Jotun Racial Feats

Herald of the Valkyrie:   Prerequisites: Jotun Race, 'Child of the Valkyrie' Alternate racial trait, Character level 5th   Effects: Armor never impacts your speed, and you may choose one skill Armor Check Penalty normally applies to - that skill is no longer affected by your ACP. Additionally, you sprout metallic wings akin to those of the Valkyries and gain a Fly speed equal to 1/2 your base land speed.   Special: At 7th level, this increases to a fly speed equal to your base land speed.   Though the Jotun who can call themselves scions of the fabled warrior women of Jotun myth, the Valkyries, rarer is such a scion that trains their innate talents from such a special heritage to such heights that they develop an almost genetic memory of how to expertly ride creatures as mounts, and how to move unencumbered by armor both on foot and how to not let such armor encumber their riding. Surprisingly, they also become capable of sprouting metal wings like the fabled Valkyries and fly through the skies.
Niflheim Native:   Prerequisites: Jotun Race, 'Blizzard Breath' Racial Trait, Character level 7th   Effects: Creatures that begin their turn within square(s) affected by your Blizzard Breath trait also take 2d8 cold damage. A creature that is successfully entangled must make a Fortitude Save(DC based on Constitution) or be staggered for a round instead - though a given creature can only be staggered once per jotun per day.   Special: At 9th and 11th level, you gain an extra 1d8 of cold damage from this feat.   Though the realm of Niflheim is but legend and myth amongst their people as the realm of absolute cold ruled by an undying queen of Hoarfrost, some Jotun have a more tangible claim to heritage from such a land due to their ability to exhale a cloud of frigid cold and ice that snap-freezes all caught within it, their innards churning with ice and snow constantly.
Prime the Juggernaut Drive:   Prerequisites: Jotun Race, 'Fan the Undying Flame' Racial Trait, Character level 7th   Effects: Your petrification pool now goes to 150 instead of 100. You are immune to death effects while in your petrification state.   Special: You can take this feat again to raise your pool to 200. Additionally, on taking this feat a second time, any death effect you fail or any effect you take that would automatically kill you by reducing you below 0HP instead automatically puts you into your petrification state at a total of 50 points starting out.   Special: This feat can be taken as a bonus combat feat, or by any class that gains bonus feats of any type.   As Jotun grow and become more and more in tune with the inner workings of their bodies, it isn't altogether uncommon for some among them to unlock the inner secrets of their legendary Fomorian Furnace glands with time and training - allowing them to sustain themselves for longer periods of time on the brink of death. These Jotun who achieve this mastery over their Furnaces see such glands undergo a fundamental transformation into the legendary "Primordial Furnaces" - better known to the Jotun colloquially as "The Juggernaut Drive" - which are said to be the original glands present in the titans themselves at the dawn of reality.
Way of the Wyrmcrusher:   Prerequisites: Jotun race, No other ‘Way of the-” Racial Feat   Effects: You gain blindsense 250ft against flying creatures, and gain a +4 racial bonus on Reflex saves made versus AoE spells and effects(Such as Breath Weapons). Whenever you deal damage to a flying creature, that creature automatically drops by 10ft and has their flying speed halved for 1 minute. A successful reflex save(DC based on STRMOD) reduces this to 1 round and halves the drop distance. The duration is not cumulative across multiple hits but the altitude drop is.   Of the four penultimate schools of Jotun martial might that exist in the world today, the Way of the Wyrmcrusher exists as a way for the ancient and present Jotun to more readily deal with creatures that fly through the sky. These Jotun train to strike their blows to such creatures in such a way that they cripple the flight they can wield, each blow dropping them out of the sky and reducing their fly speed until they may be dragged down to the ground and slain.
