Arcane Elf

The Arcane Elves were one of five types of elves, and they primarily resided on the island of Lyalume, off the coast of Northern Aefareth. Due to the destruction of their old home, they found themselves on one of the islands of the coast of Southern Aefareth, and helped the humans there to founder the kingdom of Ayuipan. Their occupation in Aefareth eventually led to them reproducing with the humans living there; while the other types of elves only introduced their blood into the royal families of the kingdoms they helped create, because the Arcane Elves lived in Ayuipan permanently, their blood was introduced not just into the royal family of Ayuipan and the noble families, but also the common people. As of the present day, there is not a single Ayuipani who does not possess Arcane Elf blood.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Arcane Elves typically use traditional elven names, lyrical sounding and shared among all five types of elves. When two elves get married, they keep their own family names rather than one of them taking on the other's; children of two elves will either take the mother's name, or the father's name. There is no social norm for this, the choice of which surname the child takes is decided between the parents at the child's birth, and siblings may have different family names because of this.

Other names

Elves do not give their children middle names, and typically if an elf has a middle name, it is a name they chose for themselves when they reached adulthood - either a name they like, one based on a word in Elven, or a nickname that had been given to them by a close friend or family member.


Major language groups and dialects

Arcane Elves, like the other types of Elves, spoke Elven predominately. After the destruction of their island and their moving to Ayuipan, they formed a language based on the Elven language that they then taught to the humans of Ayuipan. The humans called this language Lyaluman after the Arcane Elves' old island's name.

Culture and cultural heritage

The Arcane Elves of Lyalume share most of their culture with the other types of Elves, however there are some differences. The Elves of Lyalume primarily focus on living their lives with a heavy emphasis on respecting and worship the arcane and the ancient magic of the world. They used the most amount of magic out of all of the elves, and had a spell for almost everything. This way of living was one they passed onto their descendants in Ayuipan.   After the destruction of Lyalume, the Arcane Elves threw all their effort in writing down their heritage and their culture for the citizens of Ayuipan to study and pass down the knowledge of after the inevitable extinction of the Arcane Elves.

Shared customary codes and values

The common values of the Arcane Elves was the emphasis on developing magic skills and knowledge of the arcane, as even the Arcane Elves didn't know everything about the source of their power. They encouraged their young to create new spells and improve on old ones, to learn from the mistakes of their forebears and to live their lives intertwined with the flow of magic. Their practices were kept secret from the other types of Elves, and they were initially never to be shared with anyone but were eventually passed on to their hybrid offspring after they moved to Ayuipan.   Arcane Elves were distinguished from the other types of Elves by the symbol on their back, between their shoulder blades - a magic circle filled with arcane runes.

Average technological level

They were not very technologically advanced in terms of science and machinery, but they were the most advanced when it came to the use of magic - far more so than any of the other types of Elves. They were the most in-tune with the flow of magic, which is what made the eventual destruction of their island all the more tragic - as it was something brought about by them and their ignorance despite their affinity for magic.

Common Dress code

The Arcane Elves typically shared the same fashion as the Elven species as a whole, but they predominately dressed in varying shades of the colour purple with some yellow and black as well.

Art & Architecture

The Arcane Elves had traditional elven architecture, although with a lot of things to do with the Arcane Elves, it was primarily varying shades of purple in colour and their buildings often featured magic circle designs.

Foods & Cuisine

The Arcane Elves have a predominately omnivore diet, and live off the plants and animals that reside on Lyalume. After moving to Ayuipan, they were able to introduce some of their ingredients to the land of Ayuipan, but mostly switched to using the plants and animals naturally living on the island.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Arcane Elves do not have many traditions or customs, at least none that are celebrated by the group as a whole. However, there is one tradition that is observed throughout the whole island, and that is the Ritual of Magic. Similar to the rituals of their fellow types of elves, the Ritual of Magic is how the Arcane Elves give to the flow of arcane energy that permeates the world their own energy in exchange for the flow of arcane energy's continued allowing of them to access it to use magic. This was the only thing they did not pass on to their descendants in Ayuipan.

Coming of Age Rites

While most of the details of an Arcane Elf's coming of age is the same as it for the other types of elves, there is a slight variation for Arcane Elves which is the elf who is reaching maturity receiving the mark of the magic circle on their back.

Common Taboos

Unlike the other types of Elves, the Arcane Elves didn't have any major taboos that were recognised by the group as a whole.

Historical figures

Renna Miradi - the last queen of Lyalume.

Major organizations

They were considered the parents of the Kingdom of Ayuipan, founded on the island of the same name; they helped the humans who had also settled on the island to form the kingdom, and introduced their blood into the humans' bloodlines to strengthen them and provide them with the ability to use magic.
Encompassed species
Related Locations

Cover image: by Kalilinai, via Perchance