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Deskari's Tooth
0 GP
SLOT weapon
CL 20th
WEIGHT 2 lbs.
AURA strong conjuration and necromancy [evil]
A gift to Areelu Vorlesh from Deskari himself, Deskari's tooth is a +6 anarchic unholy dagger that automatically casts soul bind whenever it is used to slay a foe, provided no soul is current stored in the blade. A soul of any power can be stored in the blade in this manner, but only one soul at a time. If the dagger's wielder is slain while a soul is contained in Deskari's Tooth, the soul is instantly consumed, the incoming effect/attack is negated, and the wielder instantly receives greater restoration and heal (gained HP is equivalent to the soul's normal body's maximum HP).   If Deskari's Tooth is used to perform a coup de grace on a lawful good creature, it can be used to cast lesser planar binding. If the lawful good creature has more than 11 Hit Dice, the dagger can instead be used to cast planar binding, and if the creature has more than 17 Hit Dice, it can instead be used to cast greater planar binding.


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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

