Gigia Settlement in Terraloga | World Anvil
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Gigia is the city located near the Gioson river. The town is responsible for, not far from there, a dam that controls the river flow from its source known as Lake Gios.


The city is ruled by the local governer Damian Rufius in collaboration with Catastus Umbrius Noster from Valonia Empire.


The town was formed in around 800 BVE at the riverside of Gioson river, under the territoy of the Empire of Kritus. At first it's the encampment for an army during the empire's eastern conquest. Then in 747 BVE, the construction of the dam and the aqueduct began to support the growth of its capital, Knirk. The camp was being turned into the town for growing foods for workers durinf building and maintaining the project. Gigia's growing at consistant speed.

In 3 BVE unfortunately, the growth stopped when the dam was breanched during the Battle of Lake Gios, letting a large body of water flooded into the settlement.

After the catastrophe, many buildings had been destroyed including their oldest monument, and around 2,000 out of 10,000 people died or went missing.


Luckily then, the town began recovering with the help of volunteers from Valonia Empire, the newest overlord that caused the dam to breach. Even though the townspeople denied them at first, they soon was forgiven after seeing the afford volunteers putting on such activity and so began willing to help. Only a few years later, the town's back as it should be.

South Estisia
Founding Date
~800 BVE
10,620 (20 BVE)
7,912 (20 VE)
Location under
Owning Organization

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Author's Notes

26/10/2020 - Some additions.
12/5/2022 - Parent location added.

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