Shishido before the Dawn Character in Zennith | World Anvil
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Shishido before the Dawn (Sha-she-doe)

Domain: Twilight, Order

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Past Life: She was a Githyanki Warlock of the Hexblade Pact

Weapon: Glaive

Realm: Shadowfell

Allies: Isayama, Ko Sun-Hi

Enemies: Wenluan, High Lord of Limbo


While she was alive Shishido was a Warlock of the Hexblade pact. She was bound to a particular glaive that was quite powerful. As time went on and she grew in power the entity within her glaive revealed more and more of itself. She discovered during a particularly difficul fight it had plenty of power stored away and gave her what she needed. She decimated the other side by herself and singlehandedly defeated an entire army. It was at this point she realized the danger this weapon posed. In desperation she sought out arcane experts to help her either destory or contain this power. However nothing work and no had any solution for her. She then tapped into her own soul and brought out the tremendous power that lay within. She used half of her should and all of her current power to bind the entity forever to her Glaive. When she awoke after the binding she found herself in Shadowfell being greeted by Wakuri. There she stayed as the Goddess of Twilight and Order keeping the entity in her Glaive, now named Duskborn, contained.

Appearance in Zhen Gho

While her main domain is the twilight she is mainly known for her part in contracts and agreements. Due to her failed engagement to Ashikaga she took it upon herself to make sure others to not break their promises. It is for this reason that almost all contracts, agreements, marriages, legal proceedings, etc. take place during Twilight right before evening and dawn. She has a small amount of temples within Zhen Gho where priests offer their services in mainly legal matters. They also protect against the encroachment of chaos within the realm. A number of cults dedicated to creating anarchy are hunted down by members of Shishido's temples.


Shishido was a Githyanki Warlock of the Hexblade during the time of heroes. She was immensely talented and gifted in combat. With her trusty glaive at her side no challenge was too difficult. She was particularly talented at fighting in darkness using the shadows to her advantage. There was none that could mate her prowess but many tried to do so. The more powerful she grew the more aware she grew of where the power was coming from. The entity that dwelled in her glaive was giving her power. At first it was a fair trade off and she wasn't worried. As time went on she discovered just how much power this entity had and that it's plans for her and the world were not benevolent in nature.

It wasn't until she fought in a large battle that she figured out exactly the power behind this object. She single handedly defeated an entire army hellbent on destroying a large city. She then had her eyes opened to the danger this weapon posed. However it would not be a simple task of destroying or hiding the weapon. She sought out the most gifted and wisest sages of the land. None of them had any idea as to how she could neutralize this threat. It wasn't until the weapon itself was showing her all the power it could give that a thought occurred. She reached into her soul and pulled out half of it's power. She used this along with power from the glaive itself in order to permanently confine the entity to the glaive. In the process she only has access to have her potential power as she ascended to godhood

Upon ascending she found herself in Shadowfell with Wakuri. There they dwelled together in peace ruling over their specific domains. She soon caught the eye of Ashikaga and they were engaged to be married. However behind the scenes Wakuri was courting Ashikaga and stole him away from Shishido. They were married instead and their friendship has never been the same. They still rule Shadowfell, but there is splinters within their forces. Along with this Shishido also fights off Wenluan and his forces. He teaches and encourages anarchy and chaos in everything. Shishdo cannot abide this. With Duskborn at her side she protects order and the Twilight from the chaos of the Infernal Realms

by MidJourney


by MidJourney


by MidJourney

Cover image: by MidJourney


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