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Martial Stances

5-Level Monk Feature
Beginning at 5th level, you can channel your ki into your entire body and enter martial stances that empower your martial prowess.   Each stance provides you with abilities and benefits that enhance existing monk features and may provide you with new features. Starting at 5th level, you master two of the stances which are detailed here. You master one additional stance at 8th level and 11th level.   As a free action on your turn, you can enter a martial stance that you know. (You can only use 1 free action a turn.) You retain the benefits of any stance that was active during the turn until the end of your turn. When you first enter a martial stance this combat, it costs 2 ki. You can switch into and out of that stance for 1 minute.   All stances allow you to end your stance early by performing a martial flourish. Your martial flourish ends the effects of the stance at the end of your current turn or when you switch stances. After performing a martial flourish for a stance, you cannot use that stance again until you have completed a short or long rest.   Your martial stances ends if you run out of ki points, or are knocked unconscious. You can only have two stances available at a time. The ki control, body awareness, and mental focus that is required to maintain ki circulation for different martial stances in combat is incredibly high. Your martial stances automatically end if you are raging or in a wild shape. If you have an active martial stance, you have a -10 penalty on concentration checks. Ease of movement and range of motion is imperative for a monk who is performing martial stances during combat. If you are wearing heavy armor, you will not be able to enter new martial stances or perform martial flourishes.   Martial Waltz After entering a martial stance, you are able to maintain ki circulation of one other martial stance. This allows you to dynamically adjust your combat strategies and your tactics when learning new information about your foes, the terrain, and your allies.   Changing stances for different situations allows you to maintain offense whilst also maximizing your defenses and evasive abilities. A master monk is cognizant of both their internal ki and the ki of the world around them. This technique will place a burden on your ki expenditure and require you to make split-second decisions when things go awry. The usage of your martial flourishes will drastically change the tides of battle, but will expend the ki you have invested in that stance. Will your monk plunge into the fray with their martial flourishes or will they play it safe and maintain their defensive strategy?

Created by

Raven Gladstone.

Statblock Type

Class Features (KS)
