Horseback and Chariot Tradition / Ritual in Terraloga | World Anvil
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Horseback and Chariot

Did I bet on the wrong horse?
— An unlucky richman about to lose his entire income.

Wherever horse live, there's Horse racing, a popular sport in the midland of South Estisia. From local competition to the national tournament, it's based on a single rule to find out who's the fastest.

A single horse is enough for them to ride, more than that it would belong to the Chariot Racing. Up to 4 horses per racer, this deadly but epic sport, which could only be supported by the wealthies, also find the way to engage people for centuries - in this case, Valone

There, the citizens often go to watch the chariot racing tournament for free at the classic Rondius Intertemis or the larger Maximus Intertemis every 15th and 30th after works. In each game, eight participants decorated with their own flag and color go racing around the stadium for a total of 12 laps to win the Emperor's prizes; the prizes include a large amount of coinage, citizenship, and an invitation to his party for nights.

These fast and danger game provide spectators an excitement and joy. Various social activities are made there as well as various type of foods in which they never complain.

My life is full of excitement, but I'll never forget the one that was the glorious chariot games
Legna Gilmis, writer


Human is a competitive species. In the moment of their life, they somehow desire to be the best at something, and the fastest horse racer is one of them. It's unknown when the first horse racing began, but according to historians, the first proper horse racing tournament ever recorded was held at Knirk, Empire of Kritus, 1024 BVE.


Technically, everyone in society can participate in this sport. All they need is a professional riding skill and their favorite ridable friend which can afford from the local stable, or domesticate from the wild if they want something fresh and unexpected. The more its strengh and agility, the more expensive.

For the official competition, however, they also need financial supports. Many horse racing teams represent a specific group of society and ideology. They're mostly to make fun of their rivalry.

The best well-known competition would be the Intertem Game. Every 4 years, the charioteers from around the provinces and invited states come to the race in various sports, and the chariot racing is held at the stadium of Knirk, the original stadium.

Related Ethnicities

Luck Investment

Every opportunity is profit, and thus the gambling comes in. It's the one way to get easy money by betting on whoever will finish the line first each lap, or even win the game. Depending on their bet, it can be a moment that changes their life to be better or broke.

Species | Nov 30, 2022

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Cover image: by elukac


Author's Notes

A Leisure Time, isn't it?
24/8/21 - Revision Attempt #1

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