Timeline of events by Chronicles of Mann | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

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Preface 20,000 BSU - 15,001 BSU 15,000 BSU - 10,001 BSU 10,000 BSU - 5,001 BSU 5,000 BSU - 1 BSU 0 ASU- 999 ASU 1,000 ASU- 1,999 ASU 2,000 ASU - 2,499 ASU 2,500 ASU - 2,999 ASU 3,000 ASU - 3,999 ASU 4,000 ASU - 4,999 ASU 5,000 ASU - 5,999 ASU 6,000 ASU - 6,249 ASU 6,250 ASU - 6,499 ASU 6,500 ASU - 6,599 ASU 6,600 ASU - 6,699 ASU 6,700 ASU - 6,799 ASU 6,800 ASU - 6,899 ASU 6,900 ASU - 6,999 ASU 7,000 ASU - 7,049 ASU 7,050 ASU - 7,099 ASU 7,100 ASU - 7,149 ASU 7,200 ASU - 7,299 ASU 7,300 ASU - 7,349 ASU 7,350 ASU - 7,399 ASU 7,400 ASU - 7,499 ASU 7,500 ASU - 7,699 ASU 7,700 ASU - 7,799 ASU 7,800 ASU - 7,849 ASU 7,850 ASU - 7,899 ASU 7,900 ASU - 7,949 ASU 7,950 ASU - 7,999 ASU 8,000 ASU - 8,099 ASU 8,100 ASU - 8,199 ASU 8,200 ASU - 8,299 ASU 8,300 ASU - 8,399 ASU 8,400 ASU - 8,499 ASU 8,500 ASU - 8,599 ASU 8,600 ASU - 8,699 ASU 8,700 ASU - 8,799 ASU 8,800 ASU - 8,899 ASU 9,000 ASU - 9,099 ASU 9,100 ASU - 9,109 ASU 9,120 SU - 9,129 ASU 9,130 SU - 9,139 ASU 9,140 SU - 9,149 ASU 9,150 SU - 9,159 ASU 9,160 ASU - 9,169 ASU 9,170 SU - 9,179 ASU 9,180 ASU - 9,189 ASU 9,190 ASU - 9,199 ASU 9,200 ASU - 9,209 ASU 9,210 ASU - 9,219 ASU 9,220 ASU - 9,229 ASU 9,230 ASU - 9,239 ASU 9,240 ASU - 9,249 ASU 9,250 ASU - 9,259 ASU 9,260 ASU - 9,269 ASU 9,270 ASU - 9,279 ASU 9,280 ASU - 9,289 ASU 9,290 ASU - 9,299 ASU 9,300 ASU 9,301 ASU 9,302 ASU 9,303 ASU 9,304 ASU 9,305 ASU - Month One 9,305 ASU - Month Two 9,305 ASU - Month Three 9,305 ASU - Month Four 9,305 ASU - Month Five 9,305 ASU - Month Six 9,305 ASU - Month Seven 9,305 ASU - Month Eight 9,305 ASU - Month Nine 9,305 ASU - Month Ten 9,305 ASU - Month Eleven 9,305 ASU - Month Twelve 9,305 ASU - Month Thirteen 9,306 ASU 9,307 ASU 9,308 ASU 9,309 ASU 9,310 ASU - 9,399 ASU Out-Dated Times.

In the world of Chronicles of Mann

Visit Chronicles of Mann

Ongoing 904 Words

6,700 ASU - 6,799 ASU

5921 0 0

6,700 ASU 

6,701 ASU
Birth of Gwen Redmane Aegis, great granddaughter of King Offa Redmane Aegis.
6,702 ASU
6,703 ASU
6,704 ASU
6,705 ASU

6,706 ASU

6,707 ASU
6,708 ASU
6,709 ASU
King Humfrey Thenn Aegis, and her heir defeat a force of Fabian-Tutha. 12 Fabian-Tutha kings are slain but King Humfrey Thenn Aegis forces suffer many losses.
6,710 ASU
Many Furse from the Old Ruins flee to the Dragon’s Head Nebula where many new kingdoms are forged. They see the kingdoms the fled as the Old Kingdoms.
The Dragon’s Head Nebula is settled largely by people from four of the Old Kingdoms of southern Furse Space known as the Old Ruins.
6,711 ASU
6,712 ASU
6,713 ASU
6,714 ASU
Birth of Harlow Cerwyn.
6,715 ASU
6,716 ASU
6,717 ASU
Prince Gwen Redmane Aegis fights in her first battle against the Skoll.
6,718 ASU
6,719 ASU
6,720 ASU

6,721 ASU
6,722 ASU
Prince Gwen Redmane Aegis starts to become seen for her skill in battle against the Skoll.
6,723 ASU
6,724 ASU
King Humfrey Thenn Aegis, and her heir sack several Fabian-Tutha worlds.
6,725 ASU
6,726 ASU

