The Tenets by Lakedus | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

In the world of Trutina

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Ongoing 97 Words

Primary Tenets

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  1. You shall not place yourself above the Great Mechanism.
  2. You shall not disturb the Gods of Order with mortal affairs.
  3. You shall reject Kaos and his evil teachings.
  4. You shall echo the sound of the Gods in your house.
  5. You shall ring the bells of the towers at 10:55, 11:00 and 00:00.
  6. You shall remind yourself and others of their purpose every day.
  7. You shall be content with your part in the Machinery.
  8. You shall turn the followers of Kaos away from your house.
  9. You shall keep your word.
  10. You shall not murder.
  11. You shall not steal.
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