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A World of Soul and Spirit

Zagovor is brimming with spiritual energy. The visible world is only half of the picture. From the wilds to the pillars of civilization, spirits and invisible forces pervade all physical things and play an important role in the lives of the mortal races, or 'fleshfolk'. Everything has a spirit, from the grandest mountain to the lowliest rock, from the great ocean to a babbling brook, from the legendary sword of kings, to the humble cottage in a meadow. These spirits can manifest in all sorts of forms, and together, they constitute the foundation of the 'quintessence' -- the immaterial network of energy that flows through and cradles the world.

Mortals contribute to the quintessence in a slightly different way. All mortals have their own spirits in the form of souls. Two different souls, to be precise. The body soul, called 'the vigor', lives inside of every living mortal body and is what makes each person unique. The wandering soul, called 'the aura', is a person's ethereal connection to the quintessence and serves as the vehicle that connects to them to the spiritual energy of Zagovor.

Shards of the Soul, Personified

The concept of gods and religion does not exist in Zagovor. The countless fibers of connection between fleshfolk and the spiritual world serve as the conduit for a unified system of beliefs and practices that tie the peoples of Zagovor together. Instead of a pantheon of deities, the mortal races venerate fourteen powerful spirits that represent core elements of the souls of fleshfolk. These spirits are called The Soul Shades and each one is the physical manifestation of ubiquitous and dynamic forms of sentience such as joy, instinct, empathy, rage, logic etc. Mortals don't worship the shades. Instead, they strive to forge strong spiritual connections with the shades in order to balance out their own souls. This is usually referred to as 'evoking'. The evocations are the lifeblood of the shades, reminiscent of the Tinkerbell effect. The shades were born from the essence of mortal souls, and they would be wiped from existence if mortals ever abandoned them.  

Unknown Beginnings

Spirits and mortals are intricately intertwined. Their histories, desires, and legacies are woven together in the endless web of the quintessence. But very little is known about how these ties came to be. The origins of Zagovor and the multiverse are unknown to mortals and spirits alike. However, based on the great influence that each wields over the other, it's been inferred that mortals and spirits came into being together. They have grown and evolved side by side for millennia and continue to shape each others' futures.  

Zagovor in Flux

Zagovor is a world with bountiful natural beauty. Sprawling evergreen forests, cascading waterfalls, verdant meadows, and shimmering beaches dot the landscape. The fleshfolk have lived off of the land for centuries, but they have slowly expanded from small enclaves into bustling cities. As civilization marches onward, new advances in technology and medicine are allowing the mortal races to thrive like never before. But this proliferation is not without consequence. Population growth has come at the expense of the natural world, and the rapid change threatens to uproot the balance of the quintessence. Conflict over prime territory and declining resources has heightened tensions between the races and the infant geopolitical entities.  

Nations: A Radical Concept

The mortals of Zagovor spent centuries living amongst themselves, with very little interaction (or trust) between them. But within the last couple of centuries, humans have driven a paradigm shift in civilization. Human tribes across Rodina came together and began to build. They built great architectural marvels, high walls, gripping monuments...and new alliances. The human settlements grew into megacities, and those cities joined together to form nations. Out of passion--or necessity--the other races began to follow the lead of the humans, and the nations of Zagovor were born.  

The Verkhovian Empire

The old human tribes of the central plains of Rodina came together to form the first megacity of the world, Lyudgorod. Pytor Verkhov became the first ruler of Lyudgorod, and the Verkhovian Empire was born. The Empire quickly attracted settlers from other races, who sought the security and resources of the growing superpower. It rapidly expanded across the continent and continues to grow to this day.   Humans are the primary race of the Empire, and the ruling family has always been human. But the populace of the Empire is made up of individuals from all races of Zagovor. The races live together in relative harmony, sharing a common goal of progress and innovation. The Empire is the cultural and artistic mecca of Zagovor. Its residents experience life at a fast pace and revel in new experiences and stimulating endeavors.  

