Timeline of events by Chronicles of Mann | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

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Preface 20,000 BSU - 15,001 BSU 15,000 BSU - 10,001 BSU 10,000 BSU - 5,001 BSU 5,000 BSU - 1 BSU 0 ASU- 999 ASU 1,000 ASU- 1,999 ASU 2,000 ASU - 2,499 ASU 2,500 ASU - 2,999 ASU 3,000 ASU - 3,999 ASU 4,000 ASU - 4,999 ASU 5,000 ASU - 5,999 ASU 6,000 ASU - 6,249 ASU 6,250 ASU - 6,499 ASU 6,500 ASU - 6,599 ASU 6,600 ASU - 6,699 ASU 6,700 ASU - 6,799 ASU 6,800 ASU - 6,899 ASU 6,900 ASU - 6,999 ASU 7,000 ASU - 7,049 ASU 7,050 ASU - 7,099 ASU 7,100 ASU - 7,149 ASU 7,200 ASU - 7,299 ASU 7,300 ASU - 7,349 ASU 7,350 ASU - 7,399 ASU 7,400 ASU - 7,499 ASU 7,500 ASU - 7,699 ASU 7,700 ASU - 7,799 ASU 7,800 ASU - 7,849 ASU 7,850 ASU - 7,899 ASU 7,900 ASU - 7,949 ASU 7,950 ASU - 7,999 ASU 8,000 ASU - 8,099 ASU 8,100 ASU - 8,199 ASU 8,200 ASU - 8,299 ASU 8,300 ASU - 8,399 ASU 8,400 ASU - 8,499 ASU 8,500 ASU - 8,599 ASU 8,600 ASU - 8,699 ASU 8,700 ASU - 8,799 ASU 8,800 ASU - 8,899 ASU 9,000 ASU - 9,099 ASU 9,100 ASU - 9,109 ASU 9,120 SU - 9,129 ASU 9,130 SU - 9,139 ASU 9,140 SU - 9,149 ASU 9,150 SU - 9,159 ASU 9,160 ASU - 9,169 ASU 9,170 SU - 9,179 ASU 9,180 ASU - 9,189 ASU 9,190 ASU - 9,199 ASU 9,200 ASU - 9,209 ASU 9,210 ASU - 9,219 ASU 9,220 ASU - 9,229 ASU 9,230 ASU - 9,239 ASU 9,240 ASU - 9,249 ASU 9,250 ASU - 9,259 ASU 9,260 ASU - 9,269 ASU 9,270 ASU - 9,279 ASU 9,280 ASU - 9,289 ASU 9,290 ASU - 9,299 ASU 9,300 ASU 9,301 ASU 9,302 ASU 9,303 ASU 9,304 ASU 9,305 ASU - Month One 9,305 ASU - Month Two 9,305 ASU - Month Three 9,305 ASU - Month Four 9,305 ASU - Month Five 9,305 ASU - Month Six 9,305 ASU - Month Seven 9,305 ASU - Month Eight 9,305 ASU - Month Nine 9,305 ASU - Month Ten 9,305 ASU - Month Eleven 9,305 ASU - Month Twelve 9,305 ASU - Month Thirteen 9,306 ASU 9,307 ASU 9,308 ASU 9,309 ASU 9,310 ASU - 9,399 ASU Out-Dated Times.

In the world of Chronicles of Mann

Visit Chronicles of Mann

Ongoing 1721 Words

9,290 ASU - 9,299 ASU

4535 0 0

9,290 ASU
Death of Elwyn Hammer Wolf. Long blind from old age.
Death of Darwyn ‘The Powerful’ Worth Aegis.
A thrall and friend of Darwyn 'The Powerful' Worth Aegis kills him and brings his head to King Rodger Ash Dawn for a reward.
Rodger Ash Dawn has the thrall killed for betraying his lord.
Darwyn ‘The Powerful’ Worth Aegis was known for raping and impregnating women. Common and noble born alike. Daughter or wife. Although he has five known children, it is said that he has many more unknown hidden ones.
Birth of Oliver Blackstone.
Birth of 
Birth of Gwen Mells. Daughter of XXXXX and XXXXX Mells.
Birth of Kevin Stout. Son of David Stout and Astrid Stout.
Birth of Joslyn Vault. Daughter of Ealhswith Vault and XXXXX XXXXX.
Month One
Week One 

