Advanced Idea Mechanics

Created by Stan Lee and Steve Kirby in 1966 for Strange Tales #146 for Marvel Comics. Used in homage, without permission. No infringement of copyright is intended or implied.

The Vision


Once upon a time, a set of like-minded scientists and engineers shared a common vision: a world ruled by logic, by dispassionate evaluation, by SCIENCE! They set out a ruthless, efficient plan by which they would quietly take control of all true power in this world. Lesser minds would remain mired in their petty, ephemeral concerns until they had been locked into positions of proper function.


Results: Technology would advance at never-before-seen rates. Disease would be eradicated. Poverty would cease to exist. Intelligence – and the ability to properly apply it! – would become the sole determining factor of any individual’s worth.


The world would become an ideal meritocracy. Humanity would finally be able to realize its true potential!


(And at last, at long last, we would have flying cars!)


The Very Unacceptable Reality


With only one exception, every single major resource-acquiring project in the 21st century, necessary to complete before any of the big pieces of The Plan could be enacted, has been completely disrupted!


In the AIM meritocracy, the reward for success is greater control of assets, for greater scientific endeavour. The consequence of failure is death: the supervisor of a failed project traditionally is eliminated by his or her successor, immediately upon discovery of the flaw in the plan.


The Everyday Effort


No science is wasted. A.I.M. gathers information in successes AND failures. They are happy to confiscate another group’s inventions, which are then put to better use. AIM markets their cast-offs and lesser models to other villain organizations. They have collaborative business relationships with some villain organizations, trading information or offering deals on items known to be particularly relevant to the other’s primary interests.


All AIM personnel, when acting in official capacity, wear the company’s signature yellow. Members have at least a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in some area of science, mathematics, or business – and for the so-called “soft sciences”, significantly more expertise is required.


Generally not known to most people
including the heroes!

Current members of A.I.M.:

It definitely says
"not MODOK"
here, I'll give you
that one for free

People A.I.M. will go out of its way to harm/sabotage/blatantly defeat:

  • anyone who escaped destruction of The Eureka Settlement
  • Lex Luthor
  • Tesla Coil
  • Dr. Achilles Theron
  • Thunderstrike who keeps STEALING OUR STUFF
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Technocracy
Alternative Names
Advanced Idea Mechanics
Government System
Related Professions
Organization Vehicles


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