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An item template is a quick sidebar template that describes a single item. created by Imper1um
ID Name Tags
Riftcarver conjuration evocation earth major artifact weapon defending unholy wounding scythe
Quasit Key conjuration teleportation magical plane shift wondrous item
Noriznigath evocation evil weapon longsword unholy
Nahyndrian Chisel transmutation evil nahyndrian magical
Mournful Razor necromancy transmutation weapon war razor
Master's Lash evocation fire whip flaming burst
Deskari's Tooth conjuration necromancy evil weapon dagger
Stole of the Inheritor abjuration artifact shoulders
Noose of Terminal Embrace conjuration transmutation neck
Mythic Amulet of the Abyss chaotic evil artifact minor neck
Heart of the Herald chaotic evil artifact major
Dawnflower's Kiss evocation artifact weapon minor
Chalice of Ozem abjuration evocation force artifact major
Talisman of True Faith divination magical
Stalker's Crossbow divination weapon magical
Fasciculous Labyrinthum artifact abjuration minor
Blancher adamantine pick weapon magical
Swarmlord's Jar conjuration
Swallowtail Bracers abjuration
Starbow evocation
Spherewalker's Staff conjuration
Shadowblood evil consumable drug evocation
Nahydrian crystal chaotic evil conjuration necromancy
Nectar of the Gods conjuration one-use mythic
Nahydrian Elixir chaotic evil artifact minor conjuration necromancy
Wardstone Shard abjuration one use single use
Imago Lens chaotic evil artifact major scrying crystal ball
Rod of Cancellation magical item rod abjuration
Bilious Bottle conjuration magical