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Cosmic Awareness

17th-Level Psion Feature
Starting at 17th level, you attain cosmic awareness which is the high science of Clairsentience. It allows you to perceive all things that are occurring within 15 foot radius area of effect. You are essentially gifted with Xray vision that extends into the astral and ethereal planes. You see all inanimate features within the area of effect. You can see what is on the other side of the hill, detect hidden caves. See secret doors and traps, and even detect lodes of unusual minerals or other geological phenomena.   In addition to inanimate objects, you also perceive forces, winds, water currents, or spell effects such as glyphs of warding, areas of reversed gravity, and so forth.   All living creatures larger than a microbe are perceived. Cosmic awareness detects invisibility, detects evil/good. and detects magic without fail. Illusions are perceived for what they are. Creatures who are shapechanged or polymorphed are noted and their true forms understood. Ethereal, astral, phased, ectoplasmic. or gaseous creatures are seen as well. Details of the creature’s equipment are detected down to the number of gold pieces in their purses. You also hear all sounds and detects all smells within the area.   This feature last for 10 minutes or until you decide to put an end to it. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Created by

Raven Gladstone.

Statblock Type

Class Features (KS)