Week Two 

Week Three 

Week Four 

Week Five 

Month Two
Week One 

Week Two 

Week Three 

Week Four 

Week Five 

Month Three
Week One 

Week Two 

Week Three 

Week Four 

Week Five 

Month Four
Week One 

Week Two 

Week Three 

Week Four 

Week Five 

Month Five
Week One 

Week Two 

Week Three 

Week Four 
Birth of Birth of Harald Moon Frost. Son of Peder Ulric Moon Frost and Edith ‘Dragontail’ Lynch Aegis.
Week Five 

Month Six
Week One 

Week Two 

Week Three 

Week Four 

Week Five 

Month Seven

Week One 

Week Two 

Week Three 

Week Four 

Week Five 

Month Eight
Week One 

Week Two 

Week Three 

Week Four 

Week Five 

Month Nine
Week One 

Week Two 

Week Three 

Week Four 

Week Five 

Month Ten
Week One 

Week Two 

Week Three 

Week Four 

Week Five 

Month Eleven
Week One 

Week Two 

Week Three 

Week Four 

Week Five 

Month Twelve
Week One 

Week Two 

Week Three 

Week Four 

Week Five 

Month Thirteen
Week One 

Week Two 

Week Three 

Week Four 

Week Five 

9,291 ASU
King Rodger Ash Dawn builds a large Fabian Faith Church in Highpass. The first one.
Galla XXXXX marries System-lord Sigurd Ash Dawn of Stalwarts Rise.
Lord Erik ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis, Madlyn Lynch Aegis, Galen Worth Aegis, Meredith Worth Aegis, and their supporters are forced to flee Highpass. They leave for the Kingdom of the Wanes and the protection of the King where his sister lives as queen consort of the late King Alfred ‘The Victorious’ Ironsides Aegis. 
Rodger Ash Dawn is crowned King of the Kingdom of Highpass.
Rodger Ash Dawn is crowned High King of Highpass.
King Rodger Ash Dawn begins to convert many in Highpass by force.
Rodger Ash Dawn begins to raids within the Nord Void. He Raids both the Furse Holds, the Commonwealth of Drala, abd United Worlds of Kaledon.
Month One
Month Two
Month Three
Month Four
Month Five
Month Six
Month Seven
Month Eight
Month Nine
Month Ten
Month Eleven
Month Twelve
9,292 ASU
Morgan Tusk marries the Lord of Oritz XXXXX Leek.
Birth of Prince Belinda Lynch Aegis. Daughter of King Harwyn ‘Forkbeard’ Lynch Aegis and Oleen ‘The Haughty’ Fosse, sister to the Bolgar King Rastus Fosse of the Kingdom of Warta.
Death of Sector-lord Duncan ‘I The Fearless’ Tusk.
Duncan ‘The Good’ II Tusk becomes Sector-lord of the Furmann.
Erik Sunwing marries XXXXX.
King Rodger Ash Dawn seeks to marry widow on the King of the Wanes but is refused because of his faith.
Birth of Kori Stout. Daughter of Lord David Tristin Bear Stout and Astrid Tyr.
Meridith ‘The Bastard’ Tusk is granted the title System-lord of Weyburn by her brother Duncan ‘The Good’ II Tusk.
Lord Erik ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis, Madlyn Lynch Aegis, Galen Worth Aegis, Meredith Worth Aegis, and their supporters arrived on the world of Jom.
Galen Worth Aegis is given as a ward to the Jom.
Month One
Month Two
Month Three
Month Four
Month Five
Month Six
Month Seven
Month Eight
Month Nine
Month Ten
Month Eleven
Month Twelve
9,293 ASU
Lord Erik ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis, Meredith Worth Aegis, Madlyn Lynch Aegis, and their forces raid the Old Ruins and Ruthen.
Ethan Cook, during a stop of the Blackwater, performs his first con job, and steals 100 credits.
Birth of Lin Moon Frost. Daughter of Peder Ulric Moon Frost and Edith ‘Dragontail’ Lynch Aegis.
Month One
Month Two
Month Three
Month Four
Month Five
Month Six
Month Seven
Month Eight
Month Nine
Month Ten
Month Eleven
Month Twelve
9,294 ASU
Lord Erik ‘of Highpass’ Worth raids Bothina and other eastern worlds.
King Rodger Ash Dawn makes Highgard the capital of Highpass.
King Rodger Ash Dawn founds several estates and buildings on Highgard.
The Highgard System grows in sizes and people folk to the new capital of the Kingdom of Highpass.