The Spolu Federation

The Federation boasts some of the most fertile land in all of Zagovor. Farming communities dot the landscape between the cities of the Federation, and it is considered the breadbasket of Rodina. It formally enjoyed a strong fishing economy, but as its coastal towns and outposts have fallen to the Duchy of Balik, the Federation has lost access to many of its vital fishing grounds and the revenue that came with their catch.   The Spolu Federation is primarily made up of humans, halflings, and hill dwarves. Other races also call the cities of the Federation home, but they are far and few between. The three races consider each other equals and are very respectful of the others' traditions and lifestyles. They recognize the necessity in coming together in order to survive the new world order, and prioritize cooperation above any petty stereotypes and prejudices. While the city-states remain semi-autonomous, the Federation is governed by a five-person body called the Jury Prime, which is randomly selected from a pool of eligible citizens every five years. Nizina is the only true megacity in the Federation, and it continues to grow. Pristav is the second largest city in the Federation, and is home to mostly humans.  

The Duchy of Balik

One of the few remaining pearls of the ancient chernava, the Duchy is a sovereign underwater state just to the southwest of Rodina. The chernava of the Duchy are cold, calculated, and highly intelligent. Very few landfolk have seen the underwater cities of the Duchy, but those who have would have witnessed a sad sight. The Marinopolis, the capital district of the Duchy, is situated on the shelf of an underwater trench, where the continental shelf of Rodina meets the deep ocean. Centuries of neglect have left the Marinopolis a shell of its former self. Additionally, tremors in the Quintessence have rippled through the underwater world, and its inhabitants have turned their sights towards the surface world for answers.   

The Elven Factions

The elves of Zagovor are as old as the land itself. The first land-based mortal races were elves, and they still retain a deep connection to the land and its people. Two political entities of elves exist on Zagovor:
  • The High Elves of the Vysoky are elegant, wizened, and arcane masters. They have spent most of their existence watching the other races from afar, all while mastering their own power over the quintessence and the spiritual energy of the world. Today, they strive to maintain their neutrality amid the rapidly changing geopolitical landscape. They are friends to all, and allies to none.
  • The Wood Elves of the Leshiy want nothing more than to live undisturbed in their wilderness. They loathe the humans of Zagovor for turning civilization into a runaway train of wanton exploitation. No other race has power over the spirits of nature like the Leshiy, and they wield it as a weapon. They have successfully waged a years-long campaign to block the Verkhovian Empire from expanding to the east.

The Bugansi Clans

The Opanso Mountains on the southernmost peninsula of Rodina are home to the Bugansi, the fearsome giant warriors of stone and cold. They spurn the cushy lifestyles of the other mortal races, especially those of the Verkhovian Empire, who the Bugansi see as unworthy of their self-declared prestige. Now, the Empire is looking to expand south into the mountains and the rich ore nestled in their peaks. For the first time in memory, the Bugansi clans have banded together to repel the invaders and teach them a lesson once and for all.  

The Sacred Lands

Deep in the polar north, the spirits come alive under the aurora. Spiritual energy swirls and dances in an ebb and flow around the quintessence. The Dhampir have made these lands home, and their connection to the spirits has caused them to flourish in an otherwise inhospitable realm for mortals. The floating Dhampir capital city of Kukirjain is a glistening city of cascading crystalline towers perched over a pristine lake that never freezes, despite the frigid temperatures. Few other races can make the trek north to these lands, but those with powerful spiritual devotion brave the colds in order to experience true enlightenment.   

The Sunsleg League

The sun-scorched steppes of the southeast are home to some of the bravest and fiercest warriors in all of Zagovor. For centuries, the warlords fought for domination until the Earth Navka, Khaiva, emerged victorious and united the tribes. In present day, the tribes have forged a powerful alliance and created the greatest military power in the world. Khaiva, who has seemed to escape the grips of mortality, continues to rule the League from her fortress at Ovs Gazar.   The humans and navka of the Sunsleg League place a high premium on physical strength, but shun the mindless brute mentality. Tacticians and strategists receive the highest honors in the land, and warriors are taught to conquer the mind before they can conquer their physical limitations.

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