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0 GP
SLOT weapon
CL 20th
WEIGHT 80 lbs.
AURA strong conjuration and evocation [death]
Riftcarver is an immense weapon carved from exoskeleton plates pried from the body of the now-long-forgotten monstrosity that birthed Deskari into the Abyss. The demon lord emerged fully formed, and the crafting of this weapon was among his first acts. Riftcarver aided the demon lord tremendously in those first few thousand centuries of his life, and was the primary tool he used to dig the Rasping Rifts.   Riftcarver is a Gargantuan +5 defending unholy wounding scythe. As part of its first successful hit against a target in any one round, Riftcarver can infest a creature hit with rot grubs.   Once per minute as a standard action by striking at the ground, Riftcarver can create an earthquake centered on the target's location. Riftcarver's wielder never suffers any ill effects from earthquakes created by the scythe.   Once per day, the scythe can be swept through the air as a standard action to ripe a hole between worlds that serves as a 20-foot-diameter gate. This gate can only be used for planar travel, not for calling creatures. Riftcarver is made of a chitin of an Abyssal monster, yet it is treated as adamantine for the purposes of damaging objects and penetrating hardness.   Smaller version of this artifact, built to be used by Medium cultists, also exist. Called rotcarvers, the majority of these weapons have been captured and destroyed by the crusaders of the Fifth Crusade. A rotcarver is a +3 scythe that can infest those it strikes with rot grubs, or can transform its user into a rot grub swarm.


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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

