Wakuri, Patron of the Grave Character in Zennith | World Anvil
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Wakuri, Patron of the Grave (Wa-kur-e)

Domain: Grave, Peace

Alignment: Neutral

Past Life: She was a Shader-Kai Cleric of the Domain of the Grave

Weapon: Scythe

Realm: Shadowfell

Allies: Ashikaga, Ko Sun-Hi

Enemies: Andeddo that Persists


While defending her home village from an attack of undead creatures she gave her life. In doing so she saved her village through an explosion of power that consumed the undead and their creator. In the aftermath of it her power was able to raise her to be a deity, specifically the deity of the grave.

Appearance in Zhen Gho

Wakuri is mainly seen in Zhen Gho through her Grave Priests and undead slayers. Funeral rites are primarily done by Grave Priests and they run burial services. This is done for two reasons. One is it is a service that is given to all people of the nation. Secondly it helps them make sure that when a burial happens there is very little chance of undead. There is nothing Wakuri abhors more than the undead and those that create undead. Her Undead Slayers are crusaders that seek out undead and necromancers and eliminate them. She has a pretty regular presence among most cities. The larger cities contain massive temples and catacombs where burial services are performed and Slayers are trained. Most of your households in Zhen Gho contain a shrine to Wakuri to pay their respect to the Goddess.


Wakuri was a Shader-Kai Elf in the time of Heroes. She was a Cleric of the Grave domain. In her time she was a paragon against the undead and those who brought them about. She would travel the land rooting out necromancers and undead threats. A particularly powerful necromancer named Jintine always seemed to be one step ahead of her. She chased him for many years before finally cornering him in a small village. There he sent everything he had at her and she defeated wave after wave of undead. Finally when her power was beginning to wane and it looked as though he may finally kill her she called on her deepest reserve. In that moment she summoned all her power and poured it into the undead and Jintine. Radiant energy exploded from her and consumed the undead and Jintine alike.

The town was saved and she awoke in a new place. It was a dim place where spirits roamed aimlessly. She discovered she was in a plane known as the Shadowfell and it was where spirits and souls went after death. There she gave them purpose and tasks. What was once unorganized chaos now had meaning and goals. As the other dieties came to power as well Wakuri was drawn towards Ashikaga. Although at the time he was engaged to Shishido. As she thought more and more about the situation she asked the spirits that passed through her realm. She talked to a particular spirit that encouraged her that until he was married nothing was set in stone. So with that confidence Wakuri began to talk and court him in a way. The more they met the more they fell deeper in love. Until it finally culminated in Ashikaga breaking the engagement with Shishido to marry Wakuri. This hurt the friendship between Wakuri and Shishido as they both dwelled in the Shadowfell and had goverened the Realm quite successfully.

Upon their marriage Wakuri was left with a choice of leaving Shadowfell to reside with Ashikaga in Tiantang or to stay in Shadowfell. She ultimately decided to stay and rule in Shadowfell and visit Ashikaga on regular occassions. During this time she also made a new enemy from the Infernal Realms. Andeddo that Persists was a Lich in life that achieved godhood and rules over the Undead down below. They are in constant opposition and work through their agents in Zhen Gho to further their goals. Currently she has been able to keep the undead hordes in check, however there has been a rise in the number of cults dedicated to Andeddo. She has sent her agents out to investigate the cause of this.

by MidJourney


by MidJourney


by MidJourney

Cover image: by MidJourney


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