Alianor Farrier

Queen Alianor Vyner Farrier

Inspiration Music:

Alianor Farrier is the young queen of Aes. She took the throne after the abdication of the kingdom's previous king Ezra Prioleau, who had been childless. Due to the tragic circumstances of her birth, she possess a clockwork heart and the magical talents of her adoptive father, Lysander Vyner, has made it so that the clockwork heart has stopped the aging of her body past maturity. As such, Alianor has lived for nearly 4000 years.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Alianor is a small girl of slim build, described to be very pretty; she isn't very muscular, and is rather nimble and agile. She has a scar down the middle of her chest - a remnant of the operation her adoptive father had performed on her as an infant to replace her clockwork heart.

Special abilities

Alianor has an aptitude for magic, and has been trained in it by her adoptive father, Lysander, and his elven friend.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Alianor was born on the first day of winter in 9311 PFA to Azariah Farrier and Isolde Silver, two commoners from the village of Mooncrest in Southern Aes - known then as Nerinoch. She was born their first and only child, after multiple previous miscarriages, and her parents adored her.   However, Alianor was born sickly, with a weak heart, and she was effectively born dying. Her parents, in a moment of desperation, searched the entire kingdom for someone who could help Alianor, and heard tales of an hrrermit inventor who had magic that could save people's lives. Hoping that this inventor could save Alianor's, Azariah and Isolde brought their infant daughter to the inventor, learning that he was a man called Lysander Vyner - a man who had been crippled in a fishing accident, and who had learnt magic from the elves to help him, and made multiple clockwork inventions to support himself too.   Lysander agreed to help, although he warned Alianor's parents that his methods of helping may be shocking. Despite this, they begged for his help anyway, and left Alianor with him before resting for the night in the nearest settlement. True to his word, Lysander saved Alianor's life by replacing her weak and dying heart with a clockwork one, enchanted to never rust, never degrade and never fail - so long as it got proper maintenance throughout the years. At the time, Lysander had yet to perfect the spells he placed on the clockwork and, as such, the magic had the side-effect of giving the bearer of the clockwork prosthetics immortality - this side-effect was what allowed Lysander to live for the two hundred years he had by the time he met Alianor and her parents, as he had used his own clockwork technology to create a prosthetic leg to replace the one he lost in the fishing accident.   Although Lysander had warned Alianor's parents of his method to save the infant, her parents were still very shocked to learn of Alianor's clockwork heart, and they struggled to come to terms with it. Although they still loved Alianor and cared for her, the new technology in her body scared them as clockwork, at that time, was not commonly seen. Then when Alianor was five, her mother died of an unknown illness.   Azariah, who had been more scared of the clockwork technology then Isolde, cared for Alianor for a few months longer before ultimately abandoning her on the doorstep of Lysander's home. Lysander was disappointed to see this turn of events, although not surprised, and welcomed the young Alianor into his home. It was then that she met Eli Langridge, a young man that Lysander had also adopted and who had assisted Lysander in the operation to replace Alianor's heart with the clockwork one. Eli was initially cautious of Alianor, but eventually warmed up to her.   Alianor was then raised by Lysander and learnt everything about clockwork from him and Eli; she also happily discovered that she had an aptitude for magic herself from an elven friend of Lysander's, and thus began to also learn magic. Her life was peaceful and happy and apart from occasionally going into the nearest settlement for supplies, Alianor was happy living in Lysander and Eli's secluded home.  

Alianor's Immortality

After Alianor grew to maturity, as the years passed, she began to notice that she didn't age like others her age in the nearby settlement, and also that Eli had not aged at all throughout the years either - as Eli was like Lysander and Alianor, he had a clockwork arm after having been born missing one - and decided to confront Lysander about it. It was then that she learnt of the side-effect of the magic that powered her heart, protected it from damage, and protected her body from being negatively affected by the clockwork.   Alianor was shocked by the news but quickly recovered from it, having been raised around magic-enhanced clockwork her entire life. She agreed to keep those details a secret from the other children, and her life returned to normal, although as her friends from the nearby town grew older, she began visiting less and less - to hide the fact that she was still young - and only continued with her regular visits several decades later when her friends from her past visits were too old to realise she was the same person or just deceased.  

