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created by Raven Gladstone
ID Name Tags
Formless Ki monk
Advanced Martial Stances monk
Storm Caller ranger
Gust Dodge ranger
Bolt Step ranger
Static Charge ranger
Masterwork Magic ranger
Arrowcraft Munition ranger
Hand of Ultimate Mercy monk
Flurry of Healing and Harm monk
Physician's Touch monk
Hand of Harm monk
Hand of Harm monk
Implements of Mercy
Strength before Death fighter samurai
Rapid Strike fighter samurai
Tireless Spirit fighter samurai
Elegant Courtier fighter samurai
Fighting Spirit fighter samurai
Improved War Magic fighter ek
Arcane Charge fighter ek
Eldritch Strike fighter ek
War Magic fighter ek
Weapon Bond fighter ek
Spellcasting fighter ek
Relentless fighter battle
Improved Combat Superiority fighter battle
Know Your Enemy fighter battle
Combat⁠ Superiority fighter battle
Survivor fighter champion
Superior Critical fighter champion
Additional Fighting Style fighter champion
Remarkable Athlete fighter champion
Improved Critical fighter champion
Potent Psionics ranger psi
Rejuvenation ranger psi
Consumptive Power psion
Consumptive Power ranger psi
Psionic Ability ranger psi
Meditation ranger psi
Superior Hunter's Defense ranger hunt
Multiattack ranger hunt
Defensive Tactics ranger hunt
Tactician ranger hunt
Hunter's Prey ranger hunt
Elusive ranger phan
Phantasmal Strike ranger phan
Evasive ranger phan
Sure Strike ranger phan
Phantom ranger phan
Stalker's Dodge ranger deep
Stalker's Flurry ranger deep
Defensive Tactics ranger deep
Underdark Scout ranger deep
Hell's Vision ranger deep
Innate Resistance ranger bhnc
Focused Strike ranger bhnc
Defensive Tactics ranger bhnc
Urban Explorer ranger bhnc
Hunter's Quarry ranger bhc
Hunter's Quarry ranger bhn
Share Spells ranger bmc
Storm of Claws and Fangs ranger bmc
Superior Defense ranger bmn
Storm of Claws and Fangs ranger bmn
Exceptional training ranger bmcn
Extra Attack ranger attack
Ranger's Companion ranger bmcn
Ambush Master ranger non
Nature's Stamina ranger non
Evasion ranger non
Animal Empathy ranger non
Alacrity ranger
Opportunist monk shad
Cloak of Shadows monk shad
Shadow⁠ Step monk shad
Shadow⁠ Arts monk shad
Quivering Palm monk open
Triple Blossom Meditation monk open
Wholeness of Body monk open
Open Hand Technique monk open
Mass Contact psion tele
Mental Supremacy psion tele
Natural Telepath psion tele
Keen Insight psion tele
Planar Transposition psion trav
Effortless Journey psion trav
Memory of One Thousand Steps psion trav
Traveler’s Experience psion trav
Elemental Composition psion ego
Surge of Health psion ego
Psionic Resilience psion ego
Martial Training psion ego
Megakinesis psion kin
Psionic Push psion kin
Energy Attunement psion kin
Reaching Mind psion kin
Cosmic Awareness psion clair
Sense of Character psion clair
Psionic Investigation psion clair
Awakened Talent psion clair
Transcendence psion
Harness Subconscious psion
Rejuvenation psion
Potent Psionics psion
Mind Tool psion
Meditative Rest psion
Psionics psion
Raging Storm barbarian storm
Shielding Storm barbarian storm
Storm Soul barbarian storm
Storm Aura barbarian storm
Call the Hunt barbarian beast
Infectious Fury barbarian beast
Bestial Soul barbarian beast
Form of the Beast barbarian beast
Vengeful Ancestors barbarian ances
Consult the Spirits barbarian ances
Spirit Shield barbarian ances
Ancestral Protectors barbarian ances
Totemic Attunement Barbarian totemwarrior
Spirit Walker Barbarian totemwarrior
Aspect of the Beast Barbarian totemwarrior
Totem Spirit Barbarian totemwarrior
Spirit Seeker Barbarian totemwarrior
Intimidating Presence barbarian berserker
Mindless Rage barbarian berserker
Frenzy barbarian berserker
Signature Spells Wizard
Spell Mastery Wizard
Arcane Recovery Wizard
Sorcerous Restoration Sorcerer
Metamagic Sorcerer
Font of Magic Sorcerer
Stroke of Luck Rouge
Elusive Rouge
Slippery Mind Rouge
Blindsense Rouge
Reliable Talent Rouge
Evasion Rouge
Uncanny Dodge Rouge
Cunning Action Rouge
Thieves’ Cant Rouge
Sneak Attack Rouge
Expertise Rouge
Martial Arts Mastery Monk
Empty Body Monk
Timeless Body Monk
Diamond Soul Monk
Tongue of the Sun and Moon Monk
Improved Ki Techniques Monk
