Bomujeo Alternate Racial Traits

Bomujeo Shaman: Racial Ability Scores become (+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength). Modifies Racial Ability Scores.   Bomujeo Shamans are a cornerstone of their society, recording the history of the tribe and using their wit and intellect to guide the people through trying times.
Sustaining Conduits: You automatically stabilize when reduced below 0HP and gain a racial +2 bonus on all saves versus poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities while on the material plane or any place with an open connection to the six elements. Replaces Open Conduits.   Opening themselves up to the sixfold elements of reality, many Bomujeo learn to draw not sustenance, but lifegiving power from the elements around them, filling their bodies with bolstering power to help them better hold on to life.
Admixture Conduits: Select Two elements from Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic. As an immediate action a number of times per day equal to 1 + WISMOD (Minimum 1), you can change the damage dealt on a spell you cast or on a spell or effect would afflict you between those two elements(If you select fire and cold, you can change fire damage into cold damage and vice versa). Replaces Open Conduits.   Drawing on the power of the sixfold elements of reality, other Bomujeo learn to use their serene, open connection to the universe to alter the very elemental building blocks of the planescape, changing elements on the fly both to defend themselves and to better harm their enemies.
Pushing Conduits: Twice per combat, you can release a shockwave as a move action that does not provoke AoO that subjects all enemies and/or allies(Your Choice) within 30ft to CMB checks, using your HD instead of your BAB with an additional +10 bonus. This works as a bull rush attempt that does not provoke, except that a successful CMB check pushes the targets back 10ft, plus an additional 10ft for every 5 for which your check exceeds the target's CMD, up to 30ft away or a solid obstacle blocks their path. You can use both charges as an immediate action to deflect a ranged attack targeting you automatically. Replaces Open Conduits.   An altogether different method of drawing on the power of the Sixfold Elements, these odd and rare Bomujeo learn to channel the connection they have with the energies of reality into a "Great Push", shoving and forcing enemies and/or allies alike back from them...and creative Bomujeo can find clever uses for this ability as well.
Peaceful Palms: Gain a +2 Dodge Bonus to your AC so long as you have at least one hand free. By centering yourself with at least one hand free as a full-round action, this bonus increase to +6 until the beginning of your next turn. Gain Heal as a class skill and gain a racial +2 to it. Replaces Lethal Palms.   Just as the paths in life as manifold and many, so too are the paths one can pursue when mastering Jugatsu-Do, the Bomujeo Martial art known as "The Way of the Raging Rapids" - these Bomujeo who embrace the art of "Peaceful Palms" focus on the defensive aspects of the art, and using one's senses in harmony with their body to slap aside incoming attacks with mechanical precision and ageless grace.
Palms of the High Buddha: Once every 1d8 rounds as a standard action that does not provoke, you may make a "breath weapon" attack by launching a massive blast of energy and projecting an ethereal palm from your palm that deals 2d6 points of force damage(increasing by 2d6 at 6 HD and every 6 HD afterwards) to all creatures and objects(Bypassing hardness) in EITHER a 20ft cone or in a 20ft radius burst originating in any square within 60ft of you. The save DC against this "Breath Weapon" is (10 + 1/2 HD + WISMOD). Those who succeed the save take half damage from the attack. Replaces Lethal Palms.   The first step on the path to true transcendance along the manifold paths of Jugastu-Do, the Palms of the High Buddha is a technique passed down from ancient times to the Bomujeo as a pale imitation of the technique of the Grand Buddha Nakshatra, whose mighty palms could flatten mountain ranges and part the skies, said to be the first Bomujeo to enter and found the Halls of the Ancestors, where all subsequent Bomujeo have gone after death to watch over those who come after. True mastery of this technique, it is said, will lead to entry into paradise.
Mind made reality: Twice per day, you may substitute a Will save for either a Fortitude Save or a Reflex Save. You may cast Minor Creation 1/day without V, S, or M components. Replaces Amitabha.   Their minds made of steel and their wills adamantine, these powerful Bomujeo are more certain and confident in themselves than anything else - and this confidence and power, combined with their transcendant minds, allows them to perform incredible feats through will alone...even bringing matter into this world through thought alone.
Fledgling Bodhisattva: Gain Blindsense 10ft that increases by 10ft at 6 HD and every 6 afterwards. Twice per day, when an ally would go down below 0HP and need to save to stabilize or would make a save versus mind-affecting effects within 30ft, you can make the save for them instead if they allow it. Replaces Amitabha.   Trained from a young age in the ways of worldly enlightenment, these Bomujeo are destined to remain behind on the Material Plane to guide others on their paths to enlightenment..and to this end, the strength their draw from their serene minds differs, and allows them to see the unseen and save others from harm.
Overwhelming Lifeforce: Once and only once, if you are killed, if your body or whatever remains is brought to a concentration of all six elements and tossed inside, you are affected by a true resurrection spell with no material cost. Replaces Amitabha.   A powerful blessing from one's ancestors that works only once in one's lifetime, these Bomujeo that are blessed by this ability are capable of returning from the halls of the ancestors when their body is tossed into a concentration of the six elements which they infused themselves with in life.
Student of the Universal Numbers: Gain Knowledge(Engineering) and Appraise as class skills, and gain a +2 to one of them. You can roll a d20 at the beginning of each day and substitute it for any other d20 roll you make that day as a free action. Replaces Universal Knowledge.   Bomujeo are one of the most mathematically and scientifically advanced races in the world, though few would understand why or how. The study of mathematics and science is a hallmark of Bomujeo culture, and they were some of the first to truly map out the stars and lay the fundamental theories for mathmatics in living memory.
Serene Speaker: You may use Wisdom instead of Charisma for up to 2 Charisma-based skills. You may change which skills these are at the beginning of each day. Replaces Universal Knowledge.   Though their monk-like attitudes can often make it hard for Bomujeo to become skilled speakers or commune charismatically with others, those who make it their job or business to speak to others learn to make use of their serene, detached attitudes to their benefit in conversations to put others at ease.
Elemental Bolstering: You may take Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, or Great Fortitude as a bonus feat. Replaces Elemental Balance.   Filled with harmonious power, these Bomujeo use the elemental balance of power inside of them not to defend their bodies, but to enhance their capabilities to better prepare them for the world's struggles and strife.
Qigong Reinforcement: Gain DR 5/Adamantine and your base land speed increases by 10ft. Replaces Elemental Balance.   Using the shining power of the elements at harmonious balance inside of them, the great Bomujeo masters can master the art of Qigong - applying Ki to enhance their bodily functions. Even the beginners of this technique can see great dividends, however.


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