Timeline of events by Chronicles of Mann | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

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Preface 20,000 BSU - 15,001 BSU 15,000 BSU - 10,001 BSU 10,000 BSU - 5,001 BSU 5,000 BSU - 1 BSU 0 ASU- 999 ASU 1,000 ASU- 1,999 ASU 2,000 ASU - 2,499 ASU 2,500 ASU - 2,999 ASU 3,000 ASU - 3,999 ASU 4,000 ASU - 4,999 ASU 5,000 ASU - 5,999 ASU 6,000 ASU - 6,249 ASU 6,250 ASU - 6,499 ASU 6,500 ASU - 6,599 ASU 6,600 ASU - 6,699 ASU 6,700 ASU - 6,799 ASU 6,800 ASU - 6,899 ASU 6,900 ASU - 6,999 ASU 7,000 ASU - 7,049 ASU 7,050 ASU - 7,099 ASU 7,100 ASU - 7,149 ASU 7,200 ASU - 7,299 ASU 7,300 ASU - 7,349 ASU 7,350 ASU - 7,399 ASU 7,400 ASU - 7,499 ASU 7,500 ASU - 7,699 ASU 7,700 ASU - 7,799 ASU 7,800 ASU - 7,849 ASU 7,850 ASU - 7,899 ASU 7,900 ASU - 7,949 ASU 7,950 ASU - 7,999 ASU 8,000 ASU - 8,099 ASU 8,100 ASU - 8,199 ASU 8,200 ASU - 8,299 ASU 8,300 ASU - 8,399 ASU 8,400 ASU - 8,499 ASU 8,500 ASU - 8,599 ASU 8,600 ASU - 8,699 ASU 8,700 ASU - 8,799 ASU 8,800 ASU - 8,899 ASU 9,000 ASU - 9,099 ASU 9,100 ASU - 9,109 ASU 9,120 SU - 9,129 ASU 9,130 SU - 9,139 ASU 9,140 SU - 9,149 ASU 9,150 SU - 9,159 ASU 9,160 ASU - 9,169 ASU 9,170 SU - 9,179 ASU 9,180 ASU - 9,189 ASU 9,190 ASU - 9,199 ASU 9,200 ASU - 9,209 ASU 9,210 ASU - 9,219 ASU 9,220 ASU - 9,229 ASU 9,230 ASU - 9,239 ASU 9,240 ASU - 9,249 ASU 9,250 ASU - 9,259 ASU 9,260 ASU - 9,269 ASU 9,270 ASU - 9,279 ASU 9,280 ASU - 9,289 ASU 9,290 ASU - 9,299 ASU 9,300 ASU 9,301 ASU 9,302 ASU 9,303 ASU 9,304 ASU 9,305 ASU - Month One 9,305 ASU - Month Two 9,305 ASU - Month Three 9,305 ASU - Month Four 9,305 ASU - Month Five 9,305 ASU - Month Six 9,305 ASU - Month Seven 9,305 ASU - Month Eight 9,305 ASU - Month Nine 9,305 ASU - Month Ten 9,305 ASU - Month Eleven 9,305 ASU - Month Twelve 9,305 ASU - Month Thirteen 9,306 ASU 9,307 ASU 9,308 ASU 9,309 ASU 9,310 ASU - 9,399 ASU Out-Dated Times.

In the world of Chronicles of Mann

Visit Chronicles of Mann

Ongoing 684 Words

7,800 ASU - 7,849 ASU

5906 0 0


7,800 ASU 

7,801 ASU 

7,802 ASU 
King Pip 'The Short' Martel Cerwyn Is crowned king of the Salians.

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7,811 ASU 

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7,815 ASU 

7,816 ASU 
Caderyn Martel Cerwyn becomes one of a Lord of the Palace of XXXXX, one of many much palaces.

