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Viseri (Vih-SAIR-ee)

Kind Grandfather

A boisterous laugh and an exuberant cheer announce the arrival of Viseri, the personification of community and congeniality. He is loved by people far and wide across Zholmyr, and his priests are often vital anchors in the fabric of their respective societies. Lyna sculpted Viseri in order to remind the mortal races of the strength that came from their diversity and harmony. Disciples of the Kind Grandfather spread a gospel of acceptance and welcome anyone and everyone at the Grandfather's hearth. He is the patron deity of the gnomes and halflings of Zholmyr--two races in which the strength of community is a paramount virtue.   The inverse of Viseri is the god Tolkah, the Vagabond. Followers of Tolkah shrug off the preachings of Viseri and instead opt for a life of solitude, reclusiveness, and personal melioration.   Of all the Soul Shepherd, Viseri is the most active in the world of mortals. He appears in villages, towns, and cities across the lands, usually at times of great collective celebration, but sometimes during times of heightened tensions.

Divine Domains

  • Light
  • Life

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A linked chain formed into a perfect circle

Tenets of Faith

  • Participating in a community bonded by attitudes, values, and goals is an essential ingredient to enjoying a fulfilling life.
  • Accept others with open arms.  Being welcoming and congenial helps promote a vital sense of belonging.
  • Do what you can to help the collective. True victory is only achieved when everyone wins.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Viseri presents himself as a kindly old man, usually very short in stature with modest attire and a long scraggly grey beard. He always has a twinkle in his eye and he is usually carrying his large knotted oak staff, Rootsire.
Divine Classification
Deity (Soul Shepherds)

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