The Tenets by Lakedus | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

In the world of Trutina

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Ongoing 119 Words

Natural Tenets

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  • Semernos is The Time God. He is the God of time, causation and consequences.
  • Enequila is The Judge Godess. She is the wife of Semernos and the Godess of law and justice.
  • Machina is Machine Godess. She is the Godess of the machines, automation and the creator of the Machinists.
  • Ostinatos is The Worker God. He is the God of determination, obedience and loyalty. 
  • Perviga is The Watchful Godess. She is the Godess of vigilance, perception and awareness. 
  • Elevalos is The Helpful God. He is the God of solidarity, empathy and cooperation.
  • Kaos is The Betrayer God. He is the God of Chaos, betrayal and power.
  • Sinistos is The Spawn of Kaos. He is the embodiment of evil and corruption
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