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The Love Twins - Marriage daggers

Tradition behind the daggers
In silverfall the daggers is part of the wedding ceremony on which the couple swears infront of Phiaris, Goddess Of Love , Rheorr, God Of Justice and Vaarae, God Of Home to love and honour eachother, to always be faithful till Yhione, God Of Death comes for them.
at the end of the ceremony one dagger is given to the wife while the other is given to the husband.
  The daggers are kept to either be buried with the person when they die or in the case when the vowes are broken the vowes- the other person has the right to stab their pantner in the shoulder signifying the end of the marriage.
Materials & Components
The daggers are made out of Dubrese -used for the blade. the handle, cross guard and Pommel are made of Feprite. the handle is covered with Oshium for better grip. the cross guard is in the shape of two hearts sitting inside each other.
  • Overall length: 300mm
  • Blade length: 200mm
  • Weight Overall: 450g
  • Weight of Dagger:380g
How to get
As the item is necessary for the marriage to take place it is quite affordable and has a fixed price of 10 Kryna throghout the whole kingdom. The daggers can be bought at any blacksmith's shop
Consequences of being Stabed
Any wound caused by Dubrese will never heal properly and as part of the preparations before a wedding, the shoulder can be checked to ensure that marriage is done when evrything is on the table.
Marriage ended in the death of one of the couple, what now?
when a marriage ends in death the widowed receives the second dagger and can choose what to do with them. some choose to pass them down the generations.
Item type
Weapon, Other


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