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Logan Varlas

King Zelphar the 1st

Birth &Early life
Logan was born on the 17th of Arodus 441 ATU, the oldest child of Alistair Varlas and his wife Thalia Kellelli-Varlas.  
Marriage& Family
On the 30th of Pharast 468 ATU Logan married Elaine Forge. They have six children:
  1. Eleanor
  2. Girl born on the 17th of Desnus 469 ATU
  3. Lucas
  4. Boy born on the 25th of Kuthona 471 ATU
  5. Percy
  6. Boy born on the 27th of Pharast 473 ATU
  7. Austin
  8. Boy born on the 27th of Pharast 473 ATU
  9. Robin
  10. Boy born on the 26th of Desnus 475 ATU
  11. Mathew
  12. Boy born on the 28th of Pharast 477 ATU
Major Events
  • On the 26th of Pharast 500 ATU, King Ayduin the 1st (Alistair Varlas) died.
  • On the 10th of Calistril 500 ATU, Logan was officially crowned King Zelphar the 1st.
  • In the year 505 ATU, King Zelphar the 1st changed the way the gods were seen from beings who should be feared to beings that should be respected and loved as they are guides for the way of life. This changed the Lantern Festival to days of fun partying to connect to the gods.
On the 14 of Pharast 515 ATU, King Zelphar the 1st died he was succeeded by his son Lucas.
Date of Birth
17 of Arodus 429 ATU
Recorded by Leighton Brock the Master of the past for the Kingdom of Silverfall during the years 392 ATU-457 ATU
Recorded by Harris Carlton the Master of the past for the Kingdom of Silverfall during the years 457 ATU-497 ATU
Recorded by Edward Seaton the Master of the past for the Kingdom of Silverfall during the years 497 ATU-557 ATU


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