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Dawnflower's Kiss
0 GP
SLOT weapon
CL 20th
WEIGHT 4 lbs.
AURA strong evocation
This sacred weapon known as Dawnflower's Kiss is said to have been one of a dozen identical weapons created long ago when Sarenrae split open the world while fighting Rovagug. When she did this, fragments of the world turned molten by her blade flew from the battle, landing in remote parts of Golarion where they cooled and transformed into these potent scimitars. These weapons were sought out by her church and were entrusted to her greatest champions. Over time, though, those champions fell, and most of the blades were lost.   A Dawnflower's Kiss is a +4 holy flaming scimitar. In the hands of a worshipper of Sarenrae, the scimitar becomes a +5 holy flaming burst scimitar that functions as a divine focus for spellcasting. If used as a divine focus, the scimitar increases the save DC for the spell cast by 1.   Once per round as a standard action, the wielder can slash at the air with a Dawnflower's Kiss to fire a single bolt of searing light from the weapon.    Once per day, the wielder may instead unleash a sunbeam as a standard action.    Finally, by expending one use of mythic power, a worshiper of Sarenrae can, as a standard action, throw the sword to make a single atack against up to eight targets within 60 feet of her- all of these attacks resolve as melee attacks made at the worshipper's highest attack bonus.


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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

