapid decay of Essence and in turn elements it gets worst when they are able to achieve some level of sentience.   Tier 4 Tier 4 Creatures meet the same critique as Tier 3 but they have intelligence (Etc Sentient aliens and humans)

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction


Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Often hunted for it's spores so they can have defense against Mancer and Contracted magic

Average Intelligence

75 IQ
10 days
Conservation Status
Actively being hunted
Average Height
3 ft
Average Weight
Average Length
3 ft

Cover image: by Euderion Thomas Raube


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