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Name Doom of Disenchantment School Abjuration
Spell Level 3 Range Self
Casting Time 1 Action Duration Up to 5 rounds
Components V, S Materials None
Ritual No Concentration Yes
When you cast doom of disenchantment, your armor and shield glow with unholy light. When a creature hits you with an attack, the spell counters any augmenting magic granting the attack a bonus to hit (but not advantage) or bonus damage. For example, a +1 weapon would still be considered magical but it gets neither +1 to hit nor damage against a target under a doom of disenchantment. The doom also momentarily suppresses other magical abilities or spell-like abilities of the attack. A sword of wounding, for example, can't cause ongoing wounds on you and you recover hit points normally. If the attack was a spell or spell-like ability, it's affected as if you'd cast counterspell, using Charisma as your spellcasting ability. Spells with a duration of instantaneous, however, are unaffected.


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