AIM Specialist
Gadgetry: 8
Scientist: 8
Detective (Clue Analysis): 5
Martial Arts: 4
Weaponry ( ranged, exotic energy throwers ): 5
Connection: A.I.M (high)
Scholar (Use a Scientific Specialty that matches plot / appearance of scientist)
: Wealth 6 ( Approx. Annual Income : $80,000)
AIM Stun Glove
Body: 3, High Frequency Resonance Beam ( Mind Blast ): 7, Lightning (touch range only): 3, Flash: 5, R# 3
AIM Field Goggles
Body: 2, Shade: 5, Telescopic Vision: 9, R# 3
AIM Body Armor
Body: 6, Energy Absorption: 7
AIM Field Tookit
Contains all the necessary tools for field repair of standard AIM technology
AIM subvocal comminicator
Body: 1, Radio Communications: 9, R#: 2
Benchmark (based on current attributes above)
DEX (Dexterity)
The individual has agility equivalent to one who practices athletic abilities beyond what is required for daily living. Example: police officers, fire fighters, dancers, etc.
STR (Strength)
A normal human that can lift 200lbs over their head.
BODY (Body)
A normal human who is susceptible to normal amounts of pain.
INT (Intelligence)
This person's intellectual capacity rivals a professional who is one of ten authorities in a field of study or a born genius.
WILL (Willpower)
This individual has exceptional self-discipline and can remain calm and rational during a crisis.
MIND (Mind)
This person's mind is conditioned to withstand stressful conditions similar to those faced by police officers, firemen and doctors.
INFL (Influence)
This person has the ability to hold and draw the attention of a small audience.
AURA (Aura)
At this level an individual can leave a basic impression on someone.
SPIRIT (Spirit)
The person's Spirit is equivalent to that of an individual who can weather an assault on his or her core beliefs.
This person can afford to spend up to $1600 per week