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Name Time Loop School Transmutation
Spell Level 6 Range 30 feet
Casting Time 1 Action Duration Up to 1 minute
Components V, S, M Materials A metal loop
Ritual No Concentration Yes
You capture the target in a loop of time. The creature is teleported to the space where it began its previous turn. The target then makes a Wisdom saving throw. If it succeeds, the spell’s effect ends. If it fails, the creature must repeat the actions it took on its previous turn, following the same sequence of moves and actions to the best of its ability. It doesn’t need to move along the same path or attack the same target, but if it moved, then attacked, on its previous turn, its only option is to move, then attack, this turn. If the space where the target began its previous turn is occupied or it’s impossible for the target to take the same action (if it cast a spell but it’s now unable to do so, for example), the target is incapacitated.
An affected target repeats the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect on itself on a success. For as long as the duration lasts, the target teleports back to its starting point at the start of each of its turns and it must repeat the same sequence of moves and actions.


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