The Nerinoch Pandemic

When Alianor was 204, news of thousands of Nerinochian citizens mysteriously dying began to spread through the kingdom. These citizens were both low-born and high-born and the only thing they had in common was the manner of their death - they ended in bloody ways, bleeding out from every orifice. Their deaths were in the same manner that both Alianor's mother and several others from the Mooncrest village had died in back when Alianor was a child - but this time it was on a much larger scale.   When they learnt of mysterious widespread deaths across the kingdom, Lysander sent Alianor and Eli out to nearest town, which was also being badly hit, to provide assistance while he went out to investigate what could be causing it. Alianor worked hard with Eli over the following week to provide as much relief for those suffering as they could, while also helping the healthy with preparing funerals and burials for those who died - although both of them were at a loss on how to stop it as none of the little magic Alianor knew was able to help.   At the end of the week, Lysander returned from his journey and called Alianor and Eli back to their home to share his findings with them. It was then that they learnt that their suspicions were correct - the deaths were all being caused by a deadly disease spreading through the kingdom, one that Alianor's mother and fellow villagers had indeed had all those years back; although it wasn't as widespread back then as those ill had had little contact with others at the time and the village wasn't very populous and the little population it had was greatly spread out. Meanwhile, this time around, the disease started inside one of Nerinoch's most densely populated cities.   The three of them went to work with trying to come up with methods to prevent the spread of the disease, or even just to cure those ill, and even moved themselves into the nearest town to be more central and easy to get to for help, although their efforts were often fruitless.   It was only after months of working, and seeing those around them dying, and helping out as much as she could, that Alianor noticed that no matter how much she and Eli and Lysander were around those ill, none of them ever got sick. Alianor, on a hunch, researched the spells that Lysander had put on their clockwork prosthetics and, after some experimentation as well, discovered that the spell on the clockwork that protected their bodies from any negative effects of being so close to it also protected their bodies from any diseases or even small injuries - they couldn't get sick, and if they were lightly injuries, like small cuts and bruises and scrapes, they'd instantly heal. Bigger injuries, like a broken leg that Alianor had gotten as a child, didn't heal instantly, but did heal quicker than they would normally.   She brought her findings to Eli and Lysander, and pleaded for Lysander to work the same protection magic, although modifying it so that it wouldn't give the affected any other side-effects such as the immortality and would just protect them from the disease, on the people and save them; however, Lysander told her that it would only work if they were constantly being protected by the magic, and that would only happen if they had a clockwork prosthetic like they did - and he refused to do that to anyone who didn't absolutely need it, although Alianor argued that they did need it.   Lysander continued to refuse, however, and eventually Alianor made the decision to leave, running off to the capital city, then known as Nepturen, with Eli following her to protect her, where she would try to help the people herself. She did what she could with her current skills at first, simply casting the protection spell on the afflicted, but learnt that Lysander had been right, the magic eventually wore off and had to be frequently recasted. However, it did buy many citizens time while Alianor and Eli worked together to develop their own clockwork making skills, working towards being able to create their own intricate prosthetics for the people.   They were unable to create limbs that functioned the same as Eli's arm, or organs that worked as naturally as Alianor's heart, but they were able to create very basic and crude one that were integrated with their protection magic. Although nearly all of Nerinoch had never before seen such clockwork technology, and although given their diseased family members this protective clockwork meant having to remove one of their existing limbs, many of the healthy citizens with family members on death's door begged for Alianor and Eli to operate on their ill relatives - same as how Alianor's parents had begged Lysander to operate on Alianor.   Alianor and Eli, although hesitant as their clockwork limbs were not yet advanced enough to work like a natural arm or leg, agreed, and began performing these surgeries en masse. The surgeries were mostly successful, barring those on people who had been too far gone to survive due to the progression of the illness, and the protective magic worked - those ill recovered and, although their ability to use the arm or leg that was replaced was reduced, they were thankful to Alianor and Eli and the clockwork limbs they invented as it meant they were alive.   Alianor and Eli worked as hard they could to help as many as they could, although their ability to help was limited; while the spell they cast didn't take much out of them, they couldn't get access to enough metal to help everyone, and many had to just have the spell cast on them to give them a few more weeks of life, and then spells to help ease the pain of their death.  
