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Copyright of SRD Blocks   Permission to copy, modify and distribute the files collectively known as the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD5”) is granted solely through the use of the Open Gaming License, Version 1.0a.   This material is being released using the Open Gaming License Version 1.0a and you should read and understand the terms of that license before using this material.

Copyright of "Shared" Statblocks

Statblocks shared by the creators of World Anvil openly for the community falls under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International


created by NJ147
ID Name Tags
Twist the Skein combat divination cleric warlock
Targeting Foreknowledge combat divination bard cleric druid ranger sorcerer wizard
Soothsayer's Shield combat divination bard cleric druid ranger
Slippery Fingers combat divination bard cleric druid ranger sorcerer warlock wizard
Sidestep Arrow combat divination bard cleric druid ranger sorcerer warlock wizard
Seer's Reaction combat divination bard cleric druid ranger sorcerer wizard
Scry Ambush combat divination bard cleric druid ranger sorcerer warlock wizard
Litany of Sure Hands combat divination paladin
Insightful Maneuver combat divination cleric paladin ranger sorcerer warlock wizard
Heartstrike combat divination druid ranger
Foretell Distraction combat divination bard cleric ranger sorcerer warlock wizard
Energy Foreknowledge combat divination bard cleric druid sorcerer wizard
Distracting Divination combat divination bard cleric sorcerer warlock wizard
Distraction Cascade combat divination bard cleric druid ranger sorcerer warlock wizard
Avoid Grievous Injury combat divination bard cleric druid sorcerer warlock wizard
Anticipate Weakness combat divination bard cleric druid ranger sorcerer wizard
Anticipate Arcana combat divination cleric paladin sorcerer wizard warlock
Anticipate Attack combat divination bard cleric druid ranger sorcerer wizard paladin
Alter Arrow's Fortune combat divination bard cleric druid ranger sorcerer wizard
Wind Tunnel elemental sorcerer wizard warlock
Wind Lash elemental sorcerer wizard warlock
Tidal Barrier elemental sorcerer wizard warlock
Spire of Stone elemental sorcerer wizard warlock
Rolling Thunder elemental sorcerer wizard warlock
Riptide elemental sorcerer wizard warlock
Pyroclasm elemental sorcerer wizard warlock
Pummelstone elemental sorcerer wizard warlock
Frozen Razors elemental sorcerer wizard warlock
Frostbite (elemental) elemental sorcerer wizard warlock
Flame Wave elemental sorcerer wizard warlock
Entomb elemental sorcerer wizard warlock
Earthskimmer elemental sorcerer wizard warlock
Drown elemental sorcerer wizard warlock
Caustic Torrent elemental sorcerer wizard warlock
Blizzard elemental sorcerer wizard warlock
Acid Rain elemental sorcerer wizard warlock
Withered Sight time bard cleric druid ranger warlock wizard
Wall of Time time cleric sorcerer wizard
Time Vortex time warlock wizard
Time Loop time bard cleric druid sorcerer warlock wizard
Time Step time bard cleric ranger warlock wizard
Reset time bard cleric druid paladin wizard
Quicken time bard sorcerer wizard
Decelerate time druid ranger paladin sorcerer warlock wizard
Chronal Lance time sorcerer wizard
Anomalous Object time wizard
Accelerate time druid bard sorcerer wizard cleric
Write Memory clockwork
Winding Key clockwork
Tireless clockwork
Timeless Engine clockwork
Time Jump clockwork
Time in a Bottle clockwork
Tick Stop clockwork
Thousand Darts clockwork
Sphere of Order clockwork
Steam Whistle clockwork
Steam Blast clockwork
Soul of the Machine clockwork
Robe of Shards clockwork
Repair Metal clockwork
Read Memory clockwork
