Valone Settlement in Terraloga | World Anvil
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The City at the River's End

'All roads lead to Valone' isn't made up, my friends. I've been there before, and it's real.
Irg Merchants

The walled city of Valone is the capital of Valonia Empire. Located at a mouth of the Dirwen River, Valone dominate the west coast of the South Estisia as one of the biggest cities in the world.

Once started as a town of immigrants, it thrive to the greatest thanks to the hands of the royal family, to the point there was a century of no wars but merchants.

The Map of Valone by the unknown lightkeeper, 25 VE


Wall of Constantinople by Zlatko Tesic

The outsiders can only access through docks and gates of the great Wall of Sarton built around the city. The wall is always protected by guards all-day and night-long.

Speaking of protection, Valone has its own police department called the Royal Enforcement. Equivalent to Gunner Legion, they're enforcing laws and give the peace to every citizens and outsiders.


Fresh water is always abundant. The Dirwen river and a number of reservoirs and aqueducts supply the population, while waste goes through the sewer beneath the road flowing down to the outlet at the Tunnel River just beside the Inner Wall.

Outside the city, a giant road network start expending here, connecting the entire empire altogether, spreading their wisdom upon the foreign land much easier.


Valone houses all the main governmentel buildings of the empire, such as:

House of Wisdom

  • The main meeting place of the Valonia Senate, the main Valonian government. Unlike the ordinary senate, it rather functions as the advisory council for the emperor: The city ruler, the senetor, and the most powerful person alive.
  • The House connects to the Port Val, for the official guests and sometime the navy to park.
  • Institute of Knowledge

  • The Royal Research Academy built the institute to not only educating youthm but also the main research and development, providing the best technologies for the best our their people.
  • The Institute contain libraries and good workshops. Scholars from around the Estisia come in and out like a grocery store.
  • Rondius Fort

  • The headquarter of the Royal Military Institute. The best place for the Gunner Legions to train, and the Catasturions to recieve orders.
  • According to historians, the fort used to be the old Valone. It used to be such small until the city wall (aka the Inner Wall) was built.

  • Grand Palace of Valone

  • The residental complex of Rarmon Dynasty. It's consising of various buildings within the gigantic block protected by the palace walls.
  • The dynasty can built whatever they wanted in the site - some even let civilians to visit such as the Rondius Intertemis and The Tower of Eternal Light.
  • Industry & Trade

    Established on a wide Dirwen River, ships have to pass through Valone first, and so the bussling Port Dirwen. As such, one of the empire's main income is nothing but Tolls, collecting from the ships passing the Valonus Bridge - both exit and enter.

    Despite the lack of metals nearby, the city develop the good practise of Metal-working. Like the scholars, the city also attract craftmens to share their knowledge. Some even from guilds to collaborate for their greater good, which can be entrusted by the government.

    The biggest and oldest smithing guilds is Ferrum Faber. They can do a mass-produce orders with decentrailized model: Made component seperately, assigning tasks to their clients and later assembling at the headquarter. From the cutting-edge carpentry tools, to military equipments, Ferrum Faber does it all.

    Sart, the Valonian official currency.

    by Adcheryl

    Valone is also well-known from their Stoneworking. From the great Wall of Sarton, the Tower, and even bridges, these used materials from The Quarry of Sarton , providing high-quality marbles and granites for over 400 years, not including the artisans and a material commissions, as far as the Centralium.


    Valone City

    The capital city of Valonian since the age of Kingdom and the Empire. It's found by the group of thousand banished Krins. For the next few hundred years, with dedication and patience, it grows up to become one of the largest city on Earth.

    Points of interest

    The city was found on the grass plain between the ocean, the river, and the mountain. The landscape is so magnificent that if you look straight to the horizon, you can see a wide blue sky in the day, and a beautiful star in the night.

    There are many place to visit - some of them even survived the Sacked of 30 BVE. There are the Quarryman's Pub, the Rondius Intertemis, the Maximus Intertemis, and of course—The Tower of Eternal Light.

    by J C


    the tower
    by Adcheryl

    A dark orange-red tile roof and white walls is a very common in Valone. Brick Tenements, the 2-4 storeys high aprtment made of clays and woods, can be found commonly around the city especially around the Val Forum in the South Quarter.

    Essential buildings such as institutes or ports are made of harder materials like granite or marble. Granites are used for the foundation and frame, whereas marbles are rather used for decoration, especially statues, pillars, and floors.

    The Tower of Eternal Light

    Among well-decorated and exquisitely built institutional buildings, the most significant structure is actually a tall inland lighthouse beside the palace, where the light never stopped shining. Built in 171 BVE, it became the tallest structure in the world, so high that you can see an overall view of the entire city from the top, seeing the mix of orange-red roofs and white walls as such.

    Furthermore, the tower also contains statesman's statues to learn their legacies, with 4 of them attached to each side of the tower. Those figures are:

  • North: Sarton I: The king of professions.
  • East: Valus I: The king who defend the empire.
  • West: Parlov Indus: The great scientist.
  • South: Val, The Great: The founder.
  • The statues change overtime, depending on the Senate's decision.

