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Penna Brightwood


A kind-hearted halfling woman in her late fifties. Her hair is a soft silver, and her face, though lined with age, lights up with a warm and comforting smile. She's slightly plump, always wearing an apron, and moves with a gentle, reassuring grace.     Story about Mira: Penna tells the players about Mira, a bright and curious 10-year-old girl she recently took in. Mira loved exploring the forest and had a special connection with animals, often bringing injured creatures home for Penna to help nurse back to health. Penna fondly recalls Mira's laughter echoing through the treetops and her gentle way with even the most frightened animals.     Local Legend - The Guardian of the Forest: Penna shares a legend that's been passed down in Tylath for generations. It's the tale of the "Guardian of the Forest," a mystical entity that is said to protect the natural balance of the area. According to the legend, this guardian, taking the form of a massive, ethereal creature, roams the deepest parts of the forest, ensuring that harmony prevails. However, the story also warns that when the balance is disturbed, the Guardian becomes wrathful, manifesting various agents to correct the imbalance – sometimes in the form of natural disasters, and other times as mystical creatures, including dangerous ones like basilisks.   She speculates that the recent animal disturbances and Mira's petrification might be signs of the Guardian's anger, suggesting that something has deeply upset the forest's balance. Her story implies that finding and calming the source of the disturbance could be the key to saving Mira and restoring peace.      
Penna's eyes reflect a mix of worry and resolve as she speaks to the players. "Mira, bless her curious heart, she always had an adventurous streak," she begins, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "Two days ago, she ventured into the forest with some friends. They were just playing, but when it was time to return, Mira wasn't with them. Her friends said she chased a butterfly deeper into the woods and... they lost sight of her." Her voice trembles a bit, but she steadies herself. "We organized search parties immediately. It wasn't until this morning that one of the rangers found her... or what's left of her. Turned to stone, frozen in a moment of fear. The ranger said there were stone animals nearby, too. We've never seen anything like it in these parts. It's as if the very forest turned against us." Her gaze drifts momentarily, lost in thought, before returning to the players. "Please, if you can do anything to help, to find out what happened to Mira, the whole town would be in your debt."
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