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Aogo and the bats

Once upon a time there was a lovely married couple. They had built themselves a home, and one far away at that. They were good people, so good that you could not even imagine it. They worshiped the god of plenty. It was a tree-man, and they called him honorable Thoium.
Thoium was pleased, but not yet were they worthy of immortality, he however was kind and he blessed them with twelve children. They were celebrated and the mother invited all of her relatives and friends and their friends. The party lasted for ten days, and nobody would have thought that a child had been cursed.
Aogo was wild and had no respect. Her father often needed to show her how powerless she was, but when bats attacked she would examine their attacks, and harm her siblings the same way. Years passed Aogo didn't change, rather she was proud that no one could tie her down, and she wanted everyone to think so too. That may be why she lead all of her siblings to the edge of Nul, so she could show them that she could kill all bats and even tame them.
Aogos frail arms were torn from her body, and her hair ripped from her head. Each one of her bones were broken, and her body was crumbled like a leaf. The bats had eaten out each one of her internal organs, and the blood of her siblings lead all the way home.
Thoium closed the eyes of the parents so they shouldn't have to mourn this terrible terrible loss caused by the carelessness of a single child.

Historical Basis

Some claim that there is a staff of Aogo. One that was used to keep her in cheek, but was broken. The museum of purple people history in Tamjian have two pieces of a staff that has not been authenticated.


This myth is widely spread over Nitayo, but it's usage was mostly in the north. It is common knowledge in most towns up there. Especially in Tamijan and other towns around Nul. Today it is still used as a warning story.

Variations & Mutation

There are a couple of things in this myth that changes. Some books say, that the party lasted seven days some say twelve. Sometimes Aogos death is less detailed, and some of her schemes vary. In some writings she had made a bat plush to scare her siblings. And sometimes it is written that Thoium killed the parents, or that he simply made them forget that they had children. These are properly because the text in unclear as to what he really did. When the Lohntpil children today hear this story  Thoium may be cut out of it, not as a historical variation, but simply to not encourage sub-god worship. However, it is also a piece of cultural history, so for that reason Thoium may very well be included.

In Art

Aogo and the bats have been featured on the walls of large houses with bright colors of blood and a limegreen. It is one of the only ancient paintings of the Lohntpil, that depict a happening.
Date of First Recording
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