Way of the Krakenbreaker:   Prerequisites: Jotun race, No other ‘Way of the-” Racial Feat   Effects: You can move and fight underwater as well as you can on land. You become immune to poisons if you weren't already, and gain a +4 to your CMD against grapples(Which doubles underwater). Once per day, you can inhale a cloud or gas-based area effect(including darkness and similar spells), negating it entirely and destroying the effect. Profession Sailor is always a class skill for you and you gain a +10 to it for the purposes of resisting the Rend Ship and Capsize abilities.   Of the four penultimate schools of Jotun martial might that exist in the world today, the Way of the Krakenbreaker was said to have been created by a singular, ancient Jotun said to have been so stymied by his ancient foe that he designed an entire school of combat to defeat it, so that those he trained may one day slay the foe he could not. The Way of the Krakenbreaker focuses on hardening ones’ body against the most virulent of poisons as well as moving, grappling, and fighting underwater as well as one can on land. Those who train in such a style are incredibly deadly foes in and on the water, even more so sometimes than they are on land, their limbs and bodies capable of holding and grappling the normally slippery sea creatures and underwater where other creatures would find them ungrabbable.
Way of the Giantslayer:   Prerequisites: Jotun race, No other ‘Way of the-” Racial Feat   Effects: Larger creatures cannot pass through your square even if their size would normally allow them to unless you allow it. Against creatures large sized or larger, you can designate one such foe within line of sight as a swift action - until the start of your next turn, the designated foe's reach is treated as if it were 10ft shorter in respect to you specifically, to a minimum of 5ft reach.   Of the four penultimate schools of Jotun martial might that exist in the world today, The way of the Giantslayer was developed during the Age of Descent as the primary style of martial combat to be used to fell the titanic Dai-Yukai as quickly and efficiently as possible. This school of martial combat focuses heavily on negating and counteracting the bonuses a creature may gain from being larger than you, learning their strengths, immunities, and weaknesses as well as more readily defending against giants and all creatures related to them.
Way of the Mortalbane:   Prerequisites: Jotun race, No other ‘Way of the-” Racial Feat   Effects: Whenever you hit an opponent with a melee attack or damaging maneuver(Trample, Grapple, etc), that opponent does not gain any flanking bonuses on attack rolls while flanking you and cannot deal sneak attack damage to you until the start of its next turn, though it can still provide a flank for its allies. By focusing as a full-round action on a creature within 30ft, you may choose to become aware of one of the following:  
  1. Total Remaining Hitpoints
  3. 1 Weakness or Vulnerability
  5. 1 Immunity or Resistance
  7. Highest or lowest save
  Of the four penultimate schools of Jotun martial might that exist in the world today, The Way of the Mortalbane is the newest of them, created recently by the Jotun and Dai-Yukai who grew to hate the smaller races during recent years for committing such barbaric acts that they would hunt and skin they kind for displays of power and heroism. This school of combat focuses heavily on detecting humanoids of specific subtypes long before they can get the advantage on you, and learning what makes them tick and how best to slaughter them so as to crush them before they can dare to commit such barbaric acts again.
Speaker of the Old Tongue:   Prerequisites: Jotun Race   Effects: Gain Old Druidic as a bonus language. You gain a constant Speak with Plants effect, and may cast Tree Stride 2/day as an at-will Spell Like Ability.   Jotun, despite their appearances, are a race that is deeply in tune with nature, the natural world, and the way of the world. Though they each strive to better themselves in their own way, the ones who take the Jotun ideal of strength in all forms become capable of speaking to the very plants and animals themselves with a language so ancient it predates civilization itself. Capable of using their innate connection to nature and this old tongue to travel through trees as well as talk to them, these Jotun often serve as shamans or spiritualists to their people.
Savage Traversal:   Prerequisites: Jotun Race, Character level 3rd   Effects: So long as you continue to make full round attacks against a given surface, you can move across or within it unimpeded(Climbing walls, moving across or in water, etc). This allows you to ignore all difficult terrain mundane or magical, and lets you move during such rounds at twice your base land speed. Making an acrobatics check to jump from this movement grants a +20 on the check to jump. You take no environmental damage for surfaces you move across in this way. This also allows you to break free of AoE effects that restrict your movement(But not grapples made by creatures), though excessive use of this ability(In excess of one-minute straight or for longer durations cumulatively) may fatigue or exhaust you, at GM's discretion.   One of the most esoteric but most masterfully skillful techniques of the Jotun, the art of Savage Traversal is ideally performed with dual boarding or climbing axes, but can be performed with any weapons - even one's fists - given time and training. At the core of this technique lies the means of using one's strikes to swiftly propel them over a given surface - moving so quickly that their bodies' natural toughness blunts any damage from touching such a surface and "jumps" them forward like a spring; moving quick and avoiding any obstacles in their path by minimizing time spent in contact with a given surface.
