G8 Burblebelly’s Brewery Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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G8 Burblebelly’s Brewery

A Gem of the Gnomesberg Gnome Quarter
Burblebelly’s Brewery is renowned for producing Verbobonc's finest wines and ales. Situated deep within a traditional gnomish mound, the brewery’s secret lies in its use of the finest ingredients sourced from the Kron Hills and surrounding lands.

A Deeply Rooted Tradition

Burblebelly’s Brewery is more than just a place to purchase alcohol; it is a legacy. The brewery is tunneled deep into a gnomish burrow, featuring five chambers filled with large heart-wood casks and four more chambers storing countless bottles of wine, aged for decades by Burblebelly’s grandfather and father.
Key Features
  • Location: Deep within a traditional gnomish mound
  • Casks and Storage: Five chambers of heart-wood casks and four chambers of aged wine bottles
  • Specialty: Award-winning wines and ales, including a local favorite, the berry ale

A Family Legacy

Burblebelly’s Brewery has been a staple in the Gnomesberg Gnome Quarter for generations. Founded by Burblebelly’s grandfather, the brewery has continuously evolved, maintaining its reputation for high-quality beverages.
Historical Milestones
Founding: Established by Burblebelly’s grandfather Generational Expertise: Wine bottles laid down for decades Reputation: Known for mid to upper-priced beverages

Politics of Verbobonc

Navigating Gnome Politics
Burblebelly is actively involved in the politics of the Gnome Quarter and the Free Assembly of Gnomes. He advocates for the autonomy of the gnomish community and supports policies that protect local businesses from external pressures.
Political Engagement


Community and Trade Connections
Burblebelly’s Brewery enjoys strong relationships with local farmers and traders, ensuring a steady supply of high-quality ingredients. The brewery also serves as a social hub, fostering community ties within the Gnome Quarter.
Key Relationships
  • Local Farmers: Sourcing finest grapes and grains
  • Traders: Ensuring quality ingredients
  • Community Hub: Fostering ties within the Gnome Quarter
Political Stance

Burblebelly’s Offerings

Burblebelly’s Brewery specializes in mid to upper-priced alcoholic beverages. The brewery’s most famous product is its berry ale, available only in early summer.
Beverage List
  • Ales: Including the popular berry ale
  • Wines: Award-winning varieties
  • Pricing: Mid to upper range, no cheap items
Burblebelly: The Master Brewer
Burblebelly, the current owner and master brewer, is known for his meticulous attention to detail and pride in his craft. His stout frame and rosy cheeks reflect his passion for brewing, and he is fiercely protective of his brewery’s reputation.
Character Traits
  • Description: Stout with rosy cheeks
  • Personality: Meticulous and passionate
  • Motivation: Upholding the family legacy of fine brewing
Brewery / Winery
Burblebelly by 3orcs
Gnomish Ales, Wines, and Spirits
Gnomish Ales
  • Greenway Gold: 5 silver pieces per pint
  • Kron Hill Brew: 6 silver pieces per pint
  • Burblebelly Berry: 7 silver pieces per pint
Gnomish Wines
  • Enchanted Elixir: 8 silver pieces per glass
  • Pixie’s Nectar: 9 silver pieces per glass
  • Moonlight Mead: 1 gold piece per glass
Gnomish Spirits
  • Garl's Glory: 2 gold pieces per shot

Cover image: Gnome Rents by 3orcs


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