Lord Corrin Brushgather

  Heard the rumors of the most progressive and charitable deeds a convicted Dragonborn has done for her fellow prisoners and prison-workers at the high security prison-settlement out at sea (facility is unnamed). She was said to be executed in a few days. He traveled to find her, offered her freedom in exchange for his bidding. Gzane gave in voluntarily because she still fears dying.   He sails her home to Highpass, where his humble abode is located (a larger house, but maybe not quite the size of a manor). The facade then came off, Gzane was made to carry out his dirtier work which his other slaves where too frail to be capable of, be it loansharking, acting as an intimidating brute at his side or whatever. Gzane has had maybe two months to adjust to her new life, she doesn't want to be the person he's making her out to be, but she still accepts that this is the punishment she deserves, still thinking it's either this or death.   Meanwhile the noble who's her slavemaster, has a killswitch/tortureswitch he can use any time to keep control of Gzane whenever he feels like it. Communication happens telepathically between just the two of them when the name "master" is uttered in her presence.   Something to break Gzane out of her bleak and narrow-sighted mindset might be what she needs to be able to push back and seek a better alternative for herself.
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