War of the Sacked Military Conflict in Terraloga | World Anvil
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War of the Sacked

War of the Sacked was the civil war between Kingdom of Valonia and the Empire of Kritus.

The Conflict


For 15 years, the kingdom suffered for being puppet of Kritus (The Old Lord as some sources said) in which citizens were forced to work for the empire's sake. The period had come to an end when the rebellion known as the Sacked able to fight back and captured the city of Valone with the power of guns, bombs, and cannons.

the Kritus come back with troops to take back the city, which surprisingly ended in Valonian's victory, officially started the civil war.


They were fighting around the central region of South Estisia, raiding town by towns until the empire start to weaken.

The Engagement

The most important engagement was the Battle of Lake Gios in 3 BVE, in which the rebel attempted to conquer its great dam where the capital relied on feeding. They sent most of their troop into the fight, but end in the devastated result. The dam breached by the unrealized power of the rebellion's arms wiped away most of them both, temporarily turned Gigia into ghost town, and destroyed millions of crops.


The great empire was dissolved, and the greater empire was formed.


The greater empire changed the climate of South Estisia's political power. They become the most powerful nation in the world. There might be some small uprisings in the early years, but these were quickly solved with the effectiveness of their political, diplomatic, and militaristic strategies.

Historical Significance


This event is definitely ended the longtime conflict of Kritus' claim the right of culture. As Valonia can acquire a similar ethnicity, this might be counted as the real unification.

Technological Advancement

Prior to the war, the Valonians had secretly developed a new kind of weapon from the mythical crystal, in which no one had ever seen before - even the Valonians did not sure if it was going to work, until they realized the length of their first engagement changed from months to weeks.

Conflict Type
Civil War
Battlefield Type
Start Date
15 BVE
Ending Date
14th April, 0 BVE
Conflict Result
Valonia victory


The Sacked

Led by


400,000 soldiers
1,000,000 soldiers




Defeat the empire
Destroy the kingdom

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Author's Notes

29/5/2020 - Minor update
18/5/2023 - Conflict type changed and some minor edit

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