Elven Veil

The cloaking cloth used by the Elves to hide themselves and their cities

Mechanical Benefits

  HP/Inch: Normal for the material it is bonded to   Hardness: Normal for the material it is bonded to   Special: This material is typically available only to elves and Gloomgaunts. Ask your GM before using or buying it.  
For Armor: Armor made of Elven Veil does not apply its ACP to stealth checks, reduces size penalties to stealth(-2 for Light, Halved for Medium, None for Heavy), and grants a +4 to stealth checks. Additionally, it can camoflauge itself and its wearer into the surrounding terrain as a swift action, granting them the effects of invisibility for as long as they do not move and 1 round once they begin moving, or until they do any action that would normally break invisibility. This effect is an extraordinary ability. Armor made of and/or bonded with Elven Veil appears to have a large billowing cloak attached to it, which slowly camoflauges with the surrounding environment as it wraps around its wearer like a sentient item, moving as if alive.


Light Armor: 2,000 GP   Medium Armor: 4,000 GP   Heavy Armor: 8,000 GP   Bolts of Cloth: 1,000gp per bolt


Material Characteristics

For all intents and purposes, Elven Veil has the same physical characteristics as leather.

Physical & Chemical Properties

For all intents and purposes, Elven Veil has the same properties as leather - save for when it is held still and its properties activated, it begins to blend into the surrounding terrain with surprising accuracy.

Geology & Geography

Elven Veil is not found naturally, and is created in a special process known only to a select few Elves and Gloomgaunts.

Origin & Source

Elven Veil was first created by the Forest Elves long ago based on ancient Sapphire Elven technology, incorporeating ancient Sapphire Elven weaving and arcane techniques into the creation of a "Superleather" that would eventually become Elven Veil.

Life & Expiration

Elven Veil will rot and decay as normal leather unless given proper treatment and upkeeping.

History & Usage


Elven Veil was obviousy first discovered and used by the Forest Elves, and has been an ancestral secret of the Elves as a whole ever since.

Everyday use

Elven Veil is commonly used by the Elves, particularly the Forest Elves, to cloak their forest cities and villages and to hide their scouts from the eyes of the enemy - to enable them to live a peaceful, secluded life from the outside world in tune with nature.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Elven Veil is a sacred material to the Elves, and is proof positive of their legacy and ancient ancestors - it is treated with reverence and respect, and handled with utmost care.

Environmental Impact

True the Elves who made it, Elven Veil is very eco-friendly and has little overall environmental impact - and can be recycled and reused quite easily.

Reusability & Recycling

True the Elves who made it, Elven Veil is very eco-friendly and has little overall environmental impact - and can be recycled and reused quite easily.


Trade & Market

Elven Veil is not usually sold to non-elves, but sometimes shows up in market from dead elves or from those rare few merchants allowed to purchase and sell it.


It needs no special storage - it is little different from normal leather in this regard.

Law & Regulation

Elven Law prohibits the sale or distribution of Elven Veil to outsiders with express permission from the Elders or Ruling Council.


Common to Elves and Gloomgaunts. Rare to everyone else.
As dense as leather
Common State


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