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Mournful Razor
182,308 GP
SLOT weapon
CL 20th
WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA strong necromancy and transmutation
A mournful razor is a +3 vorpal war razor capable of inflicting particularly distressing and demoralizing wounds. This weapon resides automatically to fit the hand of the wielder, from Tiny to Huge. Regardless of the weapon's size, it always functions as a light weapon. Each time a mournful razor damages a foe, the blade absorbs a tiny fraction of that foe's despair and sadness. Whenever a creature takes sneak attack damage from a mournful razor, the creature so damaged must succeed at a DC 26 Will save or be infused with these thoughts of despair and self-loathing. The target so affected by the weapon as a 50% chance to act normally each turn; otherwise, it takes no action. This curse persists as long as the target remains wounded from any source (it ends immediately once the victim is completely healed of all damage).
COST 91,308 GP


Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

