Goliath Racial Feats

Stoneheart:   Prerequisites: Goliath, 'Giant Ancestry' alternate racial trait or 'One with the Mountain' alternate racial trait, Character level 7th, Cannot have any of the other '-heart' Goliath Racial Feats   Effects: You gain DR 10/Adamantine as your skin turns to stone, yet remains as pliable as skin. Your natural armor bonus increases by 2.   Living embodiments of Stone Giant Heritage, some Goliaths display their potent giant ancestry on their skin, which turns as grey and durable as slate stone, yet remains as pliable as skin. They are frequently mistaken for small Stone Giants by many.
Cloudheart:   Prerequisites: Goliath, 'Giant Ancestry' alternate racial trait or 'Cloudstrider' alternate racial trait , Character level 5th, Cannot have any of the other '-heart' Goliath Racial Feats   Effects: Gain Levitate and Obscuring mist as 3/day spell-like abilities and Fog Cloud as a 1/day spell-like ability, with a CL equal to your HD.   Living embodiments of Cloud Giant Heritage, some Goliaths display their potent giant ancestry in their beautiful hair or beard, airy personalities, and powerful innate abilities.
Iceheart:   Prerequisites: Goliath Race, 'Giant Ancestry' or 'Frostborn' Alternate Racial Trait, Character level 7th   Effects: Gain Cold Resist 20 that stacks with existing Cold Resistance gained from the Goliath Species, and deal +1 cold damage per cold damage die dealt. Additionally, by consuming blood and/or flesh belonging to a living creature in a ritual that takes one minute to perform, you can replicate a Blood Biography effect targeted on the being whom the blood or flesh belonged to. Additionally, if the creature yet lives, you gain a Status effect on them with no save for 1 Hour per HD you possess. A creature can only be affected by this trait once in a 24hr period.   Channeling the power of their Frost Giant parentage or being unlucky enough to have it come to the forefront all its own, these unfortunate Goliath often lose most or all of their Antlers or Horns as part of the manifestation of their more savage heritage, their skin becoming pale and their teeth sharpening as their savage heritage comes fully to the forefront.
Volcanoheart:   Prerequisites: Goliath, 'Giant Ancestry' alternate racial trait or 'Fireheart' alternate racial trait, Character level 7th, Cannot have any of the other '-heart' Goliath Racial Feats   Effects: Gain Fire Resistance 20 that stacks with existing Fire Resistance gained from the Goliath species. Gain a breath weapon 3/day that you can exhale a cloud of warm and sulfuric gas in a 30-foot cone. Affected creatures must make a successful Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 CONMOD + 1/2 HD) or take a -4 circumstance penalty on attack rolls, checks and saves for 1 minute (10 rounds) due to fits of coughing and choking.   Special: If you possess the 'Fireheart' alternate racial trait, your fire resistance increases by 5 and any fire damage from the Fireheart alternate racial trait you deal increases by one damage die.   Living embodiments of Volcano Giant Heritage, some Goliaths display their potent giant ancestry with a nasty, sulfurous breath weapon that sends their foes into a coughing fit. Some among these Goliaths who showed signs of Fire giant heritage find their innate abilities supercharged.
Runeheart:   Prerequisites: Goliath, 'Giant Ancestry' alternate racial trait, Character level 9th, Cannot have any of the other '-heart' Goliath Racial Feats   Effects: You gain Resistance 10 to Cold, Electricity, and Fire that stacks with resistances gained from the Goliath Species. You can tell a creature's name and date of birth/creation at a glance unless they are somehow protected against divination effects. However, immunity to mind-affecting does not block this. This does not tell you the true names of outsiders. 1/day, by speaking a creature's true name aloud, you can wrack its very essence and force it to make a Fortitude Save(DC based on your highest mental stat) or be staggered for 1d4+1 rounds. A successful save reduces the stagger duration to 1 round.   Living embodiments of ever-mysterious and unnerving Rune Giant Heritage, some Goliaths display their potent giant ancestry with an innate control over Giantkin, much like the mythical Rune Giants were said to have. They have a few innate gifts, and are very adept at controlling their kin….a feat which earns them the distrust and suspicion of their tribe, and often leads to their leaving it to find their own way in the world.
True Giant:   Prerequisites: Goliath, One of the '-heart' Goliath Racial Feats   Effects: Gain a hit point for each HD you possess, and gain a hit point whenever you gain a Hit Die. Additionally, gain an effect based on which '-heart' racial feat you possess.  
  • Stoneheart: +2 CON
  • Cloudheart: +2 CHA
  • Iceheart: +2 STR
  • Volcanoheart: +1 CON, +1 STR
  • Runeheart: +1 CHA, +1 CON
  The final evolution for those Goliaths who seek to embody their Giant Heritage, these Goliaths become tougher, beefier, and more durable, their bodies swelling with power as they find their natural abilities growing more potent depending on their ancestry.
Cragtop Farscout:   Prerequisites: Goliath, Character level 3th   Effects: You ignore all weather-based visual obstructions to your vision such as Rain, Clouds, Sandstorms, Snowstorms, and etc(Even those generated by racial or magical means). When such an effect would give you a miss chance, you reduce that miss chance by 20% to a minimum of 0%. Gain a racial +4 to perception checks and increase the range increment all ranged weapons you wield by ⅓.   During their time scouting the highest mountain peaks for their tribes, some Goliaths become highly perceptive, and able to draw more potential out of any ranged weapons they wield.
