G5 The Brass Rail Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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G5 The Brass Rail

This is a large, ‘under-mound’ tavern with a cozy feel to it. The Brass Rail has few windows, and is dimly lit by several fireplaces and candles on every table. Although the walls are finished with wooden paneling, the floor remains unfinished dirt. The ceiling is supported by scores of short wooden beams, and patrons larger than 5’5” tall feel quite crowded. This smoke filled tavern usually gets very stuffy and hot as the place fills up with patrons.   As industrious in their hospitality as they are in their labor, the gnomes of this settlement have created an inn sized perfectly for people of their diminutive sensibilities, though it is quite cramped for larger humanoids. The benches, tables, desks, and even the bar have all been shaped out of the rock of the natural cavern, though horsehair cushions fastened to the seats make it more comfortable for sitting than you might expect. The light within emanates from several dozen small glass globes hanging from chains, and close examination reveals that the light comes from numerous fireflies somehow coaxed within, as there are holes from which they could escape if they had a mind to do so. Several dour gnomes sit here and there, drinking unknown concoctions from steaming mugs, looking balefully at this intrusion from uncommon travelers.   The tavern derives its name from a small stage at its centre. It has a very short brass rail that runs around it and the bar. The local entertainment (bards, poets, etc) always occupy this stage, and once/week gnomes gather for a local ‘talent’ contest of sorts. Each gnome must try to out do each other in a practical joke/trickery contest. The tavern is alive with laughter at the antics of participants and crowd alike.

A Cozy Hearth in Gnomesberg

The Brass Rail, nestled in the Gnomesberg Gnome Quarter of Verbobonc, offers a quaint subterranean ambiance that caters to the local gnome community. This under-mound tavern is characterized by its cozy, smoke-filled atmosphere, dim lighting, and rustic charm. Its wooden-paneled walls and dirt floors, along with the low ceilings supported by numerous wooden beams, create an intimate setting that's perfect for the gnome's size but can be a tight squeeze for taller patrons.
The Brass Rail Tavern by 3orcs

History and Local Significance

  • Established Gathering Spot: Known for being a longstanding favorite among the gnomes of Gnomesberg, The Brass Rail serves as a central hub for socializing and entertainment.
  • Cultural Hub: Reflecting the industrious and hospitable spirit of its gnome patrons, this tavern has become a key cultural venue where traditions and local humor flourish.

Entertainment and Activities

Heart of Gnome Merriment
At the core of The Brass Rail's appeal is its vibrant entertainment scene, centered around a small stage surrounded by a short brass rail. Regular performances by bards and poets, coupled with a weekly talent contest featuring gnome trickery and humor, infuse the tavern with lively laughter and communal joy. This unique entertainment style not only draws regulars but also attracts visitors curious about gnome culture.
  • Unique Decor and Lighting: The tavern is illuminated by firefly-filled glass globes, adding to its enchanting environment.
  • Weekly Entertainment: The highlight is the weekly talent contest held on a small stage surrounded by a brass rail, where gnomes compete in trickery and jokes, infusing the place with joy and laughter.

Characters of Charm and Wit

Key figures at The Brass Rail include Gemmir the Joyful Bard and Pamphila Bracegirdle, the serving wench. Gemmir, known for his delightful musical performances, brings light and joy to the patrons, while Pamphila ensures everyone is well-served with a smile and quick service. Their presence enhances the tavern’s reputation as a place of welcome and warmth.
The Gnomish Touch
The tavern is managed by a gnome whose personality and dedication reflect the establishment's charm and operational success. This owner is not just a businessman but a community figure who supports and participates in local traditions and festivities, contributing to the tavern's role as a cultural and social landmark in the Gnome Quarter.


Delicacies and Drinks for Every Taste
The Brass Rail boasts a diverse menu featuring traditional gnome dishes like goose-egg stew, alongside a variety of beers, wines, and spirits. While the beverages might be of average quality, the food is reputed for its taste and authenticity, catering to both gnome-sized appetites and those of larger visitors, all at reasonable prices.
Notable Gnomes
"Every guest a friend, every night a tale!"
  • Filibert Tinkerdabble: The gregarious owner of The Brass Rail, Filibert is a gnome with a keen sense for business and a passion for hospitality. Having grown up in the Gnomesberg area, his deep roots in the community drive his commitment to maintaining the tavern as a welcoming place for all gnomes.
  • Gemmir the Joyful Bard: "Tune your heart to the melody of mischief!" A staple of the tavern's entertainment scene, Gemmir is known for his uplifting songs and ability to engage with all patrons, gnome and otherwise. His background in traveling minstrelsy brings a diverse flavor to his performances.
  • Pamphila Bracegirdle, the Serving Wench: "A mug of ale holds more stories than a library." Pamphila is beloved for her quick service and quicker wit. Coming from a long line of gnome innkeepers, she finds joy in the bustling environment of the tavern.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Pamphila Bracegirdle by 3orcs

Services and Offerings

  • Local Cuisine: The tavern boasts a menu filled with traditional gnome fare, such as goose-egg stew, renowned for its heartiness and flavor. 
  • Beverage Selection: A variety of beers, wines, and spirits are available, all priced for the average consumer and reflective of typical gnome preferences.
Gnome Snacks and Pricing
  • Twinkling Turnip Tarts: 5 sp each 
  • Crunchy Cavern Capers (fried mushrooms): 3 sp per serving
  • Boulder Biscuits (hard tack with nut mix): 2 sp each
  • Stalagmite Sweets (caramelized nuts): 4 sp per bag
  • Glimmergrass Wraps: 6 sp each

Cover image: Gnome Rents by 3orcs


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