King Rodger Ash Dawn marries Hellen Lynch Aegis. Sister to King Harwyn 'Forkbeard' Lynch Aegis and widow of Olof ‘The Stong’ Ironsides Aegis.
Furse raids begin to hit the Commonwealth of Drala once again. Those employed King Oswald ‘The Unready’ Gisking leave his service when they are betrayed.
King Harwyn 'Forkbeard' Lynch Aegis, Peder Ulric Moon Frost, Erik ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis, Edith ‘Dragontail’ Lynch Aegis, Madlyn Lynch Aegis and forces raid System. Commonwealth Forces are defeated.
King Radcliff Cadoc, Ralf Cadoc, and their forces join King Harwyn 'Forkbeard' Lynch Aegis, Peder Ulric Moon Frost, Erik ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis, Edith ‘Dragontail’ Lynch Aegis, Madlyn Lynch Aegis and their forces.
The Lucky System is raided.
The Steadfast System is raided.
The Starholm System is raided.
King Harwyn 'Forkbeard' Lynch Aegis, Peder Ulric Moon Frost, Erik ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis, Edith ‘Dragontail’ Lynch Aegis, Madlyn Lynch Aegis, King Radcliff Cadoc, Ralf Cadoc, and forces raid the Isca System and remove Commonwealth Forces.
Shield-Maiden Nena Woodsmith enters into the service of Edith ‘Dragontail’ Lynch Aegis.
King Harwyn 'Forkbeard' Lynch Aegis, Peder Ulric Moon Frost, Erik ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis, Edith ‘Dragontail’ Lynch Aegis, Madlyn Lynch Aegis, King Radcliff Cadoc, Ralf Cadoc, Lord Braden Woodsmith, Shield-Maiden Nena Woodsmith and forces raid the Bronzeward System.
South of Walhaz is raided.
Birth of Prince Duncan Lynch. Son of King Harwyn 'Forkbeard' Lynch and Oleen ‘The Haughty’ Fosse, sister to the Bolgar King XXXXX Fosse of the Kingdom of Warta.
Birth of Duncan ‘The Short‘ III Tusk. Son of Sector-lord Duncan ‘The Good’ II Tusk.
Birth of Prince Kyla Gisking. King Oswald ‘The Unready’ Gisking and Jessica ‘Of Bloom’ Brand.
Month One
Month Two
Month Three
Month Four
Month Five
Month Six
Month Seven
Month Eight
Month Nine
Month Ten
Month Eleven
Month Twelve
9,295 ASU
Birth of Gwen Gisking to King Oswald ‘The Unready’ Gisking and Jessica ‘Of Bloom’ Brand.
Oleen ‘The Haughty’ Fosse leaves King Harwyn 'Forkbeard' Lynch, and returns to Warta Space to live with her brother, the new King of Warta King XXXXX XXXXX. She leaves her children behind in the Kingdom of Fist.
Month One
Month Two
Month Three
Month Four
Month Five
Month Six
Month Seven
Month Eight
Month Nine
Month Ten
Month Eleven
Month Twelve
9,296 ASU
King Harwyn 'Forkbeard' Lynch Aegis, Peder Ulric Moon Frost, Erik ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis, Edith ‘Dragontail’ Lynch Aegis, Madlyn Lynch Aegis, King Radcliff Cadoc, Ralf Cadoc, Lord Braden Woodsmith, Shield-Maiden Nena Woodsmith and forces raid the Cinders System.
King Harwyn 'Forkbeard' Lynch Aegis, Peder Ulric Moon Frost, Erik ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis, Edith ‘Dragontail’ Lynch Aegis, Madlyn Lynch Aegis, King Radcliff Cadoc, Ralf Cadoc, Lord Braden Woodsmith, Shield-Maiden Nena Woodsmith and forces raid the Hallowmere System.
King Harwyn 'Forkbeard' Lynch Aegis, Peder Ulric Moon Frost, Erik ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis, Edith ‘Dragontail’ Lynch Aegis, Madlyn Lynch Aegis, King Radcliff Cadoc, Ralf Cadoc, Lord Braden Woodsmith, Shield-Maiden Nena Woodsmith and forces raid the Tamriel System.
King Harwyn 'Forkbeard' Lynch Aegis, Peder Ulric Moon Frost, Erik ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis, Edith ‘Dragontail’ Lynch Aegis, Madlyn Lynch Aegis, King Radcliff Cadoc, Ralf Cadoc, Lord Braden Woodsmith, Shield-Maiden Nena Woodsmith and forces raid the Highburn System.
Birth of Garth Moon Frost. Son of Peder Ulric Moon Frost and Edith ‘Dragontail’ Lynch Aegis.
Month One
Month Two
Month Three
Month Four
Month Five
Month Six
Month Seven
Month Eight
Month Nine
Month Ten
Month Eleven