Beard of Legend:   Prerequisites: Jotun Race, Prehensile Hair Hex or Equivalent Ability, Character level 5th   Effects: Whenever you use your Prehensile Hair ability the reach of your hair is doubled, its damage die as a natural attack goes up by two steps(one step if already at least 1d8). Additionally, your hair hardens even further and grants you a +2 natural armor bonus and fire resistance 5 that stacks with existing resistance.   Among the Jotun capable of of manipulating their beards and hair as naturally as their weapons, some take this ideal to even greater heights and learn how to wrap their beard around them to shield themselves from harm, as well as do more damage with it.
Uttercold Hide:   Prerequisites: Jotun Race, Character level 5th   Effects: Your cold resistance and immunity now counts towards Uttercold damage. All allied creatures within your natural reach gain your cold resistance, or Cold Resist 20 if you are immune to cold. Their resistance does not count for uttercold damage. This resistance 1/2 stacks with existing resistance. If a creature is already immune to cold and would be affected by this ability, their immunity counts towards uttercold instead.   With skin a deep icy blue, many Jotun carry the cursed touch of Uttercold within them, granting both themselves and nearby allies great boons on the field of battle.
Break their Root:   Prerequisites: Jotun Race, Character level 9th   Effects: You gain Tremorsense out to 60ft. As a standard action, you can focus on any creature within the range of this tremorsense that you can detect - creatures below the surface are forced up to the surface - and the given creature then is subjected to a bull rush from you at a +10 to the check. As per the Bull Rush rules, they are launched an appropriate distance straight up into the air and then dropped. This movement does not provoke, but it does cause fall damage that they cannot make a check to reduce - additionally, by forgoing the +10 you can adjust the angle at which they emerge from the ground instead of the default angle of "Straight Upwards".   A technique of Jotun with a strong connection to Earth, the "Break their Root" technique originated in ancestral Jotun hunts during a more ancient time of history when, supposedly, a cold-adapted Lamia tribe once plagued the Shenchuan Tundra and proved an unending source of misery and frustation to the normally ground-based Jotun until finally, one of their greatest warriors pioneered this technique to launch the miserable man-eating snakes from their burrows and into the light where they could be slain. It has since been adopted as a traditional Jotun technique used in wrestling matches, arena duels, and in combats on the icy battlefields of the north.
Titankin:   Prerequisites: Jotun Race, Character level 11th, One Physical Attribute at or above 30   Effects: You no longer age, remaining in the category you are current in, though your age can be reversed by an appropriately powerful spell or effect as normal. You are immune to all aging effects both magical and otherwise, you become immune to death effects, and you gain Regeneration 5 which is negated by your opposing alignment(good or evil). If you are neutral, you may choose.   Perhaps the most infinitely rare of all Jotun mutations are the mysterious Jotun known as the Titankin. They are said to be the original form of the Jotun people, closer to their legendary ancestors, the infamous Titans...and they are said to be immortal and incredibly hard to kill, their flesh knitting back together as rapidly as it cut apart. They are rare and hard to find, but where they appear they are revered as heroes of myth and legends, though the Titankin themselves are often reclusive and secluded from the rest of the world.
Material Enlightenment:   Prerequisites: Jotun race, Character level 15th   Effects: By focusing on an object within 120ft as a full round action, you can cause it to be instantly obliterated. This does not work against constructs, undead, or enemies that count as objects(Aside from animated objects), and attended objects are allowed a Fort Save(Based off your highest mental stat) to instead be left at 1HP. Especially large objects such as Town Walls are instead destroyed in an area at least as wide and deep as you, but may not be entirely and completely destroyed(GM Discretion).  
I understand. This material world of ours - it is simply us, re-arranged into different shapes. By the grace of the Spirit Kings, we are all linked - all made of the same "stuff". Destroying things, then, is no different than striking with weapons - one need merely find the fault lines of a given objects, its weaknesses, and magnify them. Simplicity itself.
— Hlodvi Ísseðnar


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