Meeting the King and Imprisonment
Eventually, the monarchy learnt of the citizens of the capital who were going around with clockwork arms and legs, showing off their prosthetic limbs and spreading stories of a pair of siblings who knew how to help prevent the disease. The current king at the time, Ezra Prioleau, called for Alianor to come to the castle, sending guards to drag her there if necessary. Alianor, however, went willingly, telling Eli to continue helping as many people as he could while she was gone.   Once at the castle, Alianor went before the king, who demanded to know what she was doing. Alianor explained to the king about her clockwork heart, how the magic on it protected her body from being affected by the disease - although she left out that it made her immortal - and how her brother's clockwork arm had a similar effect on him. She told him about how they had been making clockwork limbs with the same protective magic on to help protect the citizens and save their lives. Although Alianor's claims had been proven by the many lives she had saved, the very nature of the magic clockwork scared Ezra, and he had Alianor imprisoned for the crime of 'human experimentation' - Eli managing to escape the same fate due to being protected by citizens that he and Alianor had helped.   Due to the imprisonment and Eli being in hiding, Alianor and Eli were unable to continue their work, and the death toll began rising once more. Those who had been helped by Alianor and Eli frequently went before the king, begging him to free Alianor and stop the manhunt for Eli, although the king refused each time. However, eventually the disease reached the castle, and the queen, Cordelia, fell ill. Ezra, in his desperation, went to Alianor begged her to help the queen, despite his fear of the clockwork magic. Alianor agreed to, but told Ezra that her skills were not yet good enough to create clockwork prosthetics like her own and anything she created for the queen would give her very limited movement in the replaced limb - however, she knew someone who could create an advanced limb in a town in the south of Nerinoch and she could go and ask for his help if Ezra set her free.   Ezra relented and let Alianor go, desperate to save his wife; Alianor thanked him and hurried back to Crowglen after reuniting with Eli, the town they had left Lysander in. When they got there, they were surprised to see that, in their absence, Lysander had given in, and all of the surviving townspeople had clockwork organs enchanted with the protective magic. It was then that they went to Lysander himself and told him what was going on with the queen, and what they had been up to in the capital.   Lysander agreed to help, although he helped only in giving Alianor and Eli the blueprints for creating the intricate and complicated clockwork organs that he had made for Alianor and the citizens of Crowglen, telling the siblings that he desired to return to their hermited home and live in peace there rather then in the chaos of a town or city. Alianor and Eli thanked him and, as they prepared to return to the city, Lysander gave them the parting message that he was proud of them for what they had done; he revealed that he had already known of their attempts to help in the capital, as news of the "clockwork siblings" had spread even as far as Crowglen, and it was these tales that finally convinced him to help those in Crowglen.   Alianor and Eli bid him a warm farewell and promised to come back as soon as the pandemic was over before they returned to Nepturen. They explained what happened to the king before spending the next few days working morning and night on using Lysander's blueprints and instructions to make a clockwork heart for the queen, Alianor even agreeing to be put under so that Eli could inspect her own heart and make sure everything was the same. Eventually their work was successful, and, after casting the protection magic on the clockwork heart, the operation went ahead. As they had promised the king, the clockwork heart did as it was designed to do - it functioned as a real heart world, and the queen began to recover from the disease.   It was then that the king accepted that Alianor and Eli really were helping the citizens, and that their clockwork was truly saving lives. Under the pressure of the rising death toll and the imminent crumbling of the kingdom, the king wearily allowed Alianor and Eli to continue their practice, and this time even agreed to support them, getting them all the metal they needed and even getting other people with the ability to use magic to help spell the clockwork.   Over the following months, Ezra came through on his word, providing the siblings with enough metal from the elves and the other Felhedell kingdoms to help all the citizens of Nerinoch along with other magic users to help with spellcasting. Alianor and Eli worked hard to create clockwork organs and limbs for each of the citizens while Ezra sent out guards to each and every settlement in Nerinoch to tell the citizens that if they had any ill then to bring them to the capital, where there was someone who can help them.   Alianor and Eli carried out every operation personally, working almost non-stop for several months. When the last citizen was saved, they then went to work on replacing the clockwork limbs of the very first Nepturen citizens they had saved with updated and advanced versions, allowing them full use of all their limbs again. When it was over, they thanked the king for his assistance before returning to their home with Lysander as they had promised.  