Power Word Restore clockwork
Pendulum clockwork
Overclock clockwork
Move the Cosmic Wheel clockwork
Molech's Blessing clockwork
Mechanical Union clockwork
Mass Repair Metal clockwork
Machine Speech clockwork
Machine's Load clockwork
Machine Sacrifice clockwork
Lock Armor clockwork
Imbue Spell clockwork
Hellforging clockwork
Heartstop clockwork
Fist of Iron clockwork
Find the Flaw clockwork
Grinding Gears clockwork
Gremlins clockwork
Gear Shield clockwork
Gear Barrage clockwork
Chains of the Goddess clockwork
Catapult clockwork
Call the Hunter clockwork
Armored Shell clockwork
Armored Heart clockwork
Animate Construct
Analyze Device clockwork
Absolute Command clockwork
Weapon of Blood
Vomit Tentacles
Vital Mark
Visage of Madness
Timely Distraction
Strength of the Underworld
Shroud of Death
St. Whiteskull's Borrowing
St. Parvalas's Risen Road
St. Blusen's Reaver Spirit
Sanguine Horror
Memento Mori
Hone Blade
Hobble Mount
Exsanguinating Cloud
Doom of the Slippery Rogue
Doom of Sepernt Coils
Doom of the Earthen Maw
Doom of Disenchantment
Doom of Dancing Blades
Doom of the Cracked Shield
Doom of Consuming Fire
Doom of Blue Crystal
Cruor of Visions
Conjure Undead
Caustic Blood
Bloody Smite
Blood Tide
Blood Spoor
Blood Lure
Umbral Storm
Shadow Realm Gateway
Shadow Puppets
Shadow Monsters
Night Terrors
Negative Image
Malevolent Waves
Douse Light
Dark Path
Dark Dementing
Conjure Shadow Titan
Cloying Darkness
Cloak in Shadow
Claws of Darkness
Call Shadow Mastiff
Black Ribbons
Become Nightwing
Banshee Wail
Scale Rot
Raid the Lair
Phantom Dragon
Legend Killer
Lair Sense
Kobold's Fury
Enhance Greed
Dragon Roar
Dragon Breath
Draconic Smite
Detect Dragons
Deadly Sting
Converse with Dragon
Claws of the Earth Dragon
Catch the Breath
Synaptic Static
Swift Quiver
Steel Wind Strike
Skill Empowerment
Rary’s Telepathic Bond
Raise Dead
Planar Binding
Negative Energy Flood
Modify Memory
Mass Cure Wounds
Legend Lore
Insect Plague
Infernal Calling
Holy Weapon
Hold Monster
Greater Restoration
Flame Strike
Far Step
Dominate Person
Dispel Evil and Good
Destructive Wave
Danse Macabre
Control Winds
Contact Other Plane
Conjure Volley
Conjure Elemental
Cone of Cold
Commune with Nature
Circle of Power
Dezzie's Hand graft
Banishing Smite
Antilife Shell
Animate Objects
Watery Sphere
Wall of Fire
Vitriolic Sphere
Summon Greater Demon
Storm Sphere
Stone Shape
Staggering Smite
Sickening Radiance
Shadow of Moil
Phantasmal Killer
Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere
Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum
Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound
Locate Creature
Leomund’s Secret Chest
Ice Storm
Hallucinatory Terrain
Guardian of Nature
Guardian of Faith
Greater Invisibility
Grasping Vine
Giant Insect
Freedom of Movement
Fire Shield
Find Greater Steed
Evard’s Black Tentacles
Elemental Bane
Dominate Beast
Dimension Door
Death Ward
Control Water
Conjure Woodland Beings
Conjure Minor Elementals
Charm Monster
Aura of Purity
Aura of Life
Arcane Eye
Wind Wall
Water Walk
Water Breathing
Wall of Water
Wall of Sand
Vampiric Touch
Tiny Servant
Tidal Wave
Thunder Step
Summon Lesser Demons
Stinking Cloud
Spirit Guardians
Speak with Plants
Speak with Dead
Sleet Storm
Remove Curse
Protection from Energy
Plant Growth
Phantom Steed
Melf’s Minute Meteors
Meld into Stone
Mass Healing Word
Major Image
Magic Circle
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Arrow
Life Transference
Leomund’s Tiny Hut
Hypnotic Pattern
Hunger of Hadar
Glyph of Warding
Gaseous Form
Flame Arrows
Feign Death
Erupting Earth
Enemies Abound
Elemental Weapon
Dispel Magic
Crusader’s Mantle
Create Food and Water
Conjure Barrage
Conjure Animals
Call Lightning