Cragtop Catapulter:   Prerequisites: Goliath, 'Cragtop Farscout' racial feat, Character level 5th   Effects: Gain the Rock Catching and Rock Throwing(100ft, 1d8 + 1.5xSTRMOD) universal monster rules. Additionally, you gain a +4 racial bonus on your Reflex save when attempting to catch a thrown rock with rock catching. This ability otherwise works like the rock catching ability. You are also treated as having the precise shot and point blank shot feats when using your rock throwing ability.   Among those who scout the peaks and zeniths of their mountain homes, there exist a few Goliaths who have learned to tap into their Giant heritage in an altogether different way, and become terrifyingly proficient in the ancient giant art of rock-tossing. Veritable marksmen with a boulder or similar object, these Goliaths are feared by any and all who would seek to invade their home...for they are also just as adept at catching such projectiles as they are at throwing them. And, not many things are as frightening as seeing a Goliath catch a twenty foot diameter boulder like a ball, and toss it back as fast as an arrow.
Minimal armor required:   Prerequisites: Goliath, Character level 3rd, Cannot have 'All Armor Required' racial feat   Effects: Treat your DEX score as 4 points higher when wearing light armor for all purposes relating to that armor(Max dex, etc…).   Some Goliaths, surviving in their homes with nothing but their own muscles and bodies for protection, have learned to draw more power out of their armor when they wield it.
All armor required:   Prerequisites: Goliath, Character level 3rd, Cannot have 'Minimal Armor Required' racial feat   Effects: Treat your DEX score as 2 points higher when wearing heavy armor, and treat all heavy armor as having +2 to its Maximum Dexterity Bonus.   Some Goliaths, surviving in their homes with nothing but their own muscles and bodies for protection, have learned to draw more power out of their armor when they wield it.
Dragonjumper:   Prerequisites: Goliath, Character level 5th   Effects: The distance you can high jump and long jump with Acrobatics is multiplied by x10, and your High Jump distances and DCs are the same as Long Jump distances and DCs if they weren't already. This feat does not force you to jump to the maximum possible, and does not protect you against the falling damage that might result from such distances.   As a race that inhabits the highest locales of the world, often dwelling in and around mountain peaks and extremely high mountainous regions, Goliaths have learned how to supplement their already formidable jumping power into the domain of the truly unfathomable - using their connection to the earth to catapult themselves truly enormous distances such that it is not an uncommon sight to see experienced Goliath Climbers leaping from mountaintop to mountaintop to deliver messages between villages.
Stonebreaker Style:   Prerequisites: Goliath, "Dragonjumper" Goliath Racial Feat, Character level 9th   Effects: You can use Strength instead of Dexterity for Acrobatics skill checks. You can jump twice as far as normal with Acrobatics checks(Stacking with and applying before Dragonjumper), and you can jump as part of a charge and gain an extra +2 bonus to hit and damage if you attack at the end of it. If you successfully land an attack after a jump-charge and deal damage to a target, you can choose one of the following effects to take hold:  
  • Skidding Stop: Both you and the target slide 20ft in any direction of your choice using momentum from the falling attack, stopping at any obstacle or before falling off any heights. This movement does not provoke AoO.
  • Crater Crash: Both you and the target drop 10ft into the ground(ignoring fall damage), creating a hole in the ground big enough to fit a creature one size category bigger than you(10x10 for a medium creature). This movement does not provoke AoO.
  • Foe Toss: After dealing damage to your foe, you may throw them at another hostile creature within 30ft and deal an automatic amount of damage to the hostile creature equal to your STRMOD. This movement doesn't provoke AoO, and the tossed foe ends adjacent to the hostile target.
  An incredibly common fighting style for Goliath Warriors that emulates the innovative and terrifying acrobatic fighting style of the legendary Goliath Hero-King, Sieg Stonebreaker, 'Stonebreaker Style' involves long jumps into falling attacks using the momentum from the fall to crush their enemies with titanic force.
Stoneswitch:   Prerequisites: Goliath, Character level 3th   Effects: A number of times per day equal to your CONMOD + 1(Min 1), you can, as a standard action that does not provoke AoO, switch places with an ally within 60ft. If you do so, the squares you occupied are filled with stone pillars that rise 10ft feel tall and occupy the square, shunting both you and the ally into an adjacent square of your choosing.   Special: If you take this feat a second time, you can switch with enemies as well if they fail a reflex save(DC 10 + 1/2HD + CONMOD).   With how shamanistic and in-touch with nature Goliaths often are, it is little wonder that many among them learn how to speak with the very stone itself and convince it to assist them in their battles. With the aid of the ground itself, they swap places with an ally and leave behind a towering pillar of stone.
Blood of Antaeus:   Prerequisites: Goliath, Must have Giant subtype, Character level 7th   Effects: Gain Fast Healing 4 so long as you are in contact with the ground. While you are in contact with the ground, you automatically stabilize when below 0HP. As a move action, you may automatically stabilize an ally below 0HP who is in contact with the ground within 30ft of you.   Carrying the blood of an ancient Goliath Demigod said to be a child of the very planet itself whose blood ran thick with sand and stone, these Goliaths have inherited a fraction of the mythical power ascribed to Antaeus in the oldest Goliath Myths, and so long as they remain in contact with their ancestor's beloved mother, she remembers her child and reaches out to support them.
Bonecrusher Biceps:   Prerequisites: Goliath, Strength 20+, Character level 5th   Effects: You gain the 'Constrict' universal monster rule, dealing 2d4 bludgeoning damage with each successful grapple check made against a target. This damage increases by one step for every 5HD you possess above 5HD. You gain a racial +5 on all strength checks made to break objects, and a racial +4 on CMB checks made to grapple.   With arms as thick as ship masts and muscles more dense than adamantine, these muscular Goliath beefcakes are so strong that with but a squeeze they can break bone, tear tissue, and rend metal...making them a terror in both wrestling matches and combat as their grip proves almost universally to be stronger than even metal jaws.


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