6,727 ASU
6,728 ASU
6,729 ASU
6,730 ASU
Western Fabian Space falls to Furse Warlords who flee the Skoll in the proto-Old Ruins.
6,731 ASU
6,732 ASU
King Ella Shore arrives in the Dragon’s Head nebula within the south of the Kingsgate Sector with her three children, and 3 warships.
6,733 ASU
King Ella Shore defeats forces in the Tamriel System, and conquers the world. Many Fabian-Tutha flee.
6,734 ASU
King Ella Shore is crowned King.
6,735 ASU
6,736 ASU
6,737 ASU
6,738 ASU
Death King Humfrey Thenn Aegis.
6,739 ASU
6,740 ASU
King Harlow Cerwyn creates the Kingdom of the Salians with her conquests of Galo Space in the north west of Fabian Space.
Kingdom of the Salians is created by a Furse Warlords who unites all the Salians of the Old Kingdom.
6,741 ASU
6,742 ASU
King Harlow Cerwyn is crowned king of the Sal.
6,743 ASU
6,744 ASU
6,745 ASU
6,746 ASU
6,747 ASU
6,748 ASU
The Salian kings King Harlow Cerwyn,King Josslyn Cerwyn, and King Hadyn Lorch united to fight the last Fabian Dominion strong hold in Galo Space.
Together the Salians have a combined fleet of 375 Warships to the Fabian Dominions 250 Warships in Gato Space.
6,749 ASU
6,750 ASU
King Ella Shore defeats a large enemy force of Fabian-Tutha.
Many Fabian-Tutha flee the south of the Daxholm and Kingsgate sectors.
6,751 ASU
6,752 ASU
6,753 ASU
King Harlow Cerwyn, King Josslyn Cerwyn  are betrayed by King Hadyn Lorch. The 125 warships of King Hadyn Lorch refuse to join battle.
King Harlow Cerwyn, King Josslyn Cerwyn and the Salian fores defeats the last Fabian Fleet in Galo Space in the Fabian Dominion.
The Fabian General flees but is later captured and sent to King Harlow Cerwyn where he dies.
The Fabian Dominion loses all strength outside of Talus Space in the Western half of the Fabian Dominion.
King Harlow Cerwyn and her kin are betrayed by one of the Salian factions during the battle but still manage to handly defeat the Fabian Forces. The Fabians lose all strength outside of Talus Space in the western half of the Fabian Dominion.
6,754 ASU
6,755 ASU

6,756 ASU
6,757 ASU
Death of King Paxter Redmane Aegis, killed by the Skoll.
6,758 ASU
Gwen Redmane Aegis is crowned King of Sceaf.
6,759 ASU
King Gwen Redmane Aegis after years of fighting the Skoll like her forefather Offa, retreats from Sceaf for the Dragon’s Head Nebula.

6,760 ASU
6,761 ASU
6,762 ASU
King Ella Shore takes the world of Fort Alder. When the world was captured it is said none were left alive, although these legend likely refers to the bases on the world.
6,763 ASU
King Ella Shore is Proclaimed the 1st High King of the Old Kingdoms.
6,764 ASU
Harlan Winta Aegis conquers the Rustberry System.
6,765 ASU
King Harlan Winta Aegis is crowned the 1st King of Winta on the world of Rustberry.
Many Furse heading to northern Drala use the world of Rustberry as a staging point.
Winta, a Balt warlord, invades the world of Axeholm, and creates the Kingdom of the Axe, and founds the House of Winta.
Creation of the Kingdom of Winta.
6,766 ASU
6,767 ASU
6,768 ASU
6,769 ASU
6,770 ASU
King Harlow Cerwyn is converts to the Fabian Faith.
6,771 ASU
King Harlow Cerwyn defeats a Furse Warlord on her western borders.
6,772 ASU
Lydia Gisking Aegis and her children arrive in the south the Dragon’s Head Nebula in the Daxholm Sector with 5 Warships. 
Lydia Gisking Aegis a minor noble of the Old Kingdom Sax.
6,773 ASU
6,774 ASU
6,775 ASU
The Fall of Fabia
The Fabian Dominion falls in the west with the sack of Fabia. Fabian Dominion Withdraws to the eastern half of it’s empire. The western half is overrun with Furse Warlords. 
6,780 ASU
Furse Warlords build what would become the Kingdom of Dunum in western Fabian Space. They convert to the Fabian Faith.
6,781 ASU
6,782 ASU
6,783 ASU
6,784 ASU
6,685 ASU
6,786 ASU
6,787 ASU
6,788 ASU
6,789 ASU
6,790 ASU
Furse Warlords taken over the south west of the Fabian Dominion. They convert to the Fabian Faith. The nations of Jaca, Bardulia, Galbiana, and Nabar are forged from this.
6,791 ASU
King Hadyn Lorch and her heir are captured and handed over to King Harlow Cerwyn.
6,792 ASU
King Harlow Cerwyn defeats a Furse Warlord on her southern border.
6,793 ASU
Birth of Taryn Ice Aegis.
6,794 ASU
Birth of Duncan Sledd Aegis.
6,795 ASU
King Harlow Cerwyn suggests to Frederick Cerwyn that he would be a good king.
6,796 ASU
King Hadyn Lorch and her child are killed by King Harlow Cerwyn.
6,797 ASU
Lydia Gisking Aegis and her children kill an important Fabian-Tutha noble.
6,798 ASU
King Harlow Cerwyn removes King Josslyn Cerwyn from power and executes her along with a brother Bob Cerwyn. Her other sister is killed on the Order of King Harlow Cerwyn.
King Harlow Cerwyn has Frederick Cerwyn killed after Frederick Cerwyn kills his own father to claim the kingship.
6,799 ASU
King Harlow Cerwyn laments the loss of so much family.

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