Paijez Species in Zùnarìbh | World Anvil
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The Paijez creatures have qualities that the humans beyond the arches may refer to as fae or faerie. My interactions with the species are limited, only a few weeks, but I have found the colony that lives in our little woods to be very social, some even knowing our language, and the children often play with my son. I remember crafting Paijez houses with my mother as a child but never seeing them myself as we lived in the city. I have often been intrigued by writings from Jita'nii where human and Paijez culture interact much more than they do here and I look forward to the opportunity to communicate with them and learn more about their culture here in Aureus.   Lady Sarah Kenneth's Journal
    They live in all of the mainland countries in Zùnarìbh but do not live on any of the little islands or the larger island of Aurelia. Mostly they live in the undergrowth of heavily forested areas.There are core similarities among all of the Paijez across the continent - their appearance, family structure, and government structure. There are variations of dialect, workforce structure, and interaction with human cultures between colonies as they spread so far apart.   The Paijez have existed as a species as long as the world has. They cannot be said to have officially been "discovered" as they have been seen by humans for as long as they have shared the world. However, each country has had a human or group of humans who have begun the study of the species.

Basic Information


Paijez are magical plants. They look like a North American star flower. The leaves flow down, looking like a skirt for both genders. They have two arm like tendrils branching off above the leaves and two-six more tendrils weaved among the leaves that they use to move around, like legs. Their basic structure is like that of plants, their tendrils and leaves are made up of an almost identical cellular structure to that of most small flowering plants. Their core "stem" is tougher, more woody than the tendrils.

Genetics and Reproduction

The species mate in male and female pairs and bond for life. The species reproduces an average of five times over the course of their lives. When reproduction occurs, the female body creates a pod buried within the leaves where seeds form 5-10 at a time. Eventually the pod releases the seeds containing the genetic information to continue growing within a lightly woody protective shell. The parent plants prepare a moist, mossy bed for the seeds to finish germinating. Germination happens as the seeds continue growing inside until they break through the protective barrier and they continue to grow as seedlings.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Paijez grow very slowly compared to non sentient, herbaceous plants, they also live for a very long time ~100 years. Each Paijez may take more or less time to develop in each stage. Their growth stages are as follows:   infant stages
  • Pod stage: Seeds row and form in a pod within the mother's body. 1 year.
  • Germination stage: The seeds are released and continue developing within the seed casing. In this time their brain and organs finish developing. 6 months.
  • - Seedling stage: The seedlings grow out of the seed casing but remain stationary in the moss. In this time their body develops, forming their core stem, tendrils, and little leaves. 1 year.   Child stages
  • Vegetative stage: The little plants begin moving more and more while continuing to grow. In this phase, the creatures are very thin and tendrilly with no leaves or petals developing. In this time they begin to learn familial and social culture of their species. They learn how to move around, begin learning to use their magic, and how to talk. The focus is on growing the body and building the mind. They might continue growing up to 6 "leg" tendrils until the ripening stage. 10 years.
  • Budding stage: Flower petals and leaves begin developing and grow into their "hair" and "skirts". The body continues to grow very slowly. They continue to learn more and more about the world around them, their minds still absorbing new information and skills. They act developmentally very young compared to older Paijez (like humans ages 8-13). 10 years.
  • Adult stages
  • Flowering stage: The plants tendril growth continues to slow down. The flowers and leaves continue growing until they reach their full length. Their genetic ability to reproduce develops to completion in this time. Once this stage is complete, the Paijez are fully developed and ready to begin their own reproductive cycle. 8 years.
  • Ripening/Reproductive stage: The Paijez in this stage are capable of reproduction. Socially, they might bond with a partner and raise families, reproducing an average of 5 times. They work together as a culture and interact with the cultures around them in jobs and family life. Sub-stages can include pollination and fertilization between bonded pairs and the mother's side of the pod stage. 60 years.
  • - Ebb stage: They Paijez begin to reach the end of their life cycle. Their body has completely stopped developing and will no longer reproduce. They remain strong and capable but will begin to decline during this phase leading into old age and death. 10 years.

    Ecology and Habitats

    The majority of Paijez live in colonies in forests, building homes of living plants in the trees and underbrush. They can manipulated and use the plant life but they also care for the plants and protecting them if needed.   Colonies in forests near homes and towns will often work together though how much varies from place to place.

    Dietary Needs and Habits

    They gain sustenance from water, sunlight, sugars (like fruit), and some chemicals from decomposing plants and animals.   They gather food using their magic to grow or ripen some as needed, but they do not keep fields. They have store houses at the base of some trees, using the energy from the ground and roots to help preserve it as needed.

    Additional Information

    Social Structure

    They live in colonies of 100-1,000 spread out over the mainland. Each colony has a chief along with a group of Paijez in the Ebb stage who act as governors, jury, and councilors. They generally live throughout their colonies as family units (children, parents, and grandparents).

    Uses, Products & Exploitation

    The Paijez are the only species in this world that can harvest threads from the "silk plant" and many colonies conduct trade with humans for it.   In urban human towns, Paijez will sometimes voluntarily work with the humans, helping with garden or park maintenance. In a few areas, the Paijez are captured and forced to help or kept as novelties, attractions.

    Facial characteristics

    The flower portion of the creature looks like hair, the petals point up and back, away from the tiny face. Their eyes are always very dark green, almost looking black in certain lighting.

    Average Intelligence

    They are an intelligent species with legends, myths, histories, science, math, grammar structure, and magic.