Stillness of Mind Monk
Evasion monk
Ki-Empowered Strikes monk
Martial Stances monk
Extra Attack monk
Unwavering Resolve monk
Deflect Missiles monk
Unarmored Movement⁠ monk
Ki monk
Martial Arts monk
Unarmored Defense monk
Indomitable fighter
Extra Attack fighter
Action Surge fighter
Second Wind fighter
Divine Intervention cleric
Destroy Undead cleric
Channel Divinity: Turn Undead cleric
Channel Divinity cleric
Superior Insp⁠iration bard
Magical Secrets bard
Countercharm bard
Jack of All Trades bard
Song of Rest Bard
Expertise bard
Font of Inspir⁠ation bard
Bardic Inspiration bard
Primal Champion Barbarian
Indomitable Might Barbarian
Persistent Rage Barbarian
Relentless Rage Barbarian
Brutal Critical Barbarian
Feral Instinct Barbarian
Fast Movement Barbarian
Extra Attack Barbarian
Danger Sense Barbarian
Reckless Attack Barbarian
Unarmored Defense Barbarian
Rage Barbarian
Arcane Art Artificer Tattooist
Eldritch Body Artificer Tattooist
Artistic Imprint Artificer Tattooist
Infusion Resonance Artificer Tattooist
Body Infusion Artificer Tattooist
Master Forgewright Artificer Forgewright
Arcane Smite Artificer Forgewright
Arcane Armament Artificer Forgewright
Master Composer Artificer Composer
Resonant Frequency Artificer Composer
Thunderous Note Artificer Composer
Musical Apparatus Artificer Composer
Arcane Armor artificer armorer
Master Puppeteer puppeteer artificer
Nimble Fingers puppeteer artificer
Strange Strikes puppeteer artificer
Marionette Strings puppeteer artificer
Living Shadow paladin shadow
Ebon Advance paladin shadow
Aura of Darksight paladin shadow
Lights Out paladin shadow
Shadow Smite paladin shadow
Master Aeronaut Artificer Aeronaut
Aerial Maneuvers Artificer Aeronaut
Flying Machine Artificer Aeronaut
Fortified Position Artificer Artillerist
Explosive Cannon Artificer Artillerist
Eldritch Cannon Artificer Artillerist
Permanency Ordinance druid nobelbeast
Bestial Servitude druid nobelbeast
Sovereign of Nature druid nobelbeast
Privileged Forms druid nobelbeast
Noble Shapes druid nobelbeast
Aspect of Ayrsai druid winterphoenix
Heart of Ayrsai druid winterphoenix
Winter's Bite druid winterphoenix
Circle Forms druid winterphoenix
Animalistic Adaptation druid winterphoenix
Archdruid Druid
Beast Spells⁠ Druid
Timeless Body druid
Wild Shape druid
Druidic druid
Natural Explorer ranger
Coup de Grace deepwood sniper
Masterwork Arrows deepwood sniper
Hit and Hide deepwood sniper
Keen Sight deepwood sniper
Arrow Craft fletcher ranger
Perceptive Eye ranger
Apex Predator Ranger
Feral Senses ranger
Cover of Darkness ranger
Hide in Plain Sight ranger
Nature's Blessing ranger
Hunter's Eye ranger
Scout ranger
Punishment of the Sun paladin sun
Heavy Weapon Mount
Improved Defender Artificer Battlesmith
Arcane Jolt Artificer Battlesmith
Steel Defender Artificer Battlesmith
Battle Ready Artificer Battlesmith
Master Dungeoneer Artificer Dungeoneer
Advanced ConstructArcane Improvisation Artificer Dungeoneer
Dungeoncraft Artificer Dungeoneer
Soul Engine artificer bonesmith
Improved Bone Armor artificer bonesmith
Necrotic Infusions artificer bonesmith
Necrotic Sacrifice artificer bonesmith
Bone Armor artificer bonesmith
Perfected Armor artificer armorer
Armor Modifications artificer armorer
Extra Attack Artificer Forgewright Aeronaut BattleSmith Dungeoneer armorer bonesmith
Armor Model artificer armorer
Chemical Mastery artificer alchemist
Restorative Reagents artificer alchemist
Alchemical Savant artificer alchemist
Experimental Elixer artificer alchemist
Phoenix Form paladin sun
Mother Above paladin sun
Sun's Warmth paladin sun
Holy Nimbus paladin devotion
Purity of Spirit paladin devotion
Aura of Devotion paladin devotion
Cleansing Touch paladin
Improved Devine Smite paladin
Aura of Courage paladin
Aura of Protection paladin
Extra Attack paladin
Divine Health paladin
Divine Smite Paladin
Lay on Hands paladin
Divine Sense paladin
Soul of Artifice artificer
Magic Item Master artificer
Magic Item Savant artificer
Spell-Storing Item artificer
Magic Item Adept artificer
Flash of Genius artificer
Tool Expertise artificer
The right tool for the job artificer
Infuse Item artificer