Month Twelve
9,297 ASU
King Harwyn ‘Forkbeard’ Lynch Aegis, Peder Ulric Moon Frost, Erik ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis, Edith ‘Dragontail’ Lynch Aegis, Madlyn Lynch Aegis, King Radcliff Cadoc, Ralf Cadoc, Lord Braden Woodsmith, Shield-Maiden Nena Woodsmith and forces raid the Bedholm System. Many of the towns and cities are destroyed. 
Birth of Prince Oswyn Gisking to King Oswald ‘The Unready’ Gisking and Jessica ‘Of Bloom’ Brand.
Month One
Month Two
Month Three
Month Four
Month Five
Month Six
Month Seven
Month Eight
Month Nine
Month Ten
Month Eleven
Month Twelve
9,298 ASU
Prince Edmund 'The Great' Lynch Aegis, is taken to serve the Jom as a ward and hostage.
Prince Edmund 'The Great' Lynch Aegis and Cassandra Tyr become fast friends as wards of the Jom.
Cassandra Tyr, is taken to serve the Jom as a ward and hostage.
The Furse of Flynn rebel against the High King XXXXX of Eriu.
Battle of
The Furse of Flynn are defeated in battle.
King Harwyn ‘Forkbeard’ Lynch Aegis, Peder Ulric Moon Frost, Erik ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis, Edith ‘Dragontail’ Lynch Aegis, Madlyn Lynch Aegis, King Radcliff Cadoc, Ralf Cadoc, Lord Braden Woodsmith, Shield-Maiden Nena Woodsmith and forces raid the Fort Alder System.
King Harwyn 'Forkbeard' Lynch Aegis, Peder Ulric Moon Frost, Erik ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis, Edith ‘Dragontail’ Lynch Aegis, Madlyn Lynch Aegis, King Radcliff Cadoc, Ralf Cadoc, Lord Braden Woodsmith, Shield-Maiden Nena Woodsmith and forces raid the King’s Gate System.
King Harwyn 'Forkbeard' Lynch Aegis, Peder Ulric Moon Frost, Erik ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis, Edith ‘Dragontail’ Lynch Aegis, Madlyn Lynch Aegis, King Radcliff Cadoc, Ralf Cadoc, Lord Braden Woodsmith, Shield-Maiden Nena Woodsmith and forces raid the Marhold System.
Battle of XXXXX.
Death of Madlyn Lynch Aegis. 
Madlyn Lynch Aegis is killed in battle with forces of King Oswald ‘The Unready’ Gisking.
The Furse force leaves the Commonwealth of Drala with much loot and pillage and heads for the Furmann Sector.
King Harwyn 'Forkbeard' Lynch Aegis, Peder Ulric Moon Frost, Erik ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis, Edith ‘Dragontail’ Lynch Aegis, Madlyn Lynch Aegis, King Radcliff Cadoc, Ralf Cadoc, Lord Braden Woodsmith, Shield-Maiden Nena Woodsmith and forces defeat the forces of King Oswald ‘The Unready’ Gisking in battle. It is costly in lives.
King Harwyn 'Forkbeard' Lynch Aegis, Erik ‘of Highpass’ Worth Aegis, King Radcliff Cadoc, Ralf Cadoc, Lord Braden Woodsmith, and others are paid off by King Oswald ‘The Unready’ Gisking for peace.
Peder Ulric Moon Frost is granted the rank of System-lord of Isca and Lord of the West by King Oswald ‘The Unready’ Gisking in return for loyalty and service and protection of the Dumgarth Sector.
Peder Ulric Moon Frost swears his loyalty to King Oswald ‘The Unready’ Gisking.
King Radcliff Cadoc, Ralf Cadoc, Lord Braden Woodsmith, Shield-Maiden Nena Woodsmith offer oaths of loyalty to System-lord Peder Ulric Moon Frost.
Month One
Month Two
Month Three
Month Four
Month Five
Month Six
Month Seven
Month Eight
Month Nine
Month Ten
Month Eleven
Month Twelve
9,299 ASU
King Oswald ‘The Unready’ Gisking launches an attack into western Kaledon Space.
Ethan Cook, is seduced by Mary-Beth, a woman twice his age, and like a mother to him. It proves to be an affair which lasts until Bo enlists in the Guard. Her youngest son is likely his.
Battle of XXXX
Hunter Tusk marries the System-lord of Campania.
Birth of Sigrid Lynch Aegis, daughter to King Harwyn ‘Forkbeard’ Lynch Aegis, and XXXXX XXXXX.
Month Two
Month Three
Month Four
Month Five
Month Six
Month Seven
Month Eight
Month Nine
Month Ten
Month Eleven
Month Twelve

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