The Senate Building, also known as the Senate Rotunda, Senate Tower, Convocation Center, or Senate Dome, was the building on Coruscant in the center of the Senate District which served as the seat of the Galactic Senate from the end of the Great Sith War until the end of the Old Republic, with the Grand Convocation Chamber at its heart. The designers claimed that any weapon capable of destroying the Chamber would also have to be powerful enough to destroy the entire planet, making the facility invulnerable against sabotage or orbital bombardment.


A massive drum-shaped building boasting a shield-shaped dome with a diameter of more than two kilometers, the Senate Building was built some time after 3996 BBY following the duel between Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas and Sith Lord Exar Kun in the old Senate Hall. On Coruscant, new structures were typically erected on top of older buildings, eliminating the need for demolition; the ancient meeting hall of the Galactic Senate served as the foundations of the new Senate Tower.
Alternative Names
Senate Rotunda, Senate Tower, Convocation Center, or Senate Dome
Government complex
Parent Location

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