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Elemental Academy

Every student, no matter which Element they are born with, is welcome to our beloved Academy. To grow and thrive as they learn to embrace all Elements.  
— Headmaster Irius Gritt

Magic system

Somewhere in the galaxy, there is a planet and some even are going as far to say that this planet is special. On this planet, people are born with one of the six elements; water, fire, earth, air, wood and metal. Their element becomes stronger when they connect with a familiar. But that is not all, they learn how to unlock the other elements by connecting with other familiars. Each for each element until a person has unlocked all six. They learn how to do that at Elemental Academy. The people do not walk with all their familiars at the same time, they can call upon them. One of the things they will learn at the academy.     Want to become a student
It is not difficult to become a student, all you need to know is which element you are born in. 1d6

Various familiars

  • Crab
  • Seagull
  • Snake
  • Turtle
  • Otters
  • Horses
  • Hedgehogs
  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Lizards
  • Bear
  • Fox
  • Badger
  • Bunny
  • Mouse
  • Owls
  • Eagles
  • Robins
  • Crows
  • Hummingbirds
  • Monkies
  • Squirrels
  • Opossums
  • Ground hog
  • Rats
  • Raccoons
  • Tigers
  • Wolves
  • Bats
  • Pigeon
Wizards names
First name   Last name   Not all the elements are represented on here, so I made a small list how I choose the lastnames.
by nightcafe
Founding Date
Educational, School/Academy
Alternative Names
School of the six elements
Leader Title

Edge of Silver

Information about various rooms


Main Floor

by Nightcafe

The library has a fast collection of study books, but also some books that can be read for pleasure. Most of the textbooks are written by the librarian Atiye Aevum. Who rules her library with am iron fist, it doesn't help that she was born with the metal element.   The library is on the right side of the school on the main floor. It is really hard to miss it, especially when there is a sign at the entrance of the school pointing the students towards the right direction. Students spend most of their time in here, doing their homework or simply reading a book.   Small familiars are allowed inside the library, but the larger familiars are asked to stay outside.


First Floor

by nightcafe

Next to the library and cafeteria entrances, there are wide staircases that lead to the first floor. On this floor there are six large classrooms, that has enough space for the larger animals. The smallest classroom is for the air classes, because those familiars are birds. Of course, it is not only for the familiars. It is also for magical lessons. Lesson's to understand the element more. When a student unlocks a new element, they can pass on to the next year. It sometimes happens that a student needs more time to unlock a new element. That is why they house the students in groups of four.


Main Floor

by nightcafe

There is a whole staff of cooks, who are preparing three meals. Or rather, multiple dishes that are served during these three meals. As well as keeping enough soft drinks, and snacks in stock for an in prompt study session. Free period, or for students to take with them when they go familiar hunting. The walls are decorated with bookshelves filled with cookbooks.

Teacher offices and bedrooms

Second Floor

by nightcafe

The teachers have their own studies and rooms on the second floor. Above their classrooms, to be in fact. The other members of staff have their rooms there as well.

by nightcafe



All children from the age of sixteen are sent towards this school, and are housed at the school. At first, the children will only attend classes with their born element. But they will attend more classes with every element unlocked. Familiars from other elements are not welcome in that class.    


Amari Aquifis

Sakora Blaze

Tuforn Lios

by nightcafe
by Nightcafe
by nightcafe
Amari is the teacher that teaches the children everything about water. It was the element she was born with, the familiar she is often seen with is her turtle. But she also has a cat (fire), bunny (earth), crow (air), groundhog (wood), and a bat (metal).
Sakora is the teacher that teaches the children everything about fire. Her family has a long line of fire born wizards, so it wasn't strange that she was born with it as well. She is known for her temper. But is often a warm and gentle person. Her fire familiar is a hedgehog.
Tuforn is the teacher for all things related to earth. But do not let his old age fool you, he is still as sharp as a rosebush thorn. His familiar is a white, fluffy bunny.

Kizor Tumul

Zuhith Malignus

Eleni Epos

by nightcafe
by Nightcafe
by nightcafe
Kizor is an odd one, is the teacher of air. And loves everything about it. But he has two crows as his air familiars, they act as one. He was born with this element.
Zuhith is very young to be a teacher, in fact he just graduated the previous year. But the former Wood teacher passed away last year, and he took over the role of teacher while he was still a student. So the job was his. His familiar is a rat.
Eleni and her tiger familiar are some of the well-loved figures inside the school. She teaches everything about the metal element, but she is well -known for giving advice and even helps students out with the other elements.

Other Staff




by Nightcafe

Irius Gritt

by nightcafe

Atiye Aevum

by Nightcafe

Fogreth Incedis

Headmaster Irius Gritt, born with the earth element. He is often seen with his bear familiar, he is kind and respected by staff and students. He might seem young, but he is very wise and fair.
Atiye was born with the metal element. She is the librarian, and is known for her knowledge about various subjects. She has written various books that students us in their day to day live at the school. Her raccoon familiar, helps her to put the books on the higher shelves.
Forgeth is the grumpy old concierge that everybody rather avoids. Even the members of staff, but he is the one that makes his opinion very loudly known. The only reason why he still has a job, while being so hated, is because he is good at his job. His familiar is a black cat.


Student quarters

The students do not live inside the school. They live in small groups of four in houses inside the forest. The forest is also the home of various animals that can become their future familiar. The houses seem a bit small for four people and their six familiars, especially when those familiar are pretty big. Does large familiars are rather to be outside anyway, but still there is not a lot of space inside the house. But this teaches children to work together.   Most often, the children placed together inside a house are from different elements. Also, genders are mixed, not separated. The smaller familiars are living with the students.  

by Nightcafe

by nightcafe

Student uniforms

by heroforge
by heroforge
by heroforge
The uniforms are unisex, they are worn by female and male students alike. The color of the jacket is the color of the Element the student is born with, the student doesn't get a new jacket every time they unlock a new element. This is to protect the students who have difficulty with unlocking new elements, especially elements that are the opposite of the element they were born with. Of course, students can see that being the case, because of how many familiars a student has and by attending the classes.
by heroforge
by heroforge
by heroforge

Honorable students

by nightcafe

Aless Cerulea

by Nightcafe

Initor Fenix

Aless is a first year, who was born air element. And found her owl familiar outside the academy. She arrived at the beginning of the school year, and she is being housed with two second years. And someone who doing his first year for a second time.
Initor is doing his first year for the second time, this is because he was not able to unlock a second element. He still has his horse familiar, and he is hoping to get his second and hopefully third familiar this year.


Author's Notes

Do you want to be a student inside the story Edge of Silver, (WIP Title) Then please fill in this form

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Sep 9, 2024 13:27 by TJ Trewin

Fantastic work on this article - I love how you included examples of the uniforms using HeroForge mannequins :)   (For the section on classrooms/first floor, does the last sentence cut off? "It happens")   What would your element and familiar be? :D

Journals of Yesteryear

I just finished some new art in my latest article: Pinecrest College of Aviation!
Sep 10, 2024 06:06 by Nathalia Books

That would be a fun game to play, and it would make this article interactive. So what I have done is add dice rolls into the article. 1D6 for the elements and under the familiars, a D5. According to my rolls, was I born in wood and had a rat as a familiar.

Every story starts with a dream, so start dreaming