Bomujeo Racial Feats

Disciple of Ahura Mazda:   Prerequisites: Bomujeo Race, 'Peaceful Palms' Alternate Racial Traits, Character Level 7th   Effects: The Dodge Bonus from 'Peaceful Palms' becomes a deflection bonus instead, and you grant all adjacent allies this +2 for as long as they remain adjacent to you. These deflection bonuses stack with other deflection bonuses. Gain a 15ft aura that grants yourself and all allies within it a +2 on saves made versus fear, evil, or phantasm effects.   In the pursuit of peace along the path of Jugatsu-Do, some Bomujeo stumble upon the teachings of the Great Ahura Mazda, an ancient Bomujean deity said to be the source of all good in the world...following these teachings they hone their art with the goal to one day bring goodness and wisdom to all corners of the world.
Palms of Ultimate Peace:   Prerequisites: Bomujeo Race, 'Disciple of Ahura Mazda' Racial Feat, Character level 17th   Effects: By succeeding on a melee touch attack, you can force the target to make a will save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + WISMOD) or have their alignment changed to good permanently, only reversible by a wish or miracle.   The ultimate technique left behind by the Great Ahura Mazda, the Palms of Ultimate Peace are a technique considered by many Bomujeo to be brainwashing, but through intensive power and precision control of one's Ki they can rewrite the very morals of their target, forcing them onto the path of good.
Palms of the Tenfold Gates:   Prerequisites: Bomujeo Race, 'Palms of the High Buddha' Alternate Racial Trait, Character level 9th   Effects: You can attempt CMB checks to trip or bull rush targets hit by the 'Palms of the High Buddha' Breath Weapon as free actions if they fail the save against it. Those slain by the breath weapon from 'Palms of the High Buddha' can only be returned to life or turned into undead if the caster attempting to do so passes a CL check (DC 11 + Your HD at the time the creature was slain).   The next step along the path to manifold mastery of the Way of Jugatsu-Do, those Bomujeo who pursue the mythical power of the Buddha Nakshatra eventually arrive at a spiritual roadblock - The Tenfold Gates that bar the entrance to the Halls of the Ancestors, Afterlife of the Bomujeo. Those Bomujeo who overcome this spiritual challenge claim the power of the Tenfold Gates as their own and grow all the stronger for it, their palms quelling the spirits of the slain and keeping them at rest.
Thousandfold Sutras of the Heaven-Splitter:   Prerequisites: Bomujeo Race, 'Palms of the Tenfold Gates' Racial Feat, Character level 15th   Effects: Your breath weapon doubles in size from a 20ft cone to a 40ft cone and from a 20ft burst to a 40ft burst. You can start the cone or the burst from any square you have line of sight to within one mile. Deal double damage to objects with 'Palms of the High Buddha'. By forgoing this breath weapon for 24 hours and taking 1d4 CON drain, you can create an Earthquake effect as per the spell at an origin square of your choice within 1 mile you have line of sight to.   Their palms glowing gold and their eyes filled with shining ki, the incredibly rare Bomujeo who manage even a moderate degree of Mastery over the Mythical Power of the Buddha Nakshatra find themselves filling with unimaginable power - their palms flattening people and objects alike, and by channeling the vestiges of Nakshatra himself, lifelong guardian of the Tenfold Gates, these Bomujeo can shatter the ground and cause the very earth to rupture and split.
Full-Fledged Bodhisattva:   Prerequisites: Bomujeo, 'Fledgling Bodhisattva' Alternate Racial Trait, Character level 9th   Effects: Your blindsense increases by 30ft, and you gain blindsight 10ft.   Continuing their journies to become Bodhisattvas, these Bomujeo achieve new heights of their training and are granted even greater power in return.
Be Water, My Friend:   Prerequisites: Bomujeo Race, Character level 7th   Effects: When an enemy charges at you, you can make an automatic CMB check using your HD instead of your BAB. If you are successful, you can direct the enemy in a direction and make them move half the distance they charged in that direction. When an enemy makes an attack against you that misses, you may move them 5ft that does not provoke AoO(if the attack was a melee attack). If they hit(or miss with a ranged attack), you may take a free 5ft step.   Fundamental to the philosophy of Jugatsu-Do is the notion of "flowing" and "adaptation", both around your foe's strikes and your foe themselves. As they learn to move, flow, and embrace the flexibility and serenity of Jugatsu-Do, Bomujeo learn the ways of moving with the momentum of their strikes and their enemies' strikes to control the battlefield.