    Perception and Sensory Capabilities

    The Paijez have access to the magic energy that flows throughout Zùnarìbh (Magic System. Their basic magic level matches that of the humans when it comes to things like healing or energy changes. They are very strong when channeling plant energy and can cause plants to grow, mature, and move faster and in ways that human's cannot.   In addition, the Paijez can communicate with each other almost literally through the grapevine. They can code messages in the energy vibrations of plants to be passed along, they use special markers like address labels. This way they can communicated with other Paijez on the opposite side of the continent.

    Civilization and Culture

    Major Organizations

    Within the Paijez, there are 6 major groups with sub clans in each group. Because they can communicate over long distances through plants, they share their basic government and family structure. And as many of the Paijez as possible meet twice a year in a large, family reunion type gathering in the mountains bordering K'henta, Jita'nii, and Aureus.   Paijez Jita'nii
  • 3 clans
  • Value working alongside all of the species in the country. Help with agriculture and forest preservation.   Paijez Ilan
  • 2 clans
  • Value isolation and forest preservation. Mostly avoid interaction with humans though they have a few ambassadors so they know what the humans are doing.   Paijez Nechlar
  • 2 clans
  • Value nature. They focus mostly on expanding the forests and prairie land.   Paijez Aureus
  • 3 clans
  • Value home and family life. They don't generally care about the other species in the area as long as their homes are left alone.   Paijez Alterrah
  • 2 clans
  • Value family life and nature. One clan lives and works with the humans in their main city of Garint. The other lives in the mountains.   Paijez K'hetna
  • 4 clans
  • Value strength and cunning. Works with humans but relations are tense.   Paijez Panthera
  • 1 clan
  • Value strength and independence. Ignored by humans but sometimes that means getting bowled over by them.

    Relationship Ideals

    The Paijez bond for life in pairs of male and female. The bonding typically takes place around the age of 30 but there are variations.   They value loyalty and strict work roles in relationships. These work roles are decided between the pair and the elder who binds them. These roles are divided equally and they may be from a couple big categories: community jobs, household jobs, familial jobs, and ambassador jobs.

    Average Technological Level

    They use almost no technology at all unless they are working with humans in their gardens. As a general rule, they live in and work with plants.   They do have containers made of special rock and fibers that they use to carry chemicals they harvest from decaying matter.

    Major Language Groups and Dialects

    Their main language is Cintan and it acts as a universal language for the species. Every Paijez learns formal Cintan in school so that they can communicate with all the other Paijez communities.   Each large group has different slang and colloquialisms and each clan within those groups has a slightly different dialect based on the blending of Cintan and the language of the country they live in.

    Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

    The Bonding: Whe Paijez are ready to bond, they meet with an elder and work out their jobs and where they will live. The pair then stand before their families and the elders and vow their bond. Then they walk together through their village to their home while the rest of the Paijez watch, like a parade.   New Growth festival: The beginning of spring when winter has finished and the plants begin growing again. The majority of Paijez become seedlings in this season as well. They have a village wide feast, decorations, and dancing.   The Sleeping: When winter comes the plants sleep under the snow (in areas that get snow otherwise it is just the beginning of the cooler time of year). The Paijez form a long dining hall out of roots and undergrowth and have an indoor feast and reminisce about the previous year.

    by Mimagine Art

    Star Flower
    Average Height
    Paijez are around one millimetre when born and grow to be 3-5 inches tall.
    Average Weight
    They weigh very little.
    Average Length
    If they fully stretch out all their tendrils, they can reach 7-8 inches long.
    Average Physique
    They are very thin and fluid, their bodies made up of a stem and tendrils. They are fairly strong, especially when pushing through cracks.
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    Their petals are white with possible variations of light greens, blues, or purples at the base near the head fading into the light green color of their heads. This color darkens down the rest of their bodies in varying shades and combinations of greens, green-yellows, and browns.

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    Please Login in order to comment!
    Mar 29, 2021 22:15

    This is an interesting species. I like how you really defined their culture and the different clans they have. The festivals were also a nice addition. I still have a question about their technology level though. Do they not use any type of tool or are there tools perhaps made out of plant material?

    Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
    Mar 30, 2021 01:27 by Allie Hilleson

    I'm definitely still building pieces. As of right now, they only tools they use are the pot they collect chemicals in and just the plants around them-not even plant material tools. But I plan on ruminating on this further and may be adding some specific tools later.

    Apr 7, 2021 15:42 by Mark Laybolt

    Hi AllaraKatadin!   Your article was the first 'sapient species' I read within the Peculiar Plants challenge, and I like all the details/variety you've included. The Bellossom-style line art in your sidebar is a lovely representation of your creation. I found the way you write about their culture/family life to be calming and pleasant, like a feel-good movie. Great work!

    Apr 8, 2021 02:26 by Allie Hilleson

    Thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

    Apr 10, 2021 20:42 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

    Aww that's such cute little flower you have at the top of the side bar XD This is a great article! Your plants are so very cute XD   I like how slow they are growing and how you've adapted their development. While the seedlings are stationary, the family basically can't move right? That must make them rather vulnerable… Those little seedlings sound so cute :D   " In a few areas, the Paijez are captured and forced to help or kept as novelties, attractions." Aww :(   Oooh their communication method is very interesting! And their culture is very interesting too. I like that you didn't make them monolithic but show different groups with their own cultures.   Do they have any natural predators? Or is it just some bad humans? I'm surprised that in general they seem to have good relationships with humans… Is there magic strong or is there any other reasons why the humans would "bother" being nice with them?

    Apr 10, 2021 21:00 by Allie Hilleson

    I'm still deciding on the predators. They have fairly strong magic for plants specifically, humans find this useful for crop growth. There are so many of them, but they generally stay within the forested areas away from the urban areas.

    Apr 15, 2021 22:53 by Michael Chandra

    So cute! <3

    Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
    Apr 16, 2021 23:40 by Allie Hilleson

    Thank you! :)