The Failed Attack

Military action


In the years following her conquest of Rhocenza, The Rasmanthus Guild, after rebuilding their strength, formed a killsquad to take down Jilixia made up of a large number of the guild's remaining high ranking members at the behest of Osmantha the Indomitable.   Unfortunately, the attack would lead to ruin as Jilixia, now an oldsoul, was so astronomically powerful that only legendary beings stood a chance at resisting her power - she easily beat, enslaved, and humiliated the strike force in an act that would earn her the first global bounty issued by The Rasmanthus Guild for her defeat.

In the years following her conquest of Rhocenza, the Rasmanthus Guild formed a killsquad to take down Jilixia made up of a large number of the guild's remaining high ranking members at the behest of Osmantha - venturing down to Rhocenza, the squad confronted Jilixia in her palace but was betrayed as the females of the group, seeing the treatment of women in Rhocenza, swore themselves to Jilixia and helped her beat the remaining men from the Guild, who were enslaved and made into pets.   In response, the Rasmanthus Guild made a public declaration of the world's first ever standing S-class bounty available to anyone in the guild or outside it - the death of Jilixia was now officially worth a hundred thousand gold: A veritable country's ransom enough to buy a small kingdom. The Guild also issued a standing order to all countries and organizations - any group found to be working with or assisting Jilixia would be a public enemy of the Rasmanthus Guild and denied any and all guild services. Even information on her would be worth a hefty sum. However, despite this proclamation, her activities in the intervening century were poorly documented as most of the guild had been destroyed and left in ruins.

Related timelines & articles
Jilixia Worldthrone's History (article)