Jugatsu-Do Master:   Prerequisites: Bomujeo Race, 'Be Water, My Friend' Racial Feat, Character level 11th   Effects: The amount of space you or one who hits you can move when using 'Be Water, My Friend' increases from 5ft to 10ft. A number of times per day equal to (1 + WISMOD, Min 1) you are targeted by a ranged attack(Even those made using Siege Weapons), even a spell so long as it requires a ranged attack roll against you specifically, you can choose to take half damage and have the attack continue to travel to another valid target within its available range, dealing the other half of the damage to them if the identical attack roll succeeds against them.   The pinnacle of technique in the ways of Jugatsu-Do, the masters are legendary figures who truly embrace the notion of "Flexibility" that sits at the core of the martial art - capable of redirecting most any ranged attack and flowing around it, even the likes of cannon balls and catapult boulders and letting it skirt around them like water off a rock.
Holy Chanter:   Prerequisites: Bomujeo Race, Character level 5th   Effects: As a move action, you can begin to chant holy sutras that creates and sustains a magical circle against evil effect originating from you for as long as you continue to chant as a move action. You can choose to use either the normal or alternative version when you begin chanting.   Special: At 9th Level, this circle is treated as if you had added the special diagram to make it more secure and automatically cast dimensional anchor on .   Having recieved training and/or tutelage under one of the Sages of the Bomujean High Choir, the legendary 99 Sutra Chanters who once bound and sealed away Pazuzu himself incarnate on the Material Plane, these rare Bomujeo learn to use the sutras they chant to ward off evil in the vicinity, their words driving back the blasphemous and burning the vile with equal zeal.
Way of the Propelling Palm:   Prerequisites: Bomujeo Race   Effects: As a standard action, you can create a small localized shockwave beneath yourself or an adjacent willing creature to propel them to an unoccupied square within 40ft. If you decide to use a full-round action instead, the range of the blast propels them to any unoccupied square within 80-ft. No AoO's are provoked during this movement.   Special: At 7th level, you can propel enemies as well if they fail a Reflex Save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + WISMOD). You cannot launch enemies into squares that would be innately harmful to them(Fire, Lava, Off a Cliff).   A beginner-level technique created by a particularly innovative novice in the ways of Jugatsu-Do, the Way of the Propelling Palm utilizes the normally useless shockwaves generated by trainees during their training to propel themselves or another willing creature around the battlefield.
Builder's Strikes:   Prerequisites: Bomujeo Race, Character level 7th   Effects: Your unarmed attacks ignore hardness on objects and bypass DR as if they were adamantine. By striking an object as a standard action, you can hit the object with a mending effect. You gain a +4 bonus on one crafting skill and can craft one type of item(Wondrous, Staves, Etc) in half the time.   Special: At 11th level, the mending effect becomes a make whole effect.   A practical application of a medium-level technique of Jugatsu-Do to the ways of building and engineering which involves using one's own Ki to permeate an object and stimulate it closer to its original, whole form. A handy skill learned by many Bomujean Engineers and excellent proof of just how deep Bomujean culture has comingled with spiritualism and martial arts.
Ki Realignment:   Prerequisites: Bomujeo Race, Character level 13th   Effects: By striking a creature with a melee touch attack, you may cast either Break Enchantment or Greater Restoration on them. You can use the Break Curse and Greater Restoration effects once per day each.   A masterful application of Jugatsu-Do to the ways of medicine and science, this technique requires years of precision and training to learn, but once learned can be invaluable to both healers and adventurers alike.
Arms of Nakshatra:   Prerequisites: Bomujeo Race, Character level 7th   Effects: Your reach is considered one size category larger than you are for the purposes of Unarmed Strikes and Combat Maneuvers ONLY.   With arms clad in shining silver Ki or rarely, seperate arms of intangible energy sprouting from their back to give them an extra set of arms, these rare Bomujeo are blessed by the Great Buddha Himself, Nakshatra, and utilize this blessing to strike and perform maneuvers on far-distant foes.


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