Ashikaga, Lord of Rebirth Character in Zennith | World Anvil
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Ashikaga, Lord of Rebirth

Domain:Life, Grave

Alignment:Lawful Good

Past Life:Aasimar Cleric of the Life Domain



Allies:Wakuri, Quan He

Enemies:Andeddo that Persists, Gao Mo Emperor of Diyu


Ashikaga sought out every way he could support those around him. Every little bit of life magic he sough out to learn and improve upon. In his pursuit he discovered and invented so many different spells and life magic effects that he became the very essence of life itself. In that way he rose above being a mere mortal and gained immortality and became the main diety associated with life magic.

Appearance in Zhen Gho

He is the most worshipped deity within the Zhen Gho pantheon. He has temples in every major city and most of them are quite large and expansive. Along with that he is considered the leader of the pantheon and guides the others. He is most notably associated with life magic and his clerics travel curing alignments and supporting adventuring parties by bringing them back from the brink. In his union with Wakuri he is also associated with the grave as the life cycle. He does not support unlife but using every means possible in order to keep people alive to continue their lives.


In his life he dedicated his entire life to the pursuit of life magic and the healing arts. He was sought out by many people in cases of terminal illness or rare medical conditions. He traveled the continent healing and helping all those he came across. During this time he also honed his skills and researched healing magic in every corner. He would travel to major cities to see how they used mass healing to help, and smaller villages with their more natural, and sometimes mystical, techniques. Through this pursuit he began to transcend what mortals were capable of and eventually simply rose above the limitations of the mortal body and became an immortal deity.

Then in the immortal realms he fell in love with Shishido for her power and devotion. However in that engagement time Wakuri befriended him and they grew quite close. When the wedding time was approached Ashikaga came to Shishido and broke off the engagement saying he had sound his true love. He was then wed to Wakuri and together they rule the dieties. However most do not consider Wakuri queen of the gods, but look to Ko Sun-Hi. Through his marriage he also secured his role as the god of life and death, the cycle everyone goes through.

He also fights against Andeddo. As he represents unlife and lichdom it is a direct affront to life and the life cycle. So with Wakuri he directs his followers to oppose those that follow Andeddo whereever it crops up. Along with that he also opposes Gao Mo, the defacto leader, of the evil dieties, or at least non-good. He has self proclaimed himself the Emperor of Diyu, the realm of the opposites to the Zhen Gho pantheon. He hunts him down and sends his followers to stop his ilk whereever it should crop up in Zhen Gho. The fight as of late has been a stalemate and Ashikaga no longer commands the lead that he once had in the past.

by MidJourney


by MidJourney



Cover image: by MidJourney


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