    Founding Date
    400 BVE
    Alternative Name(s)
    The Kingdom at the River's End, The West Knirk
    Related Ethnicities
    Inhabitant Demonym
    Location under
    Ruling/Owning Rank
    Owning Organization
    Characters in Location


    • The city was found by the group of Krins being banished from the Empire of Kritus. They were led by Val, who declared himself as the first king of Valonia. The settlement then become the Rondius Fort.
    • In 320 BVE, in the reign of Sarton I, The Great Wall of Sarton had been built, supplying by the nearby great quarry at the other side of the river.
    • From 210 to 30 BVE, Valone entered the Age of Wealth and Peace, considering to be its golden age; The city grew skyrocketed, no wars involved, and many merchants kept travelling here to build up their fortune. The Tower of Eternal Light was built during this period, as well as the the wall extension.
    • Unfortunately, nothing lasted forever. As a result of Valonia losing the war against the Kritus, it became severely sacked. Many buildings burned down, crumbled, or demolished to build Krin's own monument, requireing slavery to an extreme.
    • Luckily, thanks to the independence force in 15 BVE, the city was rebuilt to be as beautiful as before, and became as it is to these days.

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    Articles under Valone

    Guild Feature

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    Town of Valone

    400 BVE 211 BVE

    Once the city's found, the people of Valone tried their best to live.

    City of Valone

    210 BVE 30 BVE

    Also known as the Age of Wealth and Peace.

    Under Krin's Rule

    29 BVE 0 BVE

    • 29 BVE

      12 April

      Legally Sacked
      Political event

      To wage the empire's war of reconquest, Dominus decided to enact the law of brutal taxation and anything to humiliate Valonians as much as possible. This action leads the rebellion to be assembled.

    • 27 BVE

      21 October
      26 BVE

      17 April

      Second Siege of Valone
      Military: Battle

      Valone has very organized infrastructure and strong fortification. If the rebel can capture this, they could defend themselves and get even more supplies and troops, which should be able to weaken the Kritus and finally have a chance to sign a peace treaty.

      Unfortunately, they failed.

    • 20 BVE

      15 April
      19 BVE

      Invention of Firearms
      Technological achievement

      It turned out that Catastropium didn't have any magic at all, though Valus still believed on it. He secretly sent it to R.R.A. to extract its power. The development was led by his friend, Parlov Indus.

      Because of this, the big day was hold up.

    • 15 BVE

      25 June
      15 BVE

      30 June

      The Uprise of Purple Blast

      The Sacked by Adcheryl

      The rebellion again attempts major uprising, this time however, it come with a BANG. Five-days revolt to storm the grand palace and Rondius Fort ended with trimpth, making the city back to their hands eventually.

      The leader this time is Valus Rarmon, the lost heir, making the event to be also known as Rarmon's Revolution.

    • 15 BVE

      10 July
      15 BVE

      20 August

      Third Siege of Valone
      Military action

      The rebellion had to prepare defenses for upcoming armies of Kritus; Cannons installed, legions being trained, and more crystal they produced was brought up from an underground farm. Although the revolution was done successfully, they still entirely not sure if those new inventions can be able to defeat more bigger armies.

      By the end however, they managed to not only force attackers to retreat, but also causes heavy catualties like both sides have never seen; More than half of attackers died within a month.

      The siege inspired them to consider not only to fight for independence, but an oppotunity to stop the empire's influence upon themselve as well.

      Additional timelines
    • 2 BVE

      Invention of Engine
      Technological achievement

      The country invent some kind of power, mechanically.

    Imperial Era

    1 VE 49 VE


    50 VE and beyond

    This is the present now. Nothing special happen unless you make your own~

    • 25 VE

      10 May

      Death of the Savior
      Life, Death

      The great savior has gone. From here, the future of the empire will belong to his son Rondius V, and the next generations to come.


    Author's Notes

    20/10/2019 - Slightly grammatical changes
    28/5/2020 - History updated
    4/6/2021 - Reworking
    19 - 20/4/2023 - Major revision
    6/1/2024 - Minor edit
    8/1/2024 - Icon added

    Please Login in order to comment!
    Apr 20, 2023 14:12

    I love your points of interest.

    Graylion - Nexus   Roleplaying
    not Ruleplaying
    not Rollplaying
    Apr 20, 2023 16:30

    Thank you! :3

    Apr 20, 2023 14:20 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    I love that map, it looks so good - and the sketchy art looks amazing on your page background too. Valone seems like it would be an impressive city to visit. I really like the description of the architecture; it conjured a vivid image for me. :)

    Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
    Apr 20, 2023 16:38

    Thank you. I figured out that sketchy arts fit the default theme the most. I'll keep sketching more although many of them here are years old. :)   Do you have any more feedback?

    Apr 21, 2023 12:41 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    Not off the top of my head, except that it's great :D

    Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
    Apr 21, 2023 13:44

    Awesome! Thank you again, I appreciated it. <3