Alianor's Coronation and Eli's Peerage

Things were peaceful again for the next few years, with Lysander, Alianor, and Eli regularly creating new limbs and organs from their home to replace those of the citizens when their original ones were outgrown or damaged, as well as helping to train others in each settlement to be able to perform maintenance on the limbs and replace damaged or outgrown ones.   After a few years however, Alianor and Eli were called back to Nepturen by Ezra. Once there, they were shocked to learn that babies had recently started to be born with the illness that had once devastated Nerinoch, and some had started to die after only a few months of life. Ezra explained to them then that the Nerinoch of old was gone, and that the kingdom would need to change if they were to survive. They had become reliant on clockwork to simply live now, and it appeared that they would need to be reliant on it for the foreseeable future. Nerinoch had predominately had a fishing economy, but Ezra told them that he had realised that needed to change or Nerinoch wouldn't be able to survive for much longer.   Ezra explained then that while he knew the kingdom needed to change, he wasn't not the right person to facilitate that change - he didn't know enough about clockwork and machinery to turn the kingdom from one of fishing to one of clockwork. The kingdom needed a leader who did know enough, who could use their power as the monarch to spread that knowledge among the citizens and their knowledge and experience to make the right decisions for the future of the kingdom.   He then reveals that this was why he asked for the siblings to come; he was going to abdicate his throne, and he would name one of the siblings as his successor, and they would lead Nerinoch into a new future. The initial plan was to name Eli as his successor as Nerinoch's monarchy followed an agnatic primogeniture succession, where it went to the firstborn son, so Eli would be more accepted by the nobles of Nerinoch; however, over the months of helping the siblings with dealing with the pandemic, Ezra had grown to know both siblings well and knew that Eli was not the right person to lead an entire kingdom and that, diplomatically, Alianor was the better choice.   Alianor was shocked to hear that Ezra wished for her to take his place, and was unsure about whether or not she had the right skills to be a queen, but agreed for the good of her kingdom and her people. Ezra thanked her, promising that he would remain close by to help support her for as long as she needed him to. It was then that Alianor and Eli chose to reveal to Ezra that they were immortal, from the side-effect of the magic on their own clockwork, although they had chosen not to share that immortality with the other citizens of Nerinoch as they believed that death was a natural part of life and, if everyone was immortal, then they would later cause issues of overpopulation. Ezra, although shocked to learn that Alianor and Eli were already more than double his age, agreed with their decision, and thanked them for telling him.   Two weeks later, to allow Alianor and Eli time to return to Lysander and tell him what was going on, Ezra abdicated his throne, and named Alianor his successor. Alianor was then coronated three days later, and subsequently named Eli as the new Duke of Nepturen, the previous duke having died during the pandemic. Although the citizens were stunned by the sudden change, all of them owed their lives to Alianor and Eli and accepted Alianor as their new queen. After Alianor's coronation, she made a public announcement with the help of Ezra, explaining to the citizens that the kingdom had to change in order to survive. She told them that the disease of years before was still attacking them, and until they could be sure it was gone for good, they would need to continue relying on clockwork. For the good of the kingdom, they needed to focus their efforts on learning how to make clockwork machinery and how to improve previous creations and transition from a fishing economy to one of clockwork and machinery.  

Creation of Aes

To represent the kingdom's change, Alianor renamed the kingdom from Nerinoch to Aes, a word she had learnt meant 'copper' in the language used by the Nimorans in what the Felhedellan kingdoms knew as the 'Safe Lands' - Northumbria in Southern Aefareth. Following this, several of the settlements of Aes also changed their names - such as the capital's name change from Nepturen to Gearfall.   Over the years following Alianor's coronation, the kingdom worked on embracing the change and integrating it into their new society; they learnt how to build clockwork machines, and those with aptitudes for magic learnt how to spell them. They were taught how to integrate clockwork with the human body, and how to perform maintenance on said integrations - both internal and external. Before long, Aes had made a complete shift from fishing to clockwork, and Alianor began setting up trades with the other Felhedell kingdoms and the Elves - trading their clockwork machinery for things they needed.   Alianor has since ruled the kingdom, becoming a just and fair ruler for the kingdom over the past 3700 years. Although the citizens have long become aware that their queen was immortal, they remain unaware of the exact cause of her immortality.


Alianor was educated by Lysander, receiving an advanced and well-rounded education while under his care. After her coronation, she was then educated by Ezra in all manners of ruling.


Prior to her coronation, Alianor had no formal employment; she mainly helped out her father and brother with performing odd jobs and tasks in Crowglen to support the citizens there with anything they needed.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Alianor, with the help of her brother, helped to save the kingdom of Nerinoch from the pandemic that wreaked havoc throughout it.



Alianor has reigned for the last 3700 years, with the most memorable event of her reign being her change of the kingdom from having an economy based on fishing to clockwork machinery.

Contacts & Relations

As the inheritor of the throne, Alianor is affiliated with the previous royal house of the kingdom, the House of Prioleau. She is most close with the last head of the family, Ezra Prioleau, and his wife, Cordelia, who both supported her during the early years of her reign, up until their deaths.


Like the rest of her fellow citizens of Aes, Alianor speaks with the Eastern Felhedell dialect of Common Aefarethen.

Wealth & Financial state

Prior to her coronation, Alianor lived in seclusion with her adoptive father and brother, living a simple life. After her coronation and elevation to the upper class, she inherited the wealth and assests of Ezra and the House of Prioleau.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen Alianor of Aes
Date of Birth
1st of Ovelian, 9311 PFA
Mooncrest, Southern Aes, Aes
Parents (Adopting)
Current Residence
Gearfall, Central Aes, Kingdom of Aes
She / Her
Pale blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
105 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common Aefarethen
Nimoran (partially fluent)

Cover image: by Kalilinai, via Perchance
Character Portrait image: by Kaliliani, via Perchance