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Space Algae

Basic Information


The little spinless life form is just that a little, not even one centimeter, and spinless. Dot of red that lives on spaceships and other space junk that floats around.

Genetics and Reproduction

The reproduction of these plant makes it rather easy to procreate, it simply splits itself into two and there is a new algae.

Ecology and Habitats

The space algae lives on junk and spaceships that have been in proximity of the Dark matter, which is an uncharted piece of space inside the Dragonship empire. The algae does its best to spread superfast over the vessel to devolve it into nothing but a memory.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The algae eats a lot of metals and other stuff that floats around. But it also feeds itself on the bits of sunlight it can get. No matter which type of sun.

Additional Information


You wish, would make a nice weapon.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

It cleans up space, from the crap. But why those need it to eat our ships?

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The algae can be found all over space, thanks to the ships who traveled near the Dark matter. It only affects things that are made out of metal, so other type of material should be fine.    
By the dragon, that stuff has eaten away the cotton parts of my clothing.
  Apparently not.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

This algae is strong enough to eat through dragonsteel, the strongest steel inside the Dragonship empire.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

That is up for debate.  
The writer of this article must be kidding herself, this life form eats away metals and other type of materials. Which makes it a parasite
Unknown, studies to find this out have ended in failure
Conservation Status
Unknown, it is a plant.
Average Height
< 1 millimeter
Average Weight
Not to maser
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The little one cell life form is red and when it just got out of space it has a small glow to it.
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Cover image: by geralt


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Aug 14, 2023 23:54 by Deleyna Marr

Love the voice and the humor injected into this article!