7,817 ASU 

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7,826 ASU 

7,827 ASU 

7,828 ASU 

7,829 ASU 

7,830 ASU 

7,831 ASU 

7,832 ASU 
King Pip 'The Short' Martel, and his forces defeat Lord of Octana in battle.
Death of the Lord of Octana.
The world of Octana submits to the King of the Salians King Pip 'The Short' Martel.

7,833 ASU 

7,834 ASU 

7,835 ASU 

7,836 ASU
Death of King Pip 'The Short' Martel Cerwyn.
King Caderyn Martel Cerwyn is crowned King of the Salians.
Heahmund Aegis is crowned one of the three High Kings of the Furse Empire.
The Skoll make themselves known in Furse Space with an attack on the Sigtuna System.
High King Jom Aegis is attacked at his crowning by the Skoll but manages to defeat them.

7,837 ASU
High King Jom Aegis, and High King Ubba Judge launch forces against the Skoll while High King Heahmund Aegis remains behind as the laws command.

7,838 ASU
Uprising of the Dascon and the Octana
Lord Waifar of Octana, and Lord XXXXX of Dascon rises in rebellion against the King of the Salians 
King Caderyn Martel Cerwyn.
High King Ubba Judge is defeated by the Skoll, and his fleet wiped out.

7,839 ASU
King Caderyn Martel Cerwyn puts aside his first wife.
King Caderyn Martel Cerwyn defeats Lord Waitfar of Octana in Battle.
Lord Waifar flees to his ally the Lord of Dason
Lord Waifar is handed over to King Caderyn Martel Cerwyn and executed.
Crowning of XXXXX as one of the High Kings of the Furse Empire.

7,840 ASU
King Caderyn Martel Cerwyn signs the treaty of XXXXX and marries a princess from Talus.

7,841 ASU
High King Jom Aegis defeats several Skoll forces before they can attack Furse worlds.

7,842 ASU
King Caderyn Martel Cerwyn divorces his second wife so he may take a new younger one.
King Caderyn Martel Cerwyn is married to XXXXX.

7,843 ASU
The Fabian Church on Lebuin in the Furse Holds Sector is sacked by Furse raiders.
High King Jom Aegis wins a victory against the Skoll in The Old Ruins.

7,844 ASU
King Caderyn Martel Cerwyn begins his first campaign in Old Furia. The first of 18.
The Furse Empire already struggling against the Skoll threat of the Ruins, is forced to wage war against King Caderyn Martel Cerwyn and send forces to Old Furia. 
High King Heahmund Aegis, one of the three High Kings of the Furse Empire is sent south to deal with King Caderyn Martel Cerwyn.
High King Heahmund Aegis known as a skilled commander losses fight after fight against King Caderyn Martel Cerwyn in Old Furia.

7,845 ASU
King Caderyn Martel Cerwyn sacks the world of Eres in punishment for the sack on Lebuin.
The world of Eres falls after several failed attempts, and hard fighting. Much of the planet surface is destroyed.
Eres becomes a Tomb World.
King Caderyn Martel Cerwyn has the people of Eres resettled and the Furse Shrines destroyed.
Shrines thousands of years old are destroyed.
King Caderyn Martel Cerwyn wins several victories against High King Heahmund Aegis and takes several systems.
The Star Fortress of Hohen falls to King Caderyn Martel Cerwyn.
High King Heahmund Aegis is forced to withdraw from Old Furia but vows to return.

7,846 ASU
Year after year the High King Jom Aegis fighting against Skoll is forced to send more and more forces south.

7,847 ASU
King Caderyn Martel Cerwyn, and his uncle begin to campaign in Talus.

7,848 ASU
King Caderyn Martel Cerwyn is crowned the ‘Iron Crown’ of the Kings of the Bards in northern Talus.
Only the Lord Zotton of Zotto refused to bend the knee and remained independent of King Caderyn Martel Cerwyn.
The Star Fortress of Hohen is re-taken by  Filip Kidd.

7,849 ASU
High King Jom Aegis destroys one of the Skoll’s Galaxy Jump Gates in the Old Ruins, and greatly reduces their strength.

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