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Siveril Varlas

King Siveril Varlas the Great Uniter

Birth &Early life
Siveril Varlas was born on the 7th Desnus 315 Tribes to Rugrii the leader of the Zelpin tribe and his wife Nerta Wilde. The oldest of 5 Siveril grew up to be very protactive.   
Marriage& Family
On the 24th of Gozran 333 Tribes  Siveril married Carissa Mintos together they had four kids:
  1. Donisia
  2. Girl born on the 19th of Lamashan 334 Tribes
  3. Remico
  4. Boy born on the 3rd of Lamashan 336 Tribes
  5. Lituriri
  6. Boy born on the 2nd of Dailach 338 Tribes
  7. Valeia
  8. Girl born on the 15th of Kuthona 340 Tribes
Achievement & Major Events
  • On the 3rd of Zeliel 332 Tribes, Rugrii was killed in the Battle of Narorad
  • On the 17 of Zeliel 332 Tribes Siveril became the Tribe leader at the age of 17, with his mother acting as regent.
  • After his father's death Siveril not wanting to see any more battles started to negotiate with the other leaders to create peace. With his unique charm, he got the other leaders to agree on peace by marrying their children to each other.
  • On the 03 of Zeliel 340 Tribes, the tribes were finally at peace.
  • On the 29 of Abadius 346 Tribes the tribes chose to fully unite becoming one country they chose Siveril as the leader and king of the united tribes.
  • The Kingdom was called Silverfall after Siveril and the many waterfalls that were the reason for the long wars.
  • Siveril set into the laws of sucsaction that the official crowned names of all future rules will honour the past. The names will follow this order Lamruil, Edwyrd, Rydel, Ayduin and Zelphar.
On 29th of Calistril 375 ATU King Siveril Varlas the Great Uniter died. He was succeeded by his son Remico who was named King Lamruil the 1st.
Recorded by Spencer Atwood the Master of the past for the Zelpin Tribe during the years 285 Tribes- 325 Tribes
Recorded by Tobias Thompkins the Master of the past for the Zelpin Tribe during the years 325 Tribes-347 Tribes
Recorded by Tobias Thompkins the Master of the past for the united kingdom during the years 347 ATU-363 ATU
Recorded by Carter Crawford the Master of the past for the Kingdom of Silverfall during the years 365 ATU-392 ATU


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