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Name Blood Lure School Enchantment
Spell Level 2 Range 10 feet
Casting Time 1 Action Duration 1 minute
Components V, S, M Materials Blood pool
Ritual No Concentration No
You point at any open liquid (a jar, a bowl, even a puddle) that contains at least a quart of blood. It flashes momentarily with sparkling light before regaining its former hue. Predators and creatures that feed on blood, including undead such as vampires, within 60 feet must make Charisma saving throws. Creatures with Keen Smell or any similar scent-boosting ability have disadvantage on the saving throw, while undead that feed on blood have advantage on the saving throw. Those that fail are drawn toward the blood; they must move toward it unless impeded.
Once an affected creature reaches the blood, it tries to consume it, foregoing all other actions while the blood is present. A successful attack against an affected creature ends the effect, as does the complete consumption of the blood, which requires just 1 